Author has written 32 stories for Hikaru no Go, Fullmetal Alchemist, Misc. Anime/Manga, Whistle!, Hunter X Hunter, Wallflower, Naruto, and Stargate: Atlantis. Christian gen writer with a strong love for anime, books, tv shows, and fics. My fandoms (writing and/or reading) currently are: Hikaru no Go, Whistle!, XXXHolic, Hajime no Ippo, Megan Whalen Turner's Thief series, Miles Vorkosigan Series, Alex Rider series, Magnificent Seven, Highlander, and SGA. Currently and/or recently read: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens; anything and everything by Gordon Korman; Flight 29 Down; Jan Karon's Mitford series; Jen Calonita's Hollywood Secrets series; Lois McMaster Bujold's Miles Vorkosigan series; Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul. Current projects: Different Roads, Same Destination (Hikago); Untitled (Stars Dispose/SGA crossover) |