The Salvatore kids
Summary: Stefan and Damon encounter a powerful evil witch that turns them into kids! How will they get back to their old selves? And how will Damon deal with his brother being so little? Will he finally step up and be the big brother? Read and review!
Chapter 1
Stefan laid out in the tall grass, taking a break from hunting and enjoying the scenery. The clouds soared overhead and the grass tickled his nose as it waved in his face. The obtuse trees didn't block much of the sun from shining down on him and his brother who was outside as well, drinking some vodka.
Stefan suddenly sat up, ears alert and listening intently. Damon was already trying to pinpoint the source that interrupted their break from fighting vampires and all the other mystical stuff that goes on in Mystic Falls. "What was that?" asked Stefan as he scanned the area.
"If I knew then I would say something, wouldn't I?" snapped Damon, still trying to figure out what was lurking near them.
Suddenly, a girl appeared from behind the trees. She was around 5'foot tall, and had a very evil aura surrounding her. She wore a black shirt with tight blue pants, and classy black shoes with a strange necklace tied around her neck. It gave off some sort of glow and was identical to the one Emily had. Stefan and Damon stood next to each other, unsure of what to make of this girl. "Who are you?" asked Stefan, a little uncertain abour her. She didn't look dangerous, but he'd learn to never judge a person by what they looked like.
"I am your worst nightmare." The necklace started to glow erratically, the girl's eyes changed from rich brown to bloody red and soon it shone so brightly that not even Stefan or Damon could see clearly. "What's happening?" cried Stefan as he shielded his eyes from the light.
Damon growled viscously as he tried to see past the light but to no avail. "I'm going to kill that girl!"
The girl smirked to herself as she watched the vampires struggle. "That'll teach them a lesson for what they did." She then vanished.
The light started to fade and Damon could make clear of his surroundings. Although there was a change. Everything else seemed taller then it was before. The trees, the grass, even the house looked alot bigger. "What in hell?" Damon jumped, surprised by his voice, it was very high pitched and sounded like a child's. Quickly running over to the nearest river, Damon took a look at his reflection and almost had a heart attack. Staring back at him wasn't a grown man, but a child; probably no more then the age of ten. His clothes weren't big on him either. It seems they shrunk in size when he did.
He threw his head back and groaned. He wondered what fate Stefan got. "Stefan?" He hated how his voice sounded so weak. "Stefan, we have a problem. And when I say problem, I mean global crisis." He walked back to where they were and looked around for his brother. Something moving in the grass caught his eye so he went to see what it was. His eyes widened when he saw that it was his brother. "You have got to be kidding me!" Staring back at him was a one-year old version of his brother. He looked up at Damon with big, brown eyes and smiled a dimpled grin at him. His clothes, like Damon's, has been somehow adjusted to fit him.
Damon just stared in shock, wondering how they got like this. "It must've been that witch! She used some kind of spell to make us like this!" Damon growled to himself, wondering what to do.
Damon's head snapped down to his drooling brother. "What did you just say?"
"Go go Elwna!" Stefan clapped his pudgy hands together and giggled.
"You think we should go to Elena's?" asked Damon.
"Yay yay Elwna!"
Damon looked thoughtful for a minute. "Yeah, I guess she could help us."
Damon started to walk away when he realized something. "Oh crap." He walked back to his brother and rolled his eyes as his brother was sucking his thumb and staring up at him with big, brown eyes. "Come here." he sighed as he bent down and picked up Stefan and set him on his hip.
Stefan giggled and stared cooing up to Damon. Damon just sighed. "Yea, yea. We're gonna go see Elena. Now just be quiet and let me think of the fastest way to get there."
He started walking towards the sidewalk where there were people bustling and running from one place to another. Cars zoomed down intersections and birds flew into the great blue sky. Damon continued walking, ignoring the stares from other people and looked around for Elena's house. "Excuse me little boy, are you lost?"
Damon looked up to see a pretty blond woman looking down at him and smiling brightly at him. Damon scoffed. "No, I'm just looking for a house. Now move." He walked past the stunned blond woman and looked at Stefan who was pretty content with himself. "Will you stop sucking on that thing? If you want something to suck on then I'll get you a pacifier!"
Stefan didn't even look at his brother; he kept on sucking on his thumb. Damon, not very good with waiting on people, grabbed Stefan's hand and yanked it away from his face. "Stop it!"
Damon immediately regretted that action as Stefan's brown eyes got watery and soon he was bawling. "Hey, hey I didn't mean it!" cried Damon as he desperately tried to find something to shut his brother up. He spotted another baby in a stroller sucking on a pacifier and he grinned as he casually reached over and took it out of the kid's mouth and jammed it into his crying brother's mouth. "There, now shut up!"
Stefan soon got settled in his brother's arms and smiled contently at his new found sucking object. Damon smirked as the baby cried and walked away to avoid a scene. "Well, you can't make them all happy." Damon sniggered to himself as he kept walking towards Elena's house with his baby brother in tow.
Elena was just finishing putting her hair up when the doorbell rang. "I'm coming!" cried Elena as she bounded down the stairs and swung open the door. Her eyes did a double take at the pair standing at her door. A kid, about nine or ten, wearing all black and had blue eyes and black hair, was holding a baby who had the same get-up as the kid who was holding him. Except he was sucking on a pacifier and smiling up at her. The other kid didn't look at pleased and was staring at her intently.
"Elena, we need your help."
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed it! Will update ASAP if I get enough reviews! Just a few things I'd like to point out: 1) Even though they are kids, Stefan and Damon still have their powers intact. Although they don't know it yet. Stefan won't be able to use his because he's a baby and can't speak correctly yet. Damon, on the other hand, can and that will play in later chapters. 2) Even though he's a baby and acts like one, Stefan still knows what is going on and will try to help his brother in anyway that he can. But he still has the mind of a child so he'll sometimes act like one.
Hope that cleared up any confusion you might've had and don't forget to review and watch tomorrow's new episode when Bonnie returns! :)