![]() Author has written 2 stories for Secret Saturdays, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. (There was supposed to be an image here) This is my cat, Silver. We got her on May 21st, 2005. I had just turned seven years old. It’s actually a cute and funny story. We had just moved back to California because my parents had a house from long before I was born. My dad and my brother had gotten to get a U-Haul for our stuff, and you could imagine his surprise that the moment he opened the door, a tiny little gray kitten was sitting in the driver seat and had hissed at him. I don’t remember the whole story, but the people at U-Haul didn’t know really anything about her, but my dad drove it back to our house with her behind the driver and passenger seats. That’s when we met her. She was just a tiny and cute little ball of gray fur. I don’t know how we convinced our mom, but we got to keep her! I think she came up with her name for her too. Over the years, she became a lot of fun, and she was weird. She had four different kinds of moods throughout the year. One mood: she would go into heat, and she would do the craziest things like, you know how cats seem to really like it when you pet the part right next to their tail on their backs? She would act like you just gave her an orgasm or something. I’m not kidding, lol. She also did this other weird thing where she would roll all around the floor like she had fleas (which she rarely did) biting her all over the place and she would reach out her paw, extended her claws, and drag herself across the carpet multiple times. Second mood: She would act like the happiest and most annoying cat on the planet. You could do anything to her, and most of the time, she wouldn’t get pissed off and try to bite/scratch you. She, specifically, loved to be around me. She’d sleep next to me or under the covers and follow me everywhere around the house. If I was in one room, you could bet she was somewhere very close by. If we were on opposite sides of a door, she would break it down to be on the same side of it as well. Not literally, of course, lol, but she tried. She would scratch the door or jump and grab on to the doorknob because she knew that’s how doors opened. Eventually she’d just give up and lay right in front of the door until I opened it. She also meow’d a lot, and hardly ever stopped. And when I joined the workforce about 3-4 years ago, she barely stopped while I was gone. She had a tendency to lick you like crazy. She would literally lick any part of your body. The parts she liked to lick the most was your face and your hair. Although, boys’ hairs, because I had long hair and she hated how it constantly got stuck in her spiky tongue. She would make a little cute noise inside her throat. I’m not sure how to describe it, but she would make the noise a lot, and I would talk to her in a high-pitched voice, and she always responded to it with that little noise, no matter what I said. I don’t know how that started. My guess was that I had said something randomly in that voice one day and realized she responded to it while she was in this mood, and I just kept using it for her from that point on. There was one Christmas, I think in 2006 after we moved back to Missouri, my brother and I got stuffed animals, an adult with a baby. My brother got a gorilla with a baby gorilla, and we noticed that Silver one day just started carrying it around, I guess, in substitute of an actual kitten, as she never mated like she wanted to. It was weird, but she loved the little thing, and adopted it. But it wasn’t the only thing she carried around. She loved socks like crazy, and you really needed to be careful when you took your socks off and where you put them, because if you put them where she could get to them, she’ll always take it. Happened to me so many times. She’d gather them all up together like a litter. A litter of socks with a baby gorilla. But her favorite would always be that baby gorilla. She also did this weird messaging thing on my legs when I had a blanket over them. She’d go from one leg to the other and just keep messaging it until she was satisfied. And she would purr the whole time. This is my favorite mood of hers, although it was difficult to sleep with her in this mood because she hardly ever slept, especially not through the night, and she’d be meowing and licking my face, which was very annoying. Third mood: The exact opposite of her second mood. She could not stand me around her, barely let me pet me, and definitely didn’t let me pick her up. She’d also hiss at me if I took it too far. All she did in this mood was eat, sleep, and use her litter box. She wanted nothing to do with anything else, not even her poor baby gorilla. It was impossible to give her a bath because she wouldn’t let me touch her. I definitely didn’t like this mood of hers at all. Fourth mood: Basically an inbetween of moods two and three. She wasn’t super duper happy or super duper mad. Just going with the flow, I suppose. There times where I would pet her in some ways, or sometimes wrestle with her, and she would be really mad. I could literally see the anger in her face, and knew she wanted to attack me. Usually she attacked my legs and bite and scratch the living hell out of them. I could only stop her with a spray bottle or going to another room and shutting the door behind me until she calmed down. At least she calmed down really fast, like in five or ten minutes or so, as long as I didn’t continue to (unintentionally) provoke her. As a child, I wasn’t the best to her. I would dress her up in one Build-a-Bear outfit for Halloween, which did kind of fit her, but she hated it, lol. I did things, like zip her up in a suitcase for whatever reason, and as a result, she grew a severe hatred for suitcases. Whenever we moved one, she would attack and hiss at it like crazy. Possibly out of PTSD, lol. She would hiss at it so much that you could eventually smell her hissy breath, and it smelled awful. In that picture above, it was taken on April 29, 2011. She was just taking a peaceful nap on my bed in our previous house. She loved laying in the sun. Even if it was shining out of one small window, she’d lay it. She’d even moved when it moved. Unfortunately, our current house doesn’t allow much sunshine in, so she lost that enjoyment a few years ago. Sadly, on April 3rd, 2019, at almost exactly 10:00pm at night, Silver passed away in my arms. She was almost 14 years old. We discovered a few months ago she had a lot of weird bumps on her tummy, and we could tell they were tumors. She had cancer. We tried to treat them with Frankincense, and she seemed to respond to it well. Most of them seemed to shrink. She was in her happy mood just two months ago. But then she quickly went downhill about roughly one month ago. First, it started with her hardly eating. She would jump onto a high place and staying up there to sleep for hours. I would climb on to something just to see that she was still there. We didn’t want her dying up there, so when she jumped down from it, we kept the door closed so that she wouldn’t jump up there again. So in place of that, she went to another room and laid under one of the beds. However, it was on a second floor, which meant she would have to climb up stairs, and maybe a week or two later, she could no longer do that and stayed on the first floor. My mom had suggested I put some towels in a big enough bucket for her to lay and pass away peacefully and comfortably in it. I had doubts that she would lay in it, because she was very picky about what she would lay on or in, but to my surprise, she did lay it in it within a day or two. Her body quickly became malnourished. It was like a walking skeleton with skin and fur on it. You could feel the outline of her bones. She could barely walk. She would not let us pick her up because of how much pain she was in. We quickly realized her back leg was swollen, but we didn’t know why. She limped on it and then just started dragging it. She did manage to continue eating, but we had to put the bowl right under her face. Although this past Friday, I was making tuna for lunch, and I was surprised to find her standing right next to me waiting for the tuna can. Now, it wasn’t entirely unusual, as whenever I had made tuna, I always gave her the can to lick clean as she loved tuna, but given the circumstances of her current state, I didn’t expect her to be waiting for me like she always had been, so I gave her the can that day and she licked it clean like she always did, for the last time. Almost a week before, she had stopped using the bucket to lay in, and we believe she couldn’t lift her body in to it anymore, and she had began laying under our kitchen table, so we moved the towels under there. We continued to feed her, but we never saw her drink any water. I had noticed how the area around her litter box was wet, which told me that she wasn’t able to get into her litter box to use it. Leading up to the last day or two, she stopped eating. She could barely walk anymore. When she tried to, she would just randomly fall to the floor. She tried jumping on to things, but she wouldn’t be able to and would completely run out of breath. On her last day, she appeared to be blind. Her eyes appeared glassy. My mom suggested that she needed me to be with her, that I would help her let go. We lifted her back into the bucket with the towels, and she couldn’t fight us as she had no more strength to do so. I carried her to my bedroom and put her on the bed next to me. She didn’t like it and wanted to move, but I had settled her back down and continuously caressed her face to let her know I was there and that she was ok. I eventually picked her up and laid half of the front of her body on top of my thigh, like she had always done throughout the years in her happy mood. She was breathing hard, and I could hear it. She had been doing so all night. Throughout this entire time, I would always check to see if her tummy would rise and fall with her breathing like it always did to tell whether she was still alive or not. This night, she had continued breathing until, suddenly and finally, she went silent. I checked her tummy and it was no longer rising up and down. My mom had decided earlier that it was time we took her to the vet to finally put her to sleep. We were going to take her the next day, although my mom didn’t expect her to live through the night, and she was right. I had been mentally preparing myself for this for weeks. Ever time I thought of it, I would break down in tears. Silver was the first pet I ever really had. She had been a part of most of my life. As long as I could remember. Sometimes she was a pain in the ass, but I loved her so much despite it. After she had taken her last breath, I sobbed so much. Her time had finally come. I called out for my mom and she came to see her. We had looked at her tummy now that we were finally able to, and tumors had definitely progressed. At this point, as I’m writing this, she had passed about two and a half hours ago. Her body is lying on my side just like it was when she passed, wrapped up in one of the towels she was lying on, as I cherish these last moments with her and figure out what to do with her in the morning. I did not think I would be home when she passed away. I was so afraid to come home from work every day and have my mom tell me that she was gone. I was grateful, at least, that that didn’t happen. That she didn’t leave without me being there for her during her final moments. I don’t think she would have wanted it any other way. I love you, Silver. I will miss you so much, and I will never forget you. (\_/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your profile to help him gain world domination. (Do it now!) If any of you guys want to PM, please do so. I love the Percy Jackson books, and my most favorite book is "The Mark of Athena," and my favorite characters in the book are Percy and Annabeth. I'm really glad that they finally got together and I love reading the stories that you guys write about them. I've been typing my stories, and I'm ready to publish them now. I have made my wiki for them and got it all set up, and I publish my stories on there too. Please check it out here: My favorite TV show is The Secret Saturdays. I really love that Zak is so caring for his family and I've written a love story about him with somebody new, and I've published it. I'm going to try and update everyday because I don't go to school so I would update much faster than the others. No offense. And after that story's complete, I'm going to publish a sequel for Percy Jackson, which will also feature somebody new among them, but I'm not going to wait until I finish writing that story to publish it because I'm going to have it follow all of the books, and there are a lot of them. I estimate there are going to be about 500 chapters . . . Yeah, I'm not going to wait that long. That's going to take me quite a few years to finish, and there's still more books being written. It's called The Gift of a Friend. I hope you guys check it out and let me know what you think! People want to believe that romantic relationships are wrong. That there's this "need" that in order to be happy, you have to have a relationship, and it's like you can't be happy single, but I disagree. There's nothing wrong with being/staying single. But, at the same time, there's nothing wrong with having a romantic relationship either, as long as one or the other is healthy. You have to love yourself before you can love anybody else. Let's take The Heroes of Olympus series for example. A lot of readers don't like it because it has a lot of romance in it. But so what? They're teenagers, a mixture of boys and girls, for God's sake. What do you expect? Romance is everywhere and can happy at any time. The majority of people on this planet have had a romantic relationship at some point or another. It's natural. I don't have any problem with someone staying single as long as they don't demean good and healthy romantic relationships at the same time. And if someone who is currently single but wants to have a relationship, you have no right to tell them to do otherwise. That's THEIR decision to make, not yours to take away from them. There's also no such thing as a "forced" relationship. Unless, you know, one of them is held against their will to agree to date someone. Now THAT'S forced. But when it comes to a boy and a girl meeting for the first time, sometimes a good meeting and there's an attraction between them both; or sometimes not the best first meeting, but after a while they get past their differences and start to build a relationship, that's not forced and it's not wrong. Romance can happen at any time, anywhere, even in the most unusual of circumstances. It's between the boy and the girl in the relationship to decide where their relationship goes or how their relationship is, not the whole damn world, and that needs to be respected. And you know what? Not every story has to involve some kind of death. You can create a good story without someone dying. Now I just finished reading The Burning Maze, and I have some things to say about it: NO! NO! NO! JASON! HOW DARE YOU, CALIGULA?! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS! I just . . . can't believe it. I have never cried so much. I was surprised to find out that Jason and Piper broke up. Then when Piper explained why she ended it, I understood, and I knew she was going to go back to him someday. I believe he knew it too, and he was waiting for her. She just needed time. It seemed to me that Piper was trying to make her relationship like Percy and Annabeth's, not realizing that what they have is theirs, and she needed to make her relationship hers. But now we'll never know. That fucking bastard killed Jason. NO! Jason had imagined him telling his grandchilden about the Battle at Athens someday, all of his adventures with Piper, and now that will never happen either. NO! I hate the so called "fans" of Percy Jackson/The Heroes of Olympus. Most of the ones I meet are just so ignorant beyond repair. A lot of them hate Piper and Jason for the most stupidest of reasons. They dislike Jason because he's "too perfect". Are you kidding me? Jason is the absolute most humblest, kindest, and modest character I've ever come to know. He always tries to do what's right, but knows that that's almost always impossible, and really struggles with it. You think you're anything compared to him? You're not. You could learn a lot from him. Most people could and should. And to Piper . . . you should all be ashamed of yourselves. The absolute amount of shit that people have said about her is way too awful to repeat. They've said shit about how she is some sort of mental illness that is contagious. AND CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW MANY FUCKING UPVOTES THAT GOT?! And I read one comment about how, if she and Jason had a child, that they would have Jason's boring personality and Piper's whiny, selfish, and bratty personality and would have no friends at all. How utterly pathetic can you be? It is extreme cyberbulling, and she may be a character, but she could very well be a real person. If she were real, she probably would have committed suicide a thousand times over. I certainly would, because I can't stand to live in a world with multiple people who think that this is ok. And then they want to ship Jason with a stupid brick, actually believing that an inanimate object, a BRICK, is better than Piper or any person at all. These people are retarded beyond repair. People want to believe that Jason and Piper's relationship is fake and built on false memories. Perhaps it was at first, thanks to Hera, but they made them real. They made their relationship real. Jason loved Piper. That fake memory that Piper has of her and Jason sitting on their school's roof watching the fireworks? Jason made it real for Piper. He gave his life up to save her, and he wouldn't regret it as long as she survived, then it was all worth it. Piper began to struggle with the false memories, but she knew her love for Jason was real. She would've found her way back to him. She just needed to take a break to preserve their relationship, otherwise, it was going to be destroyed. Yeah yeah, yeah. A lot of you would like that, wouldn't you? You can all fuck off, for all I care. You're pathetic and I want nothing to do with you. Now, this is just a rant (kind of). I do respect everyone's opinions, even if it doesn't sound like it. But sometimes these opinions are just too much that they make me really angry and rant like this. I will, however, NOT debate these opinions because debating to me is a waste of time. Believe what you want, I'll believe what I want, and we don't need to prove why one opinion is the right one or not. Let's just go our separate ways. I always wonder why anyone would want bad things to happen to the good characters, whether it be in books, TV series, or movies. How can you possibly hate someone when there's nothing to dislike about them? To make things interesting? Perhaps. But I think I have the actual answer to that: It's because you're all depressed brats. You thrive on depression. You want good people, characters or otherwise, to suffer because you're suffering. Because you're choosing to suffer. How can you be so selfish? Then again, what else are people with depression? That's why you kill yourselves, right? As well as anybody else with you because you think you have the right to decide whether they live or die? You do nothing to take care of it, refuse to take an responsibility, and just whine your lives away. What a waste. You need to focus on the good and positive things in life, everywhere. Or you will never get anywhere in your life. You need to be the change to it. Not someone else. These are some tributes in honor of Jason: I got this one from someone on Reddit: Farewell, Jason grace, son of Jupiter, champion of juno, former praetor of the 12th legion fulminata, and pontifex maximus he who rose from the lowly ranks of the fifth cohort, led the roman attack on Mount othrys, destroyed the throne of kronos, defeated the titan krios with his bare hands, witnessed and survived the true form of a god, took down the Bane of Poseidon in the sea. A fine, disciplined warrior, with the true Roman qualities of duty and sacrifice, yet ever kind and humble. He did not choose his heredity, but he shaped his own destiny, rode his own wind, and chose his own legacy. The lost hero has finally found his place. May you rest in Elysium. And now, here are my own words: I will never understand the dislike and sometimes absolute hatred you got. You never deserved it. You were the most humblest character I've ever come to know. You always tried to do what was right for everybody, but even you knew that's almost always impossible and struggled with it. It's a shame most people don't take after you and spit on you instead. You had your whole life ahead of you, envisioning your grandchildren and telling them all about your adventures as a young man with their grandmother. But that shamefully will never happen now. But I know you regret nothing, as long as you saved the love of your life. I know you wouldn't change a thing, to have someone else die for you, and that makes you the true hero you really are and always have been. There is no greater love than to lay your life down for a friend. It was great while it lasted. Rest in peace, Jason Grace. You will never be forgotten and will always be loved. Best Friends: We laugh at the dumbest jokes, put up with each other's worst moods, go along with the craziest ideas and that's what makes the most amazing best friends. Fake vs. Real Friends WHO DO YOU HAVE? FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Never ask for food. REAL FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food. (oops) FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs. REAL FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM. (unfortunately, that'll be a bit awkward) FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong. REAL FRIENDS: Will sit next to you saying "Damn ... we fucked up ... but that shit was fun!" :) FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Never seen you cry. REAL FRIENDS: Cry with you. FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. REAL FRIENDS: Keep your shit so long they forget its yours. (yeah, sorry 'bout that) FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Know a few things about you. REAL FRIENDS: Can write a book about you, with direct quotes from you. (mmhmm, real friends then) FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing. REAL FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you. (kick the whole crowd's ass, definitively) FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Will knock on your front door. REAL FRIENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!" FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Are for awhile. REAL FRIENDS: Are for life. (certainly hope so) FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Will talk shit to the person who talks shit about you. REAL FRIENDS: Will knock them the fuck out! FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Say they are too busy to listen to your problems, but when it comes to them they expect you to have all the time in the world. REAL FRIENDS: Not only kick everything out of their schedule to listen to what’s wrong, but help come up with vindictive plans to make you feel a whole lot better! FAKE ASS FRIENDS: Say sorry when you want to talk to them at odd hours of the night, or even just hang out at odd hours. REAL FRIENDS: Come right over and hang out with you, until you either fall asleep, or kick them out. Friends: Tell you that you look nice. Best Friends: Say your outfit looks like throw up, and then help you find a new one 10 minutes before school starts. Friends: Say "see you later!" Best Friends: Say "I LUUUUUHHHVVV you! DON'T LEAAVVEE!" and then tackle/hug you. (hehehehe, hugs will traumatize one of my best friend, the other will hug/tackle me back wholeheartedly) Friends: Bail you out of jail. Best Friends: Are sitting in the jail cell with you and saying "LET'S DO IT AGAIN!" Friends: Forgive you. Best Friends: Hold a fake grudge against you until you let them borrow a hair band. Friends: Politely refuse food. Best Friends: Demand it and wipe your pantry clean. (again, oops.) Friends: Are only through school. Best Friends: Are forever! (YEAH!) Friends: Laugh with you. Best Friends: Laugh AT you...WITH you. (hahahahaha, better,badder,butter...long story) Friends: Tell jokes with you. Best Friends: Have countless inside jokes with you. (like the one above) Friends: Tell you that you're the most annoying thing on earth. Best Friends: Say the same thing, except then they laugh and say "I guess that counts for me too!" Friends: Would knock on your front door. Best Friends: Would walk right in and say, “I’M HOME" Friends: You have to tell them not to tell. Best Friends: Already know not to tell. Friends: Will be there to take your drink away when they think you’ve had enough. Best Friends: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say, “Girl drink the rest of that you know we don’t waste" Friends: comfort you when you fight with your boyfriend. Best Friends: go over to his house and kick his ass. Friends: bail you outta jail. Best Friends: sit next to you singing the jail song. Friends: tell you to forget it when you say you want to vandalize a guy's house. Best Friends: best friends are the ones getting fined by the police with you. Friends: Think your insane for jumping off a roof onto a trampoline. Best Friends: Are jumping right after you. Friends: come over every couple of months for a sleepover. Best Friends: are your weekend boarders. Friends: are offended when you make fun of them. Best Friends: kick your ass and all's forgiven. Friends: are shy around your boyfriend. Best Friends: will tease him till he blushes redder than a fire engine. Friends: don't see you if you're sick. Best Friends: are why you're sitting in bed under a blanket with a thermometer, book, and your phone. Friends: dare you to scream into the street. Best Friends: dare you to go streaking. Friends: call you retarded for running threw bleachers yelling "IT'S PICKLE TIME!" Best Friends: are screaming and running with you. Friends: Will pick out a cute chick-flick to watch with you on movie night. Best Friends: Will pick out "The Ring" for movie night then scare you and himself/herself in the process. Friends: Meet your boy/girl friend and say nice to meet you. Best Friends: Meet your boy/girl friend and scare the shit out of him/her by threatening to break every bone in him/her body if he/she hurts your best friend. Friends: Ask why you're crying. Best Friends: Already have a shovel ready to bury the loser that made you cry. Friends: Annoy you. Best Friends: Annoy you, but then make you laugh. (make her(my best friend #1) laugh at me actually) Friends: Forget you. Best Friends: Love you forever. Friends: Like you. Best Friends: Love you. The Difference Between Friends and Best Friends FRIENDS: Never ask for anything to eat or drink. BEST FRIENDS: Helps themselves and are the reason why you have no food. FRIENDS: Call your parents by Mr. and Mrs. and Grandpa, by Grandpa. BEST FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD and MOM and Grandpa, GRAMPS! FRIENDS: Would bail you out of jail. BEST FRIENDS: Would be sitting next to you sayin "DAMN IT! we fucked up!" FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry. BEST FRIENDS: Are your personal crying shoulder. FRIENDS: Asks you to write down your number. BEST FRIENDS: Has you on speed dial. FRIENDS: Borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back. BEST FRIENDS: Loses your shit and tells you, "My bad...here's a tissue." FRIENDS: Only know a few things about you BEST FRIENDS: Could write a very embarrassing biography on your life story... FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing. BEST FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door. BEST FRIENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME." FRIENDS: You have to tell them not to tell anyone. BEST FRIENDS: Already know not to tell. FRIENDS: Are only through high school/college. (aka: drinking buddies) BEST FRIENDS: Are for life. FRIENDS: Will be there to take your drink away from you when they think you've had enough. BEST FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place say "Bitch drink the rest of that! You know we don't waste!" FRIENDS: Will crack under interrogation. BEST FRIENDS: Will not only keep their mouths shut, but will help you hide the body. FRIENDS: Will look at you like you're crazy when you tell them you're an alien from outerspace. BEST FRIENDS: Will break you out of the loony bin and drive you to New Mexico to meet up with the mothership. FRIENDS: Will know all your passwords. BEST FRIENDS: MADE all your passwords. FRIENDS: Will ignore this GOOD FRIENDS: Will repost this! BEST FRIENDS: Will add to it!! FRIENDS: Will tell a cute guy you're in the bathroom. BEST FRIENDS: Will tell the same cute guy "She's taking a huge shit. Want to wait half an hour?" FRIENDS: Will sit in the bathroom with you while you throw up. BESTFRIENDS: Hold your hair back, your jewelry, and strip you of your shirt before you throw up. Friend v/s Best friends FRIENDS: Will help me find my way when I'm lost. BEST FRIENDS: Will be the one messing with my compass, stealing my map and giving me bad directions FRIENDS: Will help me learn to drive. BEST FRIENDS: Will help me roll the car into the lake so I can collect insurance. FRIENDS: Lets me make an idiot of myself in public. BEST FRIENDS: Are up there with me making an idiot out of themselves too. FRIENDS: Meet your boyfriend and say nice to meet you. BESTFRIENDS: Meet your boyfriend and scare the shit out of him by threatening to break every bone in his body if he hurts your bestfriend FRIENDS: Will say you can do better. BESTFRIENDS: Will call him and say "you have seven days to live" FRIENDS: Ask why you're crying. BESTFRIENDS: Already have a shovel ready to bury the loser that made you cry FRIENDS: Will help you move. BESTFRIENDS: Will help you move a dead body FRIENDS: comfort you when you fight with your boyfriend. BEST FRIENDS: go over to his house and kick his ass FRIENDS: tell you to forget it when you say you want to vandalize a guy's house. BEST FRIENDS: already have the eggs and Toilet Paper FRIENDS: Think your insane for jumping off a roof onto a trampoline. BEST FRIENDS: Are jumping right after you FRIENDS: call you retarded for running through bleachers yelling "IT'S PICKLE TIME!" (don't ask you don't want to know) BEST FRIENDS: are screaming and running with you FRIENDS: help you up when you fall. BESTFRIENDS: keep on walking saying, "Walk much?" FRIENDS: help you find your prince. BESTFRIENDS: kidnap him and bring him to you. FRIENDS: offer you a soda. BESTFRIENDS: dump theirs on you. FRIENDS: help you move. BESTFIRENDS: help you move the bodies. FRIENDS: tell you she knows how you feel. BESTFRIENDS: just sit down and cry. FRIENDS: tell you that you’re a great singer even if you're terrible. BESTFRIENDS: tell you that you suck. You never know what it's like to lose a best friend until you look back and don't feel safe enough to fall. Best friends are the people who make your problems their problems, just so you don't have to go through them alone. A good friend wonders about your romantic history. A best friend could blackmail you with it, because she's been there through it all. A good friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. A best friend opens your refrigerator and helps themselves, because she knows you don't care. A good friend will comfort you when he rejects you. A best friend will go up and ask him, "It's because you're gay, isn't it?" because she knows it will make you laugh. Friends will always be like "Well, you deserve better" but best friends will be prank calling him saying "You will die in seven days" A good friend will be there for you when he breaks up with you. A best friend will call him up and whisper, "You will die in seven days," because she knows he deserves it. A good friend helps you up when you fall. A best friend keeps on walking, saying, "Walk much?" because she knows you've gotta figure out how to get up on your own. A good friend helps you when you fall. A best friend laughs and trips you again. A good friend helps you find your prince. A best friend kidnaps him and brings him to you, because she knows you need him. A good friend will ask you if you're okay when you're crying. A best friend will hand you a Kleenex, grab a shovel, and ask you “Who do I have to kill?” because she knows there's a reason. A good friend will offer you a soda. A best friend will dump theirs on you, because she knows it's what you need. A good friend will sit at the side of the pool with you at that time of the month. A best friend will throw you a tampon and push you in, because she knows you want to swim anyways. A good friend gives you their umbrella in the rain. A best friend takes yours and says, "Run, girl, run!" because she knows you'd do it to her. A good friend will help you move. A best friend will help you move the bodies, because she knows why you killed them, and maybe even helped. A good friend tells you she knows how you feel. A best friend just sits down and cries, because she knows exactly why you hurt. A good friend will bail you out of jail. A best friend would be in the room next to you saying, "That was awesome! Let's do it again!" because she knows it was worth it and you'd happily go again. A good friend asks you for your number. A best friend asks you for their number, because she knows you've dialed it enough to memorize it ten times over. A good friend convinces you not to jump off the cliff. A best friend hugs you "Goodbye, I'll miss you. Can I have your iPod?" because she knows why you're jumping. A good friend will leave you. A best friend will be there always, because she knows you better than you know yourself. And you know her. A true friend... -Accepts you as you are -believes in you -calls you only to say "hello" -doesn't give up with you -admires all sides of your personality -forgives your mistakes -helps you -encourages you to try it again -makes a difference in your life -says nice things about you -offers his/her support -understands you -tells you the truth -never judges you -explains things you don't understand -walks by your side -calms down your fears -shouts if necessary, if you don't want to listen -raises you spirit. We're best friends. You laugh, I laugh. You cry, I cry. You hurt, I hurt. You jump off a bridge, damn, I'm gonna miss your dumb ass. A best friend is a sister destiny forgot to give you. The Best Friend Contract I promise to listen to my best friend, even if it's about video games, weird stuff, or things I don't really care about. I promise to keep in touch with my best friend constantly. I promise to be there when my best friend needs me. I promise to be honest at all times with my best friend. I promise to never keep anything from my best friend (unless it is a surprise party for them). I promise to help my best friend grow into a better person. I promise to set aside work and myself when my best friend has problems and needs to talk. I promise to always let my best friend be the first to know anything and everything. I promise to laugh WITH not AT my best friend (unless they do something really stupid and/or funny). I promise never to do anything to screw up our friendship. IF THERE IS A BREACH OF CONTRACT, THE INJURED PARTY HAS DISCRETION ON THE KIND OF PUNISHMENT OR TORTURE TO BE IMPOSED ON THE OTHER PARTY, BUT REASONABLE MEANS TO REMEDY THE BREACH ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED. (EX: TALKING IT OUT.) I hearby agree to these conditions. It's the times we're so crazy, that people think we're high. It's the times we laugh so hard, we can't help but cry. It's all the inside jokes and "remember whens". those are all the reasons that we're best friends! Our inside jokes-too many to name. When we're apart it's never the same. When we're together it's nothing but fun. Replacing my girls just can't be done. As the years pass, and we grow apart. I want you to know, that you're in my heart. You helped me through problems, through things good and bad. You helped me keep smiling, when I was sad. You helped me with guys, you made me stay strong. How will I live, when you guys are gone? And where the years take us, no place is too far. We will think of each other, wherever we are. You're wonderful people, with good hearts to lend. And I want you to know, that you and I will always be Best Friends Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth. I was walking around in a store. I saw a cashier hand this little boy his money back saying "I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll." Then the little boy turned to the old woman next to him: ''Granny, are you sure I don't have enough money?'' The old lady replied: ''You know that you don't have enough money to buy this doll, my dear.'' Then she asked him to stay there for 5 minutes while she went to look around. She left quickly. The little boy was still holding the doll in his hand. Finally, I walked toward him and I asked him who he wished to give this doll to. "It's the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much for this Christmas. She was so sure that Santa Claus would bring it to her." I replied to him that maybe Santa Claus will bring it to her after all, and not to worry. But he replied to me sadly. "No, Santa Claus can't bring it to her where she is now. I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes there." His eyes were so sad while saying this. "My sister has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister.'' My heart nearly stopped. The little boy looked up at me and said: "I told daddy to tell mommy not to go yet. I need her to wait until I come back from the mall." Then he showed me a very nice photo of him where he was laughing. He then told me "I want mommy to take my picture with her so she won't forget me. I love my mommy and I wish she doesn't have to leave me, but daddy says that she has to go to be with my little sister." Then he looked again at the doll with sad eyes, very quietly. I quickly reached for my wallet and said to the boy. "What if we checked again, just in case you do have enough money?'' "OK" he said "I hope that I have enough." I added some of my money to his without him seeing and we started to count it. There was enough for the doll and even some spare money. The little boy said: "Thank you God for giving me enough money!" Then he looked at me and added "I asked yesterday before I slept for God to make sure I have enough money to buy this doll so that mommy can give it to my sister. He heard me! I also wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose for my mommy, but I didn't dare to ask God for too much. But He gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose. My mommy loves white roses." A few minutes later, the old lady came again and I left with my basket. I finished my shopping in a totally different state from when I started. I couldn't get the little boy out of my mind. Then I remembered a local newspaper article: 2 days ago, which mentioned of a drunk man in a truck, who hit a car, where there was one young lady and a little girl. The little girl died right away, and the mother was left in a critical state. The family had to decide whether to pull the plug on the life-assisting machine, because the young lady would not be able to recover from the coma. Two days after this encounter with the little boy, I read in the newspaper that the young lady had passed away. I couldn't stop myself as I bought a bunch of white roses and I went to the funeral home where the body of the young woman was exposed for people to see and make last wishes before burial. She was there, in her coffin, holding a beautiful white rose in her hand with the photo of the little boy and the doll placed over her chest. I left the place, teary-eyed, feeling that my life had been changed forever. The love that this little boy had for his mother and his sister is still, to this day, hard to imagine. And in a fraction of a second, a drunk driver had taken all this away from him. Now you have 2 choices: 1) Repost this message. 2) Ignore it as if it never touched you. have a heart I need to tell you a secret LOOK AT 5 [2] The answer is LOOK AT 11 [3] Dont get mad LOOK AT 15 [4] Calm down don't be mad LOOK AT 13 [5] First LOOK AT 2 [6] Dont be that angry LOOK AT 12 [7] I just wanna say hi [8] What I wanted to tell you is...THE ANSWER IS ON 14 [9] Be patient LOOK AT 4 [10] This is the last time I'm going to do this LOOK AT 7 [11] I hope you're not mad when I say this LOOK AT 6 [12] Sorry LOOK AT 8 [13] Don't be getting a hype LOOK AT 10 [14] I dont know how to say this LOOK AT 3 [15] You must be really mad LOOK AT NUMBER 9 20 things to do when you're in a classroom and no one is talking: 1: Sing a random song. 2: Shout out that it's too quiet in here! 3: Chew on a pencil 4: Poke the person next to you. 5: Whistle 6: Stare out the window. 7: Stare at a random person until they notice. 8: Chew gum and blow bubbles. 9: Draw on the board. 10: Pretend you're dying and have everyone in a panic. 11: Sleeping on your desk. 12: Text in class. 13: Pretend that you're a ninja and karate chop on someone's head 14: Yawn loudly. 15: Sigh loudly. 16: Read a book. 17: Bring out some pie and shove your face in it. 18: Bring out an air horn and use it. 19: Spread a rumor by telling the person next to you 20: Waiting for the bell to ring and saying "SEE YA SUCKERS!" There's three ways to do things:. .: The right way :. .: The wrong way :. .: And my way, which is wrong too, but faster!:. 5 Truths of life: 1. You cannot touch all of your teeth with your tongue 2. All idiots, after reading the first truth, try it 3. The first truth is a lie 4. You're smiling right now because you know you fell for it... (Idiot!) 5. You still have a stupid smile lingering on your face 5 More Truths of Life. 1. You can kiss your elbow. 2. You are now thinking you're not falling for that again. 3. You think you're so smart. 4. The first truth is actually a lie. 5. You are now trying to kiss your elbow. |