Woo, it's finally here. After writers block, exam results, a festival and my rabbit getting so sick and losing so much weight we thought he was going to die (don't worry, he's much better now). But here it is, please R&R :)

Chapter 20: Days out

The portal opened in a large graveyard, in front of a large stone obelisk. Anubis stepped out of the swirling sand onto the path, a row of cherry blossom trees shading him from the sun. He changed into human form. Remembering the hole in the back of his jeans he summoned a canvas messenger bag from the duat; opening it he found a hoodie, which he tied round his waist to cover the hole in the back of his pants (This bag and hoodie he kept in the duat for situations like this one, after an unfortunate incident a few months ago). Checking his location using his iPhone he confirmed he was in the right town, Doncaster. Putting the device back in his pocket he noticed an old man in his early sixties approaching him. The man was dressed in tattered jeans and boots, a blue shirt covered the top half of his scrawny frame while on his head he had a military style 'crap hat'. The man stopped a few foot away from Anubis, leaning on his shovel. "Is that you. Anubis?" the man asked, a tone of surprise in his voice.

"Frank?" Anubis asked, stepping closer, "Frank Wilson?"

"Yes. It is you!" The man exclaimed, walking closer, inspecting Anubis.

"It appears it's been a long time for you Frank. How have the years treated you?" the god asked, shaking the hand of his old friend.

Patting Anubis on the back Frank invited him to walk with him, "they have treated me well. I have a few grandchildren, my house is warm and I am in good health despite my age. So, what brings you here old friend? There's not a funeral on, and you haven't come straight from the duat, you came from somewhere on mortal ground."

"I'm glad to hear your well, I am doing well myself. And yes, I haven't come from the duat. I've come from my temporary home, the home of my partner."

"Partner?" Frank asked, "as in, another god. Who is it, Bast?"

"No!" Anubis blurted, "by Ra no. And my partner is human."

Frank stared at Anubis with his piercing blue eyes, "Is that so? Well, I always suspected you'd be the one." He said with a slow chuckle.

"The one?" Anubis asked as they headed towards a house by the gates of the cemetery.

"You are the one, Neo." Frank chuckled, "yes, there was a prophecy given to me a few years back by some Greek fellow. Peter, no, Percy I think it was. Alas, I cannot tell you what it said. I am forbidden."

"Interesting" Anubis mused, "well, if it is about me I hope it's good. Now then, I must get going. It's been nice to meet you Frank."

Frank nodded, "so where are you heading? I could give you a lift if you like."

"I'm going to meet a close friend, by the name of Laura." Anubis explained, showing Frank the post code he had on his phone.

"Ah, I know the place, not far from here. I'll take you there." He said, fumbling in his pockets for his keys. At the side of the house there was an old land rover parked up. Unlocking the door he beckoned Anubis in, who scrambled up and clipped on the seatbelt. Frank got in the other side, clipping on his seatbelt and starting the 4x4. As they set off down the road Anubis wound down the window, sticking his head out, the wind sweeping his hair back.

Frank let out a hearty laugh, "you really are quite amazing Anubis."

Anubis looked at him slightly puzzled, "how come?"

"Well" Said Frank, turning a corner "you can be really serious and solemn, but the next moment you could be chasing off a cat, or sticking your head out of a car window."

"I guess I'd never noticed that" Anubis pondered to himself as the car rounded another corner.

The 4x4 slowed to a halt outside a house near the edge of the town.

"Here you go Anubis. It's been good to see you my old friend." Frank said as Anubis opened the door to leave. Anubis turned to shake his hand, "yes, I hope we can meet again some time." he said finally, before shutting the door of the land rover. He looked up at the house in front of him, checking the details on his phone, sure enough the numbers matched. Taking a deep breath Anubis walked up to the door and knocked as the 4x4 took off, back to the graveyard.

After a few minutes of waiting followed by the sound of a key being fumbled into the lock the door opened. The handle clunked down and the door opened. Stood there was Laura, half a head shorter than Anubis. Her hair hung down to just below her shoulders, a fair blonde colour. Her eyes, a brilliant pale blue, widened as she realised who was stood before her.

"Anubis?" She asked, her voice almost a whisper due to the sheer shock. "W... Why are you here?"

"I promised I'd come see you Laura, don't you remember. It was only a year ago." Anubis replied, smiling at her warmly.

"Yeah, I know. I just never expected you to remember" Laura muttered. "Anyway, you should come in, I'm getting cold standing here." She offered, beckoning him into the house. Inside they went straight to the kitchen. Laura offering him a cup of coffee. Looking at the cup he noted that it was much stronger than what Sadie has.

"Sadie? As in Sadie Kane?" Laura asked, the name grabbing her interest, "as in the mortal you have a crush on?"

The god replied, "yeah, that Sadie. We're kind of in a relationship actually."

Laura took a sip of her coffee, "well. It seems like you've been busy. I hope it'll all work out for you two" she replied with a smile. A smile which in turn provoked one from Anubis. "So how are you Laura? You certainly seem much better than the last time we met."

"I'm okay. I discharged myself from 'there' a month or so ago, I couldn't stand being cooped up in there. But since I've got out I've got loads better" Laura replied, taking another sip of her black coffee, "I do some volunteer work at the local vets on Mondays and Fridays, so that keeps me busy."

Anubis nodded, listening intently. From round the kitchen door the head of a black Labrador appeared hesitantly. Laura rolled her eyes, "come on Millie, come here." She whispered. Millie padded forward slowly, freezing and bowing her head when Anubis looked at her.

Anubis smiled kindly at Millie, "it's okay, you can come in now."

"Sorry, I have that effect on dogs, wolves, foxes. Well, any creature like that. Probably due to my relationship with Jackals." He explained to Laura, finishing his coffee as Millie wandered round the kitchen and out again.

"You've got a very good looking dog there" the god noted.

Laura raised an eyebrow, "well, I'm not sure how you'd judge that but err thanks."

A vibration from Anubis' pocket caught his attention, before he looked at it he knew who the text was from. 'Hey, shall we watch a movie tonight?' the text read. He slid the phone back into his pocket, he could answer it later. A thought came to Anubis. Noticing him smile, Laura asked him "what is it?"

"Do you remember how we met?" Anubis asked the girl.

She nodded, "of course, how could I forget?" Reminiscing that night she thought back on how they had met;

It was an ordinary winter night, Laura sat in her room at Riverdale Grange, a centre for people with eating disorders such as hers. She knew she wasn't supposed to still be awake at this hour, but she couldn't sleep so she just sat on her bed, thoughts swirling in her mind as a gentle breeze brought a shiver to her thin frame. All of a sudden there was a shuffling noise outside the window. A dark figure appeared, climbing through the window. Laura lay under the covers, hoping the intruder hadn't noticed her.

"Come out from under there, I know your awake" Came a quiet yet powerful voice. Though the voice held power, it held no malicious intent.

Laura cautiously sat up, looking at the being stood at the end of the bed, about five foot seven tall, with a head that was clearly not human, this made more alarming by his tail and the shape of his dog like legs. She recognised this from books she had read when she was younger. "Your... Anubis?" Laura breathed, "Why are you here? I'm not dying am I?"

The god frowned, "no, and I think I would know, me being who I am."

"So what brings you here then?" Laura asked, still slightly nervous.

"Anubis turned to look out of the window, "there used to be a graveyard here. Well, last time I visited anyway."

Laura nodded, pulling up the covers so she could stay warm.

Anubis looked around the room, his eyes allowing him to see as if they were in the brightness of day. "Is this your home?" he asked, sitting on the end of her bed.

"No, I have to stay here through the week. Until I get better that is.." Laura replied, a tinge of sadness creeping into her voice.

Anubis looked the girl up and down, "I see. Is this not the best place for you?"

Laura let out a frustrated sigh, "It should be, but I can't stand being cooped up in here. I can't cope, there's no hope for me, they can't help."

"Never lose hope, keep waiting." Anubis replied with his own head bowed, "I'm waiting for someone, they may die before we can be together, but I have to keep waiting for her. If I've learnt anything over time it's to never let your hope die, never let your strength fade. Even if the odds are against you; stand firm."

"Wow" Laura muttered, mulling over what he had said. While she was thinking things over Anubis got up, walking to the window, "I have to go now. It's been nice talking to you, ah..."

"Laura" She finished for him, "my name's Laura. Will you come back Anubis?"

He smiled, flashing his sharp teeth, "Of course."

"Well look at you now." Anubis smiled, "You certainly have put on weight since then, you look much healthier than back then."

"Thanks, I doubt I could've made it without you." Laura smiled at him.

"With that, I must make my leave." Anubis sighed, standing up and stretching. "I don't see how you lot cope without a tail, I feel so unstable."

Laura could only shake her head in disbelief as she showed him to the door, "well. I guess I'll see you later then."

"Yeah. I'd like that, maybe I could introduce you to Sadie..." he smiled as he bid her goodbye.

Meanwhile that day...

Sadie sighed as the portal closed, leaving a small patch of sand where it had formed. It felt odd having the day to do what she wished after these past few months of being with Anubis almost constantly. She was confident that a little time apart would be good for them however, even if she just relaxed for the day, 'I could relax, I could go shopping. I'm not sure what I'll do without him around.'

"We could go shopping I guess" Bast suggested, perched on the railings in front of the now open doors.

Sadie nearly jumped out of her skin (not literally this time, although around gods anything could happen). "Get down, what if the neighbours see you!" Sadie hissed at the cat goddess.

Bast merely smiled back, "don't worry Sadie. I won't be seen, and I'm surprised about the fuss your making. Your usually the one I have to tell off."

Sadie scowled at her old friend, "just come in, it's cold outside."

Bast did as she was told, closing the doors and laying on Sadie's side of the bed. They discussed places to go and shop as Bast, out of habit, clawed at the duvet absently.

Soon Sadie, Bast and Sarah were stood outside the door of the built in garage, Bast and Sarah with handbags at the ready, Sadie with a rough camo backpack (which had been a gift from Anubis). As Bast swung open the garage, Sarah let out a small squeal of excitement, "that's the latest Jaguar XF!"

Sadie nodded, "yeah, Bast has a thing for Jags. And I take it you do too."

Sarah let out another excited squeak in reply as Bast pulled out of the garage in the black XF. Before Sadie could blink she had been demoted to the back seat, Sarah swiftly claiming shotgun. If the neighbours had been asleep, the sound of the jag taking off down the street with Bast at the wheel surely woke them up. Sarah watched the speedometer and saw the legal speed limit swiftly fall behind the needle as Bast drove in her usual erratic style.

All the while, in the back of the car, Sadie was wishing they'd chose another form of transport as she was thrown around the seat at every corner.

Soon (not soon enough for Sadie) they had arrived at the White Rose shopping centre, Bast and Sarah were stood next to the car, discussing their plans of action while Sadie stretched, slightly sore after that ride.

"Come on then, lets get going" Sadie said finally, bored of waiting.

"Where to first?" Sadie asked Sarah as they got inside the centre.

With that question Sadie was dragged towards one of the many clothes shops. Bast smiled, watching Sadie being unceremoniously dragged away.

'Ah, my little kitten' the goddess thought as she wandered lazily over to a shoe shop.

"Hey Sadie, look at this top!" Sarah called, holding up a tight fitting black V-neck, "what do you think to this?"

Sadie casually strolled over to Sarah from the other side of the shop so she could hear her friend over the throng of women crowding round each display.

"Well", Sadie smirked, "it looks like you want to grab a guys attention."

Sarah blushed furiously, "no I do not!" she exclaimed flustered, "I... just think it looks nice."

"Mmhm, whatever you say Sarah. Anyway, you gonna buy it or not? I'm bored of this shop." Sadie hurried, getting irritated by the chatter of so many women, 'Ugh, no wonder I prefer the company of men. I can't hear myself think in here'. After grabbing a few more tops of different colours Sarah was pushed swiftly to the bored looking cashier. The cashier was a young man, around their age, he had messy black shoulder length hair, complimented by some rough stubble. His blue-grey eyes brightened when he looked at Sarah as she placed her new tops on the counter. This caused a slight blush to redden Sarah's cheeks, "would you like my number!" she blurted, "Ah! Wait, I mean, can I... pay by card?" Her cheeks were now bright red.

He smiled as he scanned in her items, "yes you can..." he said, blushing a bit himself, "to both... if you want that is.."

Sarah flushed an even brighter red, "mmhm" she nodded, putting the card in the reader and pulling out a notepad from her handbag. Her mobile number and name was quickly scrawled onto a page that was now torn from the notepad. Handing it to the guy she realised that she hadn't asked his name.

"The name's Daniel, just call me Danny though." he smiled, as if he'd read her thoughts. The irritated tapping of Sadie's boot told Sarah that it was time to hurry up, which she did, swiftly paying for her items and leaving the store with a small glance back before Danny was separated from view by the throng of busy shoppers.

Sadie braced herself for what was coming next.

"I've got a date!" Sarah squeaked with delight, "wow, I need to get something to wear!"

"You just bought some clothes didn't you?" Sadie asked puzzled.

A frown told Sadie that she was wrong, "yeah, but he's seen them!"

Bast appeared, taking a girl under each arm, "It sounds like you need a new dress" she purred to Sarah.

This lit Sarah's eyes up almost as much as the prospect of going out on a date with Danny. Sadie however sighed at the thought of being dragged round more clothes shops to look at dresses and other boring clothes. Pulling out her phone, whilst Sarah and Bast discussed what sort of dress would suit Sarah's form best, Sadie sent a quick message to Anubis; 'Hey, shall we watch a movie tonight?'

"Uh, I think I'll just go to HMV or something" Sadie said, pulling away from Bast.

"Okay, meet us back here in an hour then." Bast smiled; how nice it was to be able to let Sadie wander round without fear of being attacked by magicians or monsters.

"Right then Sarah, lets find you a dress." Bast grinned.

HMV was nearly as busy as the clothes shops were, which irritated Sadie, she always felt edgy and irritable in large crowds. Nevertheless she wandered round the store, picking up an Adele album, remembering it fondly (not that she'd let anyone know this). Wandering into the hard rock/metal section of the store she noticed an album Anubis had once mentioned, Powerslave. As she was reading the back of the case she heard a voice call her name, "Sadie!"

Looking over her shoulder Sadie saw a tall redheaded girl, about 14 years of age working her way through the mass of people to get to her. Sadie had a puzzled look when the girl reached her. "Hey.. um.." Sadie started, confused.

The redhead girl smiled, "Kirsty. Don't you remember, you taught me... Y'know.. last year" she explained, miming an explosion with her hands, tiny red sparks of magic dancing round her fingertips.

Sadie's face lit up, "Oh yeah! I remember, the whole Audi and the goat incident. I don't think Carter has fully forgiven us for that yet..."

"Yeah... Mum and Dad weren't happy when they found out either." Kirsty replied, "say, who's the CD for?"

Looking down at the CD in her hands Sadie paused for a second, having forgot why she had it momentarily, "for my boyfriend."

Kirsty's eyes widened, "Wow. I never expected that, we always thought you'd never go for anyone because you had some daft crush on Anubis."

"I thought that as well" Sadie mused, "looks like it's turned out true..."

"Haha, what do you mean by that?" Kirsty smirked, "it's not as if that could happen. I mean, he lives in the duat doesn't he?"

"Well... not at the moment" Sadie replied hesitantly.

Just then, as if to save her from the awkwardness, Sadie's phone rang. It was Bast, "We'll be waiting in the car. We've got Sarah's dress, now hurry up before I tell Anubis you've been looking at other men."

"Ha! Bast, you know as well as I do that for one he wouldn't believe that, especially not from a cat. And for a secon...Bitch! She cut me off." Sadie shouted at the phone, gaining odd looks from passers by. "Look Kirsty, I gotta go. Erm, maybe some other time!"

Sadie barged her way to the check out, handing the CD to the cashier. For some reason she felt rather irritable, most likely due to hormones or something teenagery. What didn't help was the cashier paying more attention to her body than her face. "Hey, stare at my boobs once more and I'm gonna ram that cash register so far up your arse you'll be coughing up 20p's for the rest of the year!" She threatened, taking her CD and storming out of the store, stuffing it into her bag.

Bast noticed Sadie's mood as she was walking towards the car, "Sarah dear. I think it's best we give Sadie some space at the moment."

Sarah nodded in agreement, she knew how unpredictable Sadie's hormones could be. The drive home was a quiet one, the trio trapped in an awkward silence due to Sadie's teenage hormones.

"Well Zoe" Carter said glumly, "looks like we've been forgotten about for this chapter."

"Arf!" Zoe barked in agreement.

"Heck! Has anyone even suggested names for your puppies yet! And what about my Zia! Has the writer just forgotten about her?"


"Exactly. Well, thanks to all the readers, you haven't forgotten about Zia or the puppies have you?"