Author has written 28 stories for Princess and the Goblin, Monsters Inc., Pirates of the Caribbean, Lion King, Osmosis Jones, Rise of the Guardians, Epic, A Bugs Life, Felidae, Guardians of the Galaxy, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and Beauty and the Beast.
Nickname: DxC (just say the letters)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
DeviantART Name: DarkraixCresselia
Twitter Name: @DxC_95
YouTube Name: DarkraixCresselia (formerly GrovyleFan1995)
Tumblr: DxC95
AO3: DxC95
Favorite Movies (in no particular order): Guardians of the Galaxy vol.s 1 and 2; The Brave Little Toaster; Blazing Saddles; The Grinch (2001); Epic (2013) Felidae; Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971); Osmosis Jones; Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3; Princess and the Goblin; Finding Nemo; Alice in Wonderland (2010); Jurassic Park Series; Jurassic World Series
Favorite TV Show (in no particular order): The Walking Dead; Breaking Bad; Better Call Saul; Game of Thrones
Favorite Anime: Death Note; (does Studio Ghibli count?)
Favorite Games (may or not have played them yet; I might have watched YouTubers play some): Pokemon (main series: not sure which; Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky; Rangers: Shadows of Almia and Guardian Signs); ARK: Survival Evolved; Outlast; Undertale; The Forest; Minecraft; Sims 3; MySims (Wii)/MySims Kingdom (Wii)/MySims Agents (Wii); Fossil Fighters: Champions
Upcoming Projects (in no particular order; may or may not do):
Remake of Amphibiques in Boggan's Armor:
One of my favorite stories with one of my favorite OCs, Amphibiques in Boggan's Armor could stand for a rewrite; not just because my writing style has changed and improved, but because the story itself could go through some changes, some elements improved or removed completely. Tabitha and her species have also grown and changed a lot since their conceptions, with her species' name being changed to Amphibinum (reflecting on their humanesque nature better) With my Epic/Walking Dead crossover taking more of my thought, though, a proper remake of this probably won't happen until much later. It IS on the backburner though.
Epic (AiBA)/Walking Dead crossover:
This has been in the works (in my head) ever since I started watching The Walking Dead back in 2016/2017 (before the second-half of Season 7 began airing) As a whole, my OCs usually come about by my brain working in a character to interact with the scenery and characters of the show. In this case, Tabitha was inserted into the plot (probably partly-because I had been thinking of remaking her story) The story will be called Amphibinum Among Shufflers, reflecting her species' name change, and she will be around for the whole show, minus episodes where she can't logically be in (when she's with a certain group of people and the episode focuses on a completely different group, for example) I might either have one story for the whole show, or separate the seasons into different stories for easier reading.
I also have several mini story ideas; they'll be either AUs of the AaS universe (maybe Tabitha joined the Saviors instead, for example) or NoWalker!AU stories; they'll also comprise of different pairings for Tabitha, though those will be kept secret as I want pairings involving her from the main story to be kept secret for now.
King of the Sanctuary overhaul:
This is one I'm having to work at slowly. The main reason being I want as many character profiles as I can have before I get into the plot of the story (you can find them all on my DeviantART page and in my King of the Sanctuary group; the group avatar is off-white with blue writing in the Lion King style) But that doesn't mean I have an idea of how I want the story to go. Not only are the OC characters going to have different names (I'm choosing Swahili and other African-language names, going along with the general name-theme of TLK as a whole) but a good chunk of the storyline will be different; the territory is no longer a human-owned sanctuary (I'll be cutting out humans altogether, as they didn't add any substance) certain events will go differently, and the movie canons will be integrated. Scar's backstory will also be more polished, not just including the inclusion of The Lion Guard canon.
Undertale stories:
These stories actually came about from me listening to songs by the band Hurts; the storyline of each story came to me alongside each song like a music video. At the moment, there are seven stories in mind, each with the same title of the song that inspired them (in no particular order, save for the first three): Silver Lining, Mercy, Illuminated, Devotion, Blood, Tears and Gold; and Somebody to Die For. The main OC will be Frisk's older sister, Ginny. I have her backstory pretty much figured out, and a simple design for her. These are definitely stories I want to do, but they don't hold as much priority as other stories do.
Treasure Planet story:
This one's an interesting one, and one I might not be able to post on this website. To be frank, I want to write a story that requires a more strict rating (some AaS stories might consist of that as well) but this website has become pretty strict about those kinds of stories; even the M-rated ones have to be written "tastefully", and not have the dirty details. Luckily, Archive of Our Own is very relaxed about this, so this story will most likely end up on there. As for the story itself, basically a group of pirates find Scroop floating in space after he was kicked away from the ship by Jim near the end of Treasure Planet. This idea came to me several years ago, but it was only recent that I began noting down the details of the crew.
Super Mario Bros. story:
Like with my Undertale stories, this one came to me while listening to a song (one of my favorites, actually); this song is Gotta be Somebody by Nickelback. Basically, a girl who loves the Mario franchise--especially Bowser and his kingdom--finds an old NES system in the junkyard, and after goofing around and inputting the Konami Code, there is a bright light. Afterwards, she finds Bowser Jr., and eventually Bowser, learning that they and the rest of the Koopalings had been brought into the real world. She and her uncle and best friend surmise that the Koopalings must be on the individual continents that correspond with the worlds they inhabit in Super Mario Bros. 3, and set off to find them and get them back to the Mushroom Kingdom. The main character and her best friend and uncle will also "double" as the Warus of Peach, Daisy, and Toadsworth respectively, similar to Wario and Waluigi being the Warus of Mario and Luigi; the only difference is the former three will have proper names. I want to wait a while to begin writing this story, as I want to develop the characters, both canon and OCs, quite a bit more. But it's one I'm having fun developing, and I predict I'll also have fun writing.
Death Note fanfic (OC and after!anime plot WIP; will be titled Gods and Monsters)
Zootopia fanfic (title, OCs, and after!film plot WIP)
Fire Dragons Don't Breathe Ice rewrite (just tweaking Crys's character/personality, some points in the story, and dragons in general; will write once I see GotG2)
Fire Dragons Don't Breathe Ice sequel (will be titled Fire Dragons Still Don't Breathe Ice)
Eventual Candy Canes and Bananas with Black Peels rewrite
Felidae/Warriors crossover (sequel to Seen but not Heard; title, plot, and characters WIP)
Rewrite and reconstruction of Almira's backstory (she'll have an official microorganism identity, and (might) have a complete story do-over; research and plot WIP)
Osmosis Jones fanfic (evil!Annabelle [with a new origin and identity]; research WIP; plot will be inspired by Britney Spears' Criminal)