Disclaimer: The setting and characters for this story are taken from Hotta Yumi's and Obata Takeshi's Hikaru no Go.

Author's preamble: This story takes up immediately at the end of chapter 189. I've tried to keep Japanese terms to a minimum; I will use only suffixes and Go terms, despite the tempting "Onegaishimasu" (as used before a Go match) and 'harisen' (the fan that Yashiro uses to wake up Akira and Hikaru as they nod off during speed go games).

Prologue: Always Beside You

To link the far past with the far future … that is why I am here.

Can you hear … my voice?

The faintest breath of a whisper sighed through the silent room, unheard and unheeded, as the young Japanese representatives to the North Star Cup marched toward the exit of the game room.

I am still here.

And I am watching ... I will always be watching ...

An ethereal arm stretched out fondly as if to reassure one of the dejected-looking boys. He walked right through the arm, but as he went past, a gentle smile played on those delicate purple lips. Despite the slight hunch in his shoulders and the slow, tired walk, the boy's eyes were piercing – they burned with passion and admitted no defeat.

You are stronger than you were yesterday …. You are stronger than you were before you started this game…. One day, you will be stronger than me…

You will walk boldly towards the Hand of God. And, although you will never know, I will be walking beside you.

I wish there was a way I could tell you … I am proud of you, Hikaru.