Chapter 2 "Busted...again"

Takes place where Chapter 1 left off...

"Pacey....did Jen just walk by?" Joey said hesitant

"Joey...Joey you have got to stop, no one knows about us except the people that" Pacey said taking her hand...

"Hey pace...when are we going to face(pause) everyone?" Joey said rubbing pacey hand over the pizza shop table

"Everyone?...are Dawson?" Pacey said in a low Voice "Joe....I can't take this hiding but we both know once the truth is out..." Pacey was saying before he came to a stop in his sentence

"We both know what Pace?" Joey said letting go of his hand

"That eventually....history will take over and when everything is laid out you'll realize that I was just a mistake" Pacey said putting his head down sort of.

"Pacey...if you think that...if you have doubt in me why we are we here now?" Joey said to pacey a bit upset

"Cause Joe...the simple fact of being with you....if just for a limited time, is worth everything to me. I don't know how these feelings just took over me...but I really just simply want's been 1 week since our first real kiss and every time I kiss you it feels just as wonderful" Pacey said touching Joey face leaning in to kiss her but Joey pulled back.

"This is all confusing. But Pace...don't doubt that what i feel for you is very well real...never be afraid of that so called history you speak of...because that's all it is. Now we have to tell him and Andie....the longer we wait the worst" Joey said

"Well...okay" Pacey said and this time Joey leaned in and kissed him.


Dawson, Pacey, Joey ,Jack, Andie, Will, buzz, Mitch and Jen are at the dock waiting for Pacey to Christian his boat.

"First and foremost I should probably thank Hurricane Chris for enabling a poor shlub like me to actually afford a boat like this, but secondly and more importantly, I'd like to thank everybody who pitched in. Everybody who scraped and sanded and polished and painted and otherwise helped out to get this boat back in the water. Some of course did that more willingly than others. (He gives Buzz a pointed glance. Buzz smiles.) So without further ado, I christen for you True Love." Pacey said...He breaks the bottle on the side of the boat. Everyone cheers and applauds. A/N-yes I did take this quote from the actual episode.

***10 minutes later***

"Hey Joey, how about you and me tonight in my room, we can watch any movie you just seems like you and me have been distant lately...if I didn't know any better I would think you are avoiding me" Dawson said to a tired looking Joey

"Avoiding you? never Dawson...I would really love to you know hang tonight but i have to do something... somewhere else" Joey said starting to walk away

"Joey! what are you doing tonight?" Dawson said not giving up

"Um...working on my wall Dawson...did you not see the size of that thing." Joey said covering up

"Okay Joey" Dawson said as if not believing her fully....he walked away.

Just then Pacey comes from behind and pulls Joey into the boat house....and they start to make out a lot....when suddenly the boat house door opens...Pacey and Joey Still kissing didn't hear the door....soon Joey notices and stop kissing....Pacey instantly turns around

"Oh no" Joey says as her voice seems to crack and kind of fades off.....


Hope you liked....I focused more on the p/j this chapter...well r/r