The new story's up! It took a lot longer than I expected to publish it, but it's published now. The new story is called The Gift of a Best Friend, which you can find on my profile under My Stories. I'm so excited for it.
Here are the answers to the quiz in the final chapter of this story:
Which chapter do you think was the longest?
Chapter 3, The Kur Stone, Part 2, with 9,980 words
Which chapter was the shortest?
Chapter 45, I Do Something Bad to Help Ease the Pain, with 765 words.
Sarah and Zak shared POVs throughout the story. Who do you think had the most POVs, and who had the least?
Zak's POV: 53.
Sarah's POV: 60.
Well, there you have it. I thought Zak had more POVs than Sarah, but I guess after the episode chapters were done with, Sarah started catching up with Zak, and ended up beating him by seven points. Good job. Now it's the next story's turn. Thanks to everyone who read this story! I hope you guys all enjoy it! I know I will. Bye!