Author has written 42 stories for Vampire Diaries, Glee, Vampire Diaries, Mortal Instruments, Secret Circle, Infernal Devices, Cassandra Clare, and Doctor Who. Hey, I'm Merzy. Aquarius. Writer. Loves Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sherlock, Vampire Diaries. Adores her Netflix and Her iPad Mini. OTP: Doctor x Romana, Doctor x River Ships: Absolutely Everything. I'm a multi-shipping Whore. Jenna-Louise Coleman is my wife. Arthur Darvill is my husband. Matt Smith is my king. Romana is My Time Goddess. The Doctor is my baby. River Song is the BAMF Queen. Currently watching and obsessing over all of Classic Who. My headcanon is that Romana and The Doctor were married during The Time War. Peri and Zoe are smoking hot. Just saying. My Favorite Doctor is Eleven because he's my Doctor. But I love them all, especially Four and Eight, my babies! Tumblr: claradvoratrelundar Twitter: mysoufflegirl xoxo |
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