Here it is guys, the final chapter...let me know what you all think! :)

(Chapter seventeen)

Damon watched Elena and Ethan as they slept in their bed. He listened to the steady rhythm of Ethan's heartbeat and watched as both their chests slowly moved up and down. This was his family, his life. All of his life he had felt like an outsider. He felt like no one wanted him so he put on the act of the bad boy to hide his true feelings. This heavy wall went up that hid his humanity and it seemed like no one would ever be able to break it. For centuries it remained up and it got stronger when he realized that Katherine had lied to him and that she never really loved him but on that one night when they opened the tomb to find her, someone comforted him. For the first time in centuries someone actually cared about him and cared about how he felt and it was Elena. Of course Damon was attracted to her at first because she resembled Katherine so much. He wanted to get to know her so he could have Katherine back but the more he knew her, the more he realized that she was not Katherine. It drove him crazy when he had to watch her with Stefan but he never showed it. Isobel was right...he was in love with her and it wasn't until the moment that Isoble said that, that he had to have Elena. He would fight for her no matter how long it took. He knew that he was Elena's weakness even though she was in denial about it. He loved how when she was a human, he would get close to her or flirt with her and her heartbeat would get faster and her pulse would quicken. The moment she was his, he All of his emotions that hid behind his wall were seeping through and his humanity shined forward. Elena was his savior and he was eternally grateful for her. Then it happened, she got pregnant and Damon was scared. Hell, he was even at the point to where he wished Elena would just get rid of the baby but once he saw Ethan being born, all of that changed. Now not only was Elena his saving grace, but so was Ethan. Having a child was a whole new step with many challenges but it was worth it if he got to wake up to that baby everyday. As Damon thought more about his life, Elena began to stir.

"Good morning." he said.

"Morning." she mumbled as she stretched out her legs and then turned to see Ethan waking up. "And good morning to you too, little man."

"I'll be back." said Damon. "I'm going to go fix him a bottle."

Damon walked down the stairs and saw the familiar shade of blonde that he was accustomed to now, bustling around the kitchen.

"Morning Alex." he said.

"Oh, hello Damon..." she said with a weak smile.

Damon wasn't stupid. Alex was a morning person and she was acting rather...broody like Stefan. "What's wrong with you?"

Alex took a deep breath and began fiddling with her fingers. "I..I just wanted to apologize about everything that happened with Henry. You and Elena left Ethan in my care and I let Henry take him...I'm so sorry Damon.."

"Hey, it's okay. We didn't think that Henry would come after him. It wasn't your fault Alex. You're only human you know and Henry was hundreds of years old. So don't worry about it. It's over and done with so lets just move on. Okay?" he asked.

"Alright..." she whispered.

"Alex, I'm serious. Elena and I aren't mad at you so it's okay. Ethan is safe and Henry is dead. That's all that matters." said Damon.

Alex lost it and ran towards Damon giving him a hug. "Thank you Damon!"

Damon was shocked and patted her back lightly. " problem but I need to make Ethan a bottle so if you'll excuse me."

Alex jumped back and wiped the tears off of her face. "Oh, I've already made him one."

"Oh, well thank you." said Damon as he took it from her hands and headed upstairs. He stopped at the entrance of the door because he could hear Elena singing and cradling Ethan in her arms. He listened to her beautiful voice for a moment before he stepped inside, sitting down next to her.

"He seems to be in a good mood this morning." said Damon as he watched Elena pop the bottle into Ethan's mouth.

"He does." said Elena. "Alex wasn't lying when she said that he said daddy."

"What? He said it again and I missed it? You've got to be kidding me!" laughed Damon. He pulled the bottle out of Ethan's mouth and got close to his face. "Say daddy Ethan. Daddy. Come on."

Both of them watched Ethan but he said nothing until he started crying for his bottle. "Alright, alright." said Damon as he pushed the bottle back into his mouth. "He's even more like me than I imagined. He doesn't do things when people want him to and he always gets what he wants. Spoiled." he huffed.

"You don't always get what you want." teased Elena as she put emphasis on the always.

"Oh but that's where you're wrong..." whispered Damon as he leaned in close to Elena, his lips only centimeters from her own. He listened as her breath grew more rapid and if she would have had a heartbeat, it would have gotten faster. Just as he was about to go in for a kiss, he pulled back. "Told you I always get what I want." he smirked with confidence on his face.

When Elena finally got a hold of herself, she reached over and hit his arm. "Damn you Damon Salvatore!"

"You know you like it." he smirked. "I just think it's cute that I still have the same affect on you."

Elena shyly looked away for a moment and then turned back to look at him. "Well what can I say? You are quite the ladies man."

"Wrong again Elena." he watched as she raised her eyebrows in question. "I've given up on the whole ladies man thing. I think I just have room for one lady in my life and you my dear, are the lucky winner."

"Oh my, I'm so honored!" she giggled.

Ethan was done with his bottle now so Elena burped him and then laid him down in the middle of herself and Damon. They both turned over so they were facing him and watched as he clapped his hands together smiling.

"Da..ddy." said Ethan with a smile. Elena looked over at Damon and smiled as she watched his face light up and a smile curve at his lips.

"Did you hear him?" asked Damon. "He said daddy! That's my boy!"

"Haha, I know." smiled Elena. "He's getting so big.."

"I know..." said Damon softly. "Before you know it, he'll be a teenager."

The room got silent as Elena and Damon just laid their watching Ethan. After a few moments Damon spoke up. "Elena...?" he asked.


"I love both of you so much. You both mean everything to me." he said.

"We love you too Damon." she smiled as he leaned over an placed a kiss on her lips.

"I promise to always protect both of you and be there when you need me." he said and then he leaned down towards Ethan as Ethan reached up and placed both of his tiny hands on each side of Damon's face. "Daddy is always here for you buddy...I love you."

This was his family and he loved them. They would always be together no matter what and when the time was right, Ethan would know the truth and he would be able to decided for himself what path he wanted to take but for now, he would live an innocent and carefree life. No matter what, he would always be there for both of them through the good and the bad. Damon picked Ethan up and laid him on his chest and then put his arm behind Elena's head and pulled her close. Time seemed to stop just for a moment when they laid like this together as a family. He would never let them go. They were his life, his reason to keep living and nothing would ever change that.

BAM, the end. Wow, it has been a blast writing this story and I'm so happy that all you people that have stuck with it have enjoyed it. I hate that it's over but good news, I'm going to write a sequel to add to this mini series! I think I'm going to have it set forward quite a few years so Ethan is a teenager, living a normal life until he comes face to face with the truth. I'm not sure when exactly I'll start it but it will be coming so please stay tuned! Once again, thank you all for your support and I love you all! ~Lindsey.