Katherine's POV (third person)
Katherine strutted her way out of Damon's bedroom leaving the two future lovebirds to themselves. She knew they would end up together. She knew it from the beginning. Like she knew that Stefan & Elena wouldn't last and that Stefan always loved her. Only her. And she knew she loved Stefan, only Stefan. But tonight that changed. She realized a part of her also loved Damon, not as much as Stefan and certainly not the same way, but still. She loved Damon, but she was in love with Stefan. Which is why she brought Damon's cure tonight. She couldn't let him die. She just couldn't. She owned it to him, plus Stefan would be devastated and frankly so would she.
So seeing Damon & Elena just now, on Damon's bed didn't made her heart ache or filled her with a sense of pure jealousy and hatred, but instead she actually felt happy for them.
And not just because that meant Stefan would be hers for the taking, because right now he was Klaus', but she felt glad and happy for Damon. He finally had his happy ending, which now she believed he deserved. After everything he deserved that. As soon as Elena realizes what has been right in front of her all this time. Which really, isn't gonna take that long, because she is starting to realize that…especially now with him almost dying and everything.
She walked out of the boarding house and into the front porch. She sat down on the steps and sighed heavily wondering what she was going to do next. She couldn't just run off and hide and be a coward…not again. But she didn't want to go back in there begging for their help like a lost puppy. Because really she did need their help…She couldn't find Stefan and defeat Klaus all by her own. Yet Damon didn't fully trust her and certainly neither did Elena…how was she going to do this? Because she needed to find Stefan, some way or the other.
Finally, she had an idea. She shook her head and sighed, not believing she was actually going to do this. She pulled out her iPhone and clicked her number 2 speed dial.
Katherine shook her head in disbelief of that being her greeting even thought she knew exactly who it was. "Hey, D!" she says.
"Oh, hey Kat! What's up?" She said sounding as if eating something…not unusual.
"I need your help." there was a pause, then she continued, "Where are you?"
"New York…just came out of seeing Wicked! Amazing! We have to go sometime, you know?" She said excitedly.
"Yeah sure! But right now, I need you to get here ASAP!"
"umm…why?" She asked confused
"Don't have time to explain" Katherine started to Vamp speed to the hotel where she was staying.
"Well can you at least tell me a brief summary?"
Katherine sighed "Fine, Damon got bitten by werewolf and Stefan trying to find a cure gave himself over to Klaus, and now old Stefan Ripper is back. So we have to find him before it's too late."
"Wow…ok..um…I'll be right there!" She said sounding already disheveled…Guess she was packing. She always used that tone when she was packing.
"Okay…Thanks, D. I'm…really thankful" Katherine said sincerely.
"No problem, Kat. Be right there! Bye!"
"Bye!" and She hangs up.
Katherine sighs and heads over to the hotel waiting for her Best Friend to arrive and, as always, save the day.
Elena's POV (first person)
As soon as Katherine left, leaving behind the words that haunted my brain "It's ok to love them both, I did."… Do I love them both? I don't know.
I mean, As I saw Damon dying…I couldn't even fathom a world without Damon in it. I mean sure, he was a pain in the ass but he was a pain in the ass that would never go away. And I liked that. He was always there. No matter what he was there. And to think that maybe tomorrow he wouldn't…It just didn't seem possible.
I love Stefan. It will always be Stefan , I said to him that day. I thought I was telling the truth. But as soon as I saw those gorgeous baby blue eyes in sorrow and pain, I knew it wasn't true. I couldn't break his heart. It was too much of a treasure for me. But then again, I have broken his heart…over and over again without even thinking about it. How could I be so cruel? I mean after everything he'd gone through with Katherine, so much she'd hurt him….I swore I would never hurt him like that ever! But I did…In some ways I am Katherine…No, I am worse than Katherine.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by a noise coming from the bed. I saw that Damon was trying to stand up but he fell because he was still weak from the bite. Apparently the cure didn't exactly work right away. I went over to him and helped him up.
"Do you really think you should be standing up after that?" I say frowning worriedly "You should be resting."
He stares at me with those baby blues and tells me, his voice rough as sand paper;
"No, what I need is a shower! And…." he takes a deep breath and swallows "I…need blood. I need blood"
My eyes grow hard (in a caring way) when I say to him;
"You can get your shower tomorrow when your well-rested. And as for the blood I'll bring it to you, while you lay back to your bed and rest. Ok?"
"Okay…mom" he says sarcastically, but does what I told him otherwise. I'm glad he's back to his old self enough to make sarcastic remarks. I never realized how much I missed those.
I sigh and head downstairs to the basement to get his blood. I take a couple of blood bags and head back upstairs to Damon's room.
I open the door slowly and get inside, I found Damon sleeping peacefully in his bed. His features were soft and relaxed, an half-smile curling in his lips. Pain no longer fixed on his face, he actually looked…human.
I sigh a relived sigh and head to the bed. I carefully lay next to him, my head on his shoulders and a hand on his, thank god, breathing chest. He shifted his weight and wrapped his arms around me unconsciously. To my own surprise, I cuddled closer. I sighed a blissful sigh and closed my eyes.
They had to find Stefan, they Had to stop Klaus and figure out what Katherine really wants and if she'd stay, they had to find out if Jeremy and the others are ok. But tonight the world was theirs only. The problem were still going to be there tomorrow, and with this last thought I drift away to sleep.
A/N thanks for reading please review! J ;) xo -merzy