Author has written 14 stories for X-Men, Sonic the Hedgehog, Transformers/Beast Wars, Pokémon, Galactik Football, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Bleach, Misc. Books, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Naruto, Merlin, and Oban Star-Racers.
Hey, this is your friendly neighbourhood Bamf. Wilkommen meine freunde! Now, I'm sure that, if you have seen my profile before, you'll know it used to be chock full of 'copy and paste' stuff. Well, to be quite frank, it got ridiculous. There are too many out there that apply to me, and no one wants to scroll through all of them. So, I will have only this, the final lines each being of my own making :)
Friends will come bail you out of jail
Best Friends are sitting next to you saying "Let's do that again!"
My Friends jostle into my house and duck under the window as the police drive past
Friends call your parents 'Mr.' and 'Mrs.'
Best Friends call your parents Mum and Dad
My Friends avoid my parents like the plague, 'cause if their own are anything to go by, they don't want to meet any more
Friends ask if you're okay when you're upset at school, and then go to class
Best Friends take you to the back of the classroom and let you complain all period to them, then they give you the world's GREATEST advice.
My Friends let me complain for about five minutes, then say something hilarious that has us laughing about it all day, or at least 'til it's my turn to cheer THEM up
Friends talk to you about arranging a day or evening out
Best Friends show up at your house, plans or not
My Friends never make plans, they just all come round my house whenever and declare "You're coming with us!"
Friends ask for your number
Best Friends have you on speed dial
My friends don't bother 'cause we see each other practically every day and they all know I never turn my phone on
Friends have never seen you cry
Best Friends have always had the best shoulder to cry on
My Friends go pale and mumble "Oh shit, she's leaking, what do I do, what do I do!?"
Friends ask to borrow your stuff then give it back later
Best Friends have a closet full of your stuff
My Friends looks sheepish when I ask for my stuff back and say "Sorry... I sat on it!"
Friends only know a few things about you
Best Friends could write a biography on your life
My friends know I'm a freak and that sums up pretty much everything about me
Friends will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing
Best Friends will always be with you
And that, dear readers, is me ;)
~Your Friendly Neighbourhood Bamf