A/N When I was writing Angela's Pet Monster, I had no idea how popular it would get! 42 reviews, and 18 chapters! You guys were great! I had an idea for a sequel, but the plot was kinda messy. Now, I think I got it down. Like last time, Monsters Inc. characters belong to Disney Pixar. Angela, Sylvia, and other original characters belong to me.

charlette: Thanks :D And "fixed", for animals, means they got spayed; that means they had an operation that prevents them from having babies. It also boosts immunity to diseases. The same is with neutered, which is males getting fixed.

natasha: I saw you wanted Boo, and I realized she wasn't in it, so I decided to do that cute idea. It also showed that Randall's coming out of his shell and is becoming friends with her.

mac-attack: Yup, she got her just deserves :D And don't worry, Lucille will pull through. But she'll be scarred. Just read on...

darkreflection: I felt she deserved it :)

One Month Later…

Angela and Randall went to the vet with Mandy to pick up Lucille. "You better hope Lucille is ok, otherwise, she is no longer my dog." Mandy scowled.

"Just because she'll have some scars, it doesn't mean her value decreases." Angela said exasperated.

"Uh, scars will cause people, more importantly dog show judges, to disqualify her from the show!"

"I entered Randall in a pet show last month. He has a scar across his face, and no one noticed. And if they did, they didn't say anything."

"First of all, that was a stupid kid's contest." Mandy said as the girls and Lizog entered the vet's office. "Second of all, he's already a mutant animal, so no one would question him. And third of all, I don't care about you, or your stupid pets."

Randall bared his teeth and growled at Mandy. "Randall, no!" Angela tugged on his collar. "No fighting!" He groaned, but backed down.

"You learn to control your monster." Mandy snapped, stalking into the recovery room.

"She needs to learn to control her attitude." Randall muttered.

"Agreed." Angela nodded; they followed the redhead girl.

When they saw Lucille, her scratches were healed, but her broken leg was still wrapped up. Mandy and Angela's parents were already in the room. "She still has a limp, although the broken leg is healed." The vet explained. "She has a bit of scarring, especially over her eye. And unfortunately…"

Lucille turned to look at the girls; her right eye had three long gashes over her eye, which was tightly shut. "What's wrong with her eye?" Mandy asked.

"Well…unfortunately, the scratch damaged her eye, causing her to go blind. That's why it's shut."

"Great. Just great!"

"It's not her fault." Angela said.

"If she hadn't fought that wolf or whatever, she wouldn't have gotten in this mess! That's it! I am disowning her!"

"What!" Angela exclaimed.

"Mandy, you can't be serious!" Mrs. Shay said.

"Yes I am, Mother!" She stalked out. Mr. Shay sighed and handed the vet Lucille's leash. "I'm sorry. Give her a good home, will you?"

"Of course." The vet nodded.

Randall looked up sadly at Angela; she sighed, and nodded. "Mom, Dad. Would…would it be ok if I adopted Lucille?"

"What?" Mrs. Shay said; Lucille looked up curiously.

"Angela." Mrs. Gibbs sighed.

"I know, I have Randall. Yes, I love him very much. But…Lucille and him are good friends, so I know they'll get along. Please?"

Mrs. Gibbs sighed and looked at Randall, who had a "puppy-eyes" look, Lucille, who looked sad, and Mandy's parents. "Is it ok if we adopt her?"

Mrs. Shay shrugged. "Mandy doesn't want her anymore." Mr. Shay pointed out. "It's fine with us." Mrs. Shay nodded.

"Ok, Angela." Mrs. Gibbs said. "But she's your responsibility, like Randall is. You'll have to care for her."

"Ok!" Angela hugged Randall, then gently hugged Lucille and kissed her snout. "Welcome to the family, Lucy!"

Randall nodded; he crawled up close to Lucille and whispered so no one else heard, "Indeed. Welcome to the family."

Lucille smiled. "Thank you, Randall."

"Don't thank me, Angela's the one who suggested that she adopted you." He said.

"You helped though. I knew you liked me."

Randall's face turned red. "Well…maybe I do have a little crush on you, but…we can just take it slow, huh?"

Lucille grinned widely. "Ok!" She exclaimed; she leaned forward and kissed Randall, whose eyes widened in surprise. She leaned back and blushed. "Sorry. Reaction. Slow, like…like you said. Sorry."

"Y-yeah." He turned away and put his fingers on his lips, smiling slightly. She was right: she was different from Sylvia.

"Hey, what happened to your eye?" Lucille asked.

"Huh? Oh! The scars?" He asked, fingering the long veridical scars over his left eye. "Three syllables: Syl-vee-a."

Lucille's ears perked up; her left eye, which was the only one open, widened. "What'd you do?"

"Nothing. I just said 'it's always about you?' which is true! Then she scratched me! Luckily, I closed my eye, so I didn't go blind in that-sorry." He stopped when he saw Lucille looked depressed.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't wish for you to go blind, or me." She said. "It's just…now I won't be able to see on my right without turning my head."

"Well…when Angela takes us on walks…I'll walk on your right side so no one tries to attack you."

"Really?" He nodded. "Oh, thank you, Randall! Thank you!" She rubbed her head against his cheek. He smiled and gently hugged her neck. "Say, what did you tell Angela's parents about your eye?"

"Oh, that she and I were playing in the park, and I got scratched on a bush. The new scars make me look cooler now."

"Oh, Randall!" Lucille laughed. "You big goof!" She hung her head.

"Now what's wrong?"

"Sylvia…she said you were a monster. Is…is that true?"

Randall sighed. "Yeah, it is. But, I'm not like a scary monster; it's just my breed. Look, I've been with Angela for two years, and six months into me being her pet, she found out about my heritage. And we're still best friends."

Lucille looked at him, then smiled. "You're right."

"But, we're keeping it hush-hush, get it?"

"Got it." She nodded.

After these events, Sylvia was not only declawed, but had her wings clipped, and had surgery so her camouflage gland was removed. She had been reduced to a six-legged wolf with useless wings. She spent her days in her prison cell, sitting and throwing arrows she stole at a clipping of Randall taped to the wall.

A week later, Waternoose was brought to the cell next door to hers. The first few days, he tried to ask her what happened; she'd only say her perfect plan was removed. He tried to talk of escape, but she'd laugh crazily and say, "What's the point? We'll just get caught and thrown back in! What goes around comes around!" The guards said there was nothing they could do for her; Sylvia Schneider had gone crazy with lust and revenge.

At MI, work continued as usual. Sulley ordered a custom made gold-painted statue of Randall, and Boo and Angela in their monster suits in the lobby; a gold plate at the base said, "Randall, Angela, and Boo, the Heroes of Monstropolis". Randall and Angela were both honored to have a statue of them in honor of them catching not only Waternoose, but Sylvia as well.

Speaking of which, now when you see Angela walking down the sidewalk, you'll see Randall and her new dog, Lucille, walking ahead of her; Lucy would be on the human girl's left side, with Randall on the right, just as he promised. Both Saluki and Lizog had matching scratch scars over their eyes: Lucy on her right, and Randall over his left. He also had a long one over his nose. The scars told their stories though; that they had battles that scarred them. But they still had their friendship. And that was fine with them…

A/N How's that for an ending? In the first draft, I didn't include Lucille, but she was starting to become a good character, so I added her. Sorry about scarring her, I couldn't come up with a good reason for Angela to adopt her. And anyway, it shows she still has guts, even after fighting a female monster for Randall :)

Sylvia deserved what she got; no claws, no flight, and no camouflage sure has gotten her nuts. Add that her plan was ruined, and her dangerous desire for Randall went overboard, and you've got a crazy female.

Awww, this is the end? :( Oh well, it was fun to write :D I'd like to thank the people who put this into their Alerts:

Alu In Chains


Dreamer Sparky



Winter Blue Dragon

The people who put this into their Favorites:


Dreamer Sparky



Randall Boggs

Winter Blue Dragon


And the people who reviewed:



Alu In Chains

Dreamer Sparky






Thank you all so much! I loved writing this story! All the people who loved this story were my support!