And now we reach the end* of the story. Thank you all for coming along for this ride. It's been a total blast to write! You guys have been crazy awesome and inspired me to keep writing - and editing. Thank you! :D :D As always, I'd love to hear what you think.
0110001001100101011001110110 1001011011100110111001101001 0110111001100111
2247 hours, October 25, 2558
Requiem Shield World
Forerunner Installation SW-0043
John held up a fist.
His team stopped noiselessly behind him.
After being officially assigned to be part of the Infinity crew, John had been given the responsibility of running the Alpha Commando Task Force Team. He and Lieutenant Commander O'Day, Infinity's Chief of Security, had worked together to form the best team for the Spartan to have. It had taken nearly two weeks before the Spartan had been satisfied with the group of soldiers commissioned to elite force.
Thomas Lasky had been the easiest choice. The middle-aged man had combat experience and a healthy dose of common sense and determination. After Chief Mendez's injuries had been tended to, Lasky had relinquished command over the Spartan IVs and joined the team.
Thet 'Reftam was the only member of the team that was not human. The former Elite had been aboard the Shadow of Intent when the Flood had attacked Earth and had travelled through the Portal to fight the on the Ark. The Sangheili had personally requested permission to be a part of the exclusive team. When John had reviewed his record, which included a recommendation from the Arbiter, he had agreed to 'Reftam's request.
The final two members of his team were both Spartan IVs: Miller, the young man John had first met when he came aboard the Infinity, and Sandra, a young woman who had quickly impressed John with her observation skills and speed. Both Spartans were adept at every form of fighting, their augmentation allowed for their bodies to have superhuman strength similar to that of John.
Tensions between Lasky and 'Reftam had been high when they first met. John knew that Lasky had never forgiven the Covenant for what they had done to everyone on Circinus IV-and would be unlikely to ever do so. It had taken several dozen exercise drills and a couple of intense confrontations, but over the past months, there was finally a sense of continuity amongst his team.
Now, they were working together to help clear out a landing zone for a travelling Pelican to land.
"Blue Two, Blue Three," John said through the team's comm, "get into position. When Blue Five gives the signal, be ready. Blue Four, you're with me."
Less than a second later, four green acknowledgement lights winked on. John watched as Lasky and the Elite melted into the shadows of the cliff face. He nodded to Sandra and they started to make their way through the narrow corridor.
John knew not to underestimate the enemy, but he was confident in his team's ability to reach the LZ without incident. Together, he and Sandra moved through the terrain with barely a sound. He scanned the area closely for any signs of the Prometheans, but so far, there were no signs of the hulking warriors.
When they were halfway to their objective, a single green acknowledgment light blinked.
Miller was ready.
John resisted the urge to move faster. Miller would be well-hidden until everyone got to their positions.
Just as they approached the final ascent, Lasky said, "We've got a bit of a problem, Chief. There are double the patrols than we were expecting. And they've got some friends in the sky."
John frowned briefly. The addition of more Knights and Sentinels would make an already difficult situation more complicated.
"'Reftam and I will deal with the hostiles on the ground. You and Sandra take the Sentinels," John ordered. "Miller, be ready. The transport will be here in ten minutes. If they haven't lost their tail, you will need to deal with it."
"Got it, Chief."
John peered around the rock face to get a look at the clearing ahead of them. There were eight Knights standing guard and over a dozen Aggressor Sentinels buzzing overhead. Across the open field, tucked behind the large trees, Lasky and 'Reftam were hiding in the shadows. To the east, on a plateau a half-mile away, Miller was waiting.
It was time to complete their objective.
John plucked a plasma grenade from his armor and clinched it in his hand. Sandra readied her scattershot, looking ahead.
Then, John gave the go ahead signal. Sandra ran ahead as 'Reftam and Lasky emerged from their spot. John hurled the grenade towards the Knights, satisfied when it landed squarely on one of the Promethean's chest. When it exploded, he reached back and grabbed his scattershot, plowing forward.
Lasky and Sandra were making quick work of the Sentinels. John dodged the falling debris as he took aim at a Knight. He fired one shot, then another. The Knight staggered backwards, but held tight to his own weapon. The persistent Promethean raised his rifle, but before he could pull the trigger, John fired one last lethal shot.
The Knight collapsed to the ground.
John turned around and faced the next Knight that was taking aim at Lasky when the Pelican made contact with him and his team. "This is Delta 151. I'm going to need a little help losing this tailgater if you guys aren't too busy."
He dodged a shot from the Knight then opened a comm channel. "Miller, are you ready?"
"Don't worry, sir, she'll get to the LZ in one piece."
John didn't reply; a barrage of bullets hit him from behind. His shield levels dropped precariously low as he spun to find his attacker. Before he could take aim at the Knight who attacked him, the Promethean slumped forward, molten bursts of plasma still glowing on his back from where he had been shot. Behind the Knight, 'Reftam stood, plasma rifle in hand.
John nodded his thanks as his shields' power levels returned back to normal. He scanned the battlefield. Nearly all of the Sentinels had fallen from the sky; only three Knights remained standing.
They were doing as well as John expected.
When the last of the Sentinels had fallen, John and Sandra worked together to take down another Knight as Lasky and 'Reftam teamed up to attack another. The pairs made quick work of the Knights, leaving one single Promethean in the middle of the quartet.
Before John or the others moved towards the Knight, an explosion sounded from the east. Miller's voice cut across the team's channel. "I've got some hostiles coming on my six. I'm going to need some help if that Pelican is going to lose that tail."
John looked at Sandra. Even hidden behind her mask, John knew she was eager to help Miller. John nodded. "Go."
"I'm on my way, Miller," she said over the team's comm as she started to sprint ahead. "Don't think I'm going to let you live this down."
Lasky raised an eyebrow at John. "Spunky, isn't she?"
John silently agreed.
As Sandra disappeared behind the trees, John looked forward. The three men stood with their weapons aimed at the remaining Knight. "Your people are an abomination, an atrocity of your ancestors," the Promethean taunted.
John refused to respond to the jeer. "Call off the attack on the transport," he demanded.
The Knight shook his head. "Never. I do not fear you, Warrior." John tensed. His finger itched to pull the trigger, but he would allow for the Knight's surrender if the Promethean chose to give in.
The Knight's helmet peeled back. The flames from his skull brightened the darkened sky. "I would rather die than concede defeat."
"That can be arranged," rumbled 'Reftam. Then, before John took the shot, he pulled out his light sword and slashed it across the Knight's throat. The head dropped to the ground as the Promethean's body fell forward.
"You should know by now their kind don't negotiate," 'Reftam said disapprovingly.
"And you should know by now that our kind is always willing to give the enemy a chance to admit they've been a bunch of idiots and come crawling to us for help. After all, that's what happened with the Arbiter, right?" Lasky shot back.
'Reftam snarled. "Your ignorance-"
"Not now," John said, putting up a hand. Then, he opened a comm channel. "Blue Four, Blue Five, what's your status?"
Neither answered.
John listened for the sound of a firefight in the distance, but heard nothing. He opened another comm channel. "Delta 151, please respond."
Sandra spoke. "Blue Four here. We cleared the area, Chief. The Pelican is enroute and we're headed back to your position."
"Good work," he said sincerely.
It took another three minutes for the air craft to come into view. John watched as the transport landed in the middle of the clearing. Miller and Sandra emerged from the shadows as the Pelican settled on the ground.
Then, with the objectives complete, the environment around them faded as the simulation terminated. Outside of the team, the room was empty with one notable exception.
In the corner of the room, the Librarian stood, watching.
"Come on," Lasky said to the others on the team. "Captain Del Rio will need us to run the final checklist before takeoff."
John appreciated that the seasoned officer was trying to give him and the Librarian a few minutes together before they left Requiem; the Forerunner had decided to stay planetside to assist the small research team that was going to stay behind to study the planet's technology.
He nodded and looked at the group that stood before him. They weren't like the Blue Team made of Spartan IIs, but John had confidence that like his former team, the five of them would be able to accomplish great things.
He waited until they left to face the Librarian. It was the first time she had ever watched a training exercise; normally she preferred to stay within Requiem's control center.
"So, this chapter of your life ends, Warrior," she said solemnly. "And a new one is about to begin."
It had taken just over thirteen months and thousands of man hours, but the crew had finally been able to restore the Infinity to working condition. They would continue their mission of space exploration, locating and studying new Forerunner planets and installations. John had taken a while to adjust to his new orders; being on a ship for an extended period of time without being in cryo seemed odd to the seasoned officer. Not having a enemy to fight, even more so.
He still wasn't sure where Cortana fit into the picture. The two of them had been unable to work together since she had come aboard the Infinity because she was classified as a civilian personnel. Until High Command officially changed her status to that of an UNSC officer, there would be no chance that she could accompany him during his missions.
Even then, it wasn't certain if they would be assigned to the same unit.
The Librarian studied him; even with her face hidden behind her helmet, he knew she was watching him, waiting for a reply.
"My team and I will be ready," he said confidently.
"I am certain you will be." She pulled her hands from behind her back. She was holding a tablet out for him to take. "The Intellect wanted me to give this to you."
John's brow furrowed. Why hadn't Cortana come to him directly?
He silenced his questions and took the tablet from her and read the information on the screen. "She heard from Lord Hood."
The Librarian nodded. "I believe her exact words were, 'It took High Command long enough to make a decision.'"
John read through the information. Lord Hood had convinced High Command to not only recognize Cortana as a valid member of the UNSC, and to attribute the work she did as an AI to her service record. He looked at her rank: Lieutenant Cortana Halsey."
He was surprised that she had kept the name; Halsey was still considered a traitor by most in the UNSC.
He tapped the screen twice, expanding the report. Along with her promotion, she had been given her own three-man team: Data Infiltration Team Alpha. Due to the nature of their team, Lord Hood commanded her to work in tandem with the commander of Alpha Commando Task Force.
That was his team.
"The Intellect thought you might enjoy that bit of information," she said.
AI or human, there was no one on the Infinity whose skills and intelligence John trusted more. He felt a faint smile tug on his lips. "I do."
Despite his happiness at her assignment, he still wondered why she hadn't delivered the information to him to herself. "Where is she?"
Then, the Librarian did something John had never seen her do before: she hesitated. A half-second later, she gestured to the door. "Allow me to walk through the halls of your peoples' ship one last time with you, Warrior."
John knew it was pointless to press her; she would only reveal what she knew when she was ready. He placed the rifle on the rack by the door and stepped into the corridor.
Nearly a minute passed before the Librarian spoke. "The Intellect is tending to some...unfinished business."
Instantly, John knew exactly to what the Librarian was referring. The Dawn. Cortana had steadfastly refused to go to the crashed ship. He knew what was in there waiting for her. "She went there alone?" he asked, brow furrowed.
"She asked me not to tell you unless she asked. She arranged for a transport there earlier this evening." She nodded towards the tablet still in John's hand. "I believe she was hoping that information would distract you until she had returned."
"She shouldn't be there alone."
"I agree, Warrior." She turned the corner. "That is why I have requested Captain Del Rio to authorize you to transport her back to your ship."
"He agreed?" he asked, surprised. The Librarian and the captain's relationship was still contentious, at best.
She laughed softly. "I believe your captain is so relieved that I decided to remain on Requiem, he would have granted me any request."
They walked down the halls until they reached the outer doors of a cargo bay. The Librarian turned to face John and took his hands into her own. "This is where we must part paths, Warrior. Take care of the Intellect and allow her to do the same to you." She squeezed his hands. "There is much you have left to do."
John wondered if she was referencing another Prophecy about the Warrior and the Intellect. The Forerunner had steadfastly refused to divulge any of the ancient writings, telling him that he and Cortana must forge their own path without the words of the Augury clouding their decisions.
"Thank you," he said sincerely.
"Thank you. You and the Intellect have given this Forerunner a bit of faith." She released his hands and took a step back. "Go. She will need you."
John nodded, not willing to say goodbye, and stepped through the doors. A Pelican was waiting for him next to the open bay door. He quickly crossed the room, entered the transport and guided the craft to Cortana's location.
He flew the now-familiar skies to the east. In the distance, the moonlight bounced off the wreckage of the Dawn.
Once the Pelican landed, John reached around and unlocked the latches on his helmet. He set it on the floor by the pilot's chair and exited the Pelican.
Over the course of the past six months, John had made an effort to not remain hidden behind his visor. Cortana had been surprised when she had seen him without his helmet for the first time. She had raised her eyebrows. "I think those Spartan-IVs' habits are rubbing off on you."
He hadn't bothered to correct her; his choice to start wearing his helmet less had little to do with the company of Spartans and more to do with her. He had caught her looking at him, trying to see the face behind the visor. After years of keeping his expressions -his emotions- tucked behind his armor, John was ready to allow reveal the man he was.
At least to Cortana.
John carefully climbed over the wreckage and into the open passageway that led to where Cortana was. As he made his way inside, Cortana's voice bounced off the shattered shell of the Dawn.
"I have failed, Chief. I allowed myself the illusion that somehow, I would find a way to circumvent my Rampancy." There was a long silence. "I should have known better."
John walked through the damaged ship, ducking under the broken pillars and beams. Cortana was in there somewhere.
Her voice grew cold. "I look at you -not that you'll notice- motionless in that sealed casket and envy the fact that you don't have to face the darkness like I do. All I do is think. And think. And think."
"And that has led me to my death."
The voice grew louder as John approached the cyrobay where he and Cortana had spent four years. John reached the entrance to the narrow room. Cortana was kneeling in front of the holotank, looking at a familiar green-hued avatar. Even though he knew it was only a recording, John was taken aback at the sight he hadn't seen in six months: Cortana in an avatar state.
"Based on my calculations, she will be waiting for you. The other Cortana on Requiem." The hologram let out a shaky sigh. "She was wrong, you know. She was your sword and your shield. Not me. Tell her-" Abruptly, the recording ended.
Several seconds of silence passed.
Cortana didn't turn to face him as she said, "Did I look like this? At the end?"
John walked inside the room and approached the holotank. He studied the frozen hologram. She looked frightened and angry, unaccepting of her mortality. Her hair was wild; it looked like she pulled it in a fit of anguish. John felt his gut tighten at the hostility in her eyes and the snarl on her lips.
"No," he answered, casting a sideways look at Cortana. "You didn't."
She turned back to the frozen image of the other Cortana. "I understand how she felt. It was so lonely out there. A girl starts to lose her mind." She flashed him a guilty look. "There were times that I talked with you. I didn't really care if you could hear me or not. I just wanted to assure myself I wasn't out there alone."
"You weren't."
She pushed a button and the avatar disappeared. A handful of seconds passed before she continued speaking, "I wondered what you dreamed about while you were in there."
John's dreams while he was in cryo were always intense. Some of them were impossible situations, saving Johnson from Guilty Spark, killing Truth before he fled High Charity; others were more mundane, a conversation with Cortana, giving a debriefing to Lord Hood, but all of them had one common factor.
"You," he said simply.
If his open confession caught her off-guard, she didn't show it. She turned to him, eyebrow arched and said, "Well, that only seems to be fair considering how many of my thought processes were dedicated to you while we were floating out there."
Then, she straightened and gave his hand a squeeze. Such gestures of friendship weren't uncommon from her. A deeper relationship between the two of them seemed as if it was a foregone conclusion to her. There was no hesitation when she studied him as if she was trying to listen to his thoughts. She had no compunction about waking him up in the middle of the might to ask him a question like she often had when they were stationed on the Cairo platform.
John, for his part, was still trying to adjust to the changes in their dynamic. Showing compassion for a holographic AI was, in many ways, easier for the Spartan than it was to show affection towards Cortana in her current state.
"It's my fault," she said, casting another glance at the now-empty holotank. "She would have survived without my interference."
John's brow furrowed. "You don't know that."
"Don't I?" She ran a hand through her hair. "If I hadn't made that recording then she wouldn't have been so determined to avoid what happened to me. She wouldn't pushed herself to Rampancy."
"If you hadn't, she wouldn't have been able to make the communique to High Command. The Infinity would have never arrived and the Schism would have been activated," he countered.
"You make it sound like I knew what I was doing, but I didn't." She looked away, an uncharacteristic look of embarrassment tarnished her face. "If I had been thinking clearly, my protocols would have never allowed for me to upload that video. It went completely against the Paradox Initiative."
"It is acceptable to spend a soldier's life if necessary. It's not acceptable to waste one," John said, remembering Mendez's words after the augmentation process claimed so many of his Spartan brothers and sisters. He looked at Cortana squarely. "Her life wasn't wasted."
Cortana didn't look quite convinced as she turned and faced the cryotube that John had been in for over four years. "Maybe you're right," she said half-heartedly.
She walked to it and pressed her hand to the glass. "It's difficult being here," she admitted quietly.
John knew she wasn't just talking about what she had seen on the recording. This place that had held his hushed casket had been a tomb for her too; she had spent most of her life there, dying a death that he couldn't begin to understand as she stayed with him.
She had been his guardian, keeping watch when he couldn't.
A wave of gratitude spread over him for everything she had done to insure his safety. Then, before he could fully realize what he was about to do, he walked to where she stood, leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips.
It took Cortana a half-second to realize what he was doing -John had barely grasped the idea that he had actually initialized the kiss himself- before she returned the gesture. Her hand, cold from the glass, reached up and touched his cheek softly as her warm lips caressed his own.
The kiss lasted no more than several seconds. She pulled away from him and looked into his eyes, searching for an answer to her unspoken question.
"You know how I am with words," he said dryly.
Her eyebrow arched. "It would figure you would allow your actions to speak for you." She nudged him on his arm. "We'd better get back to the ship before Captain Del Rio starts asking questions."
She ejected the data chip and slipped it into her pocket. Together, they walked through the halls of the Dawn one last time. They silently made their way back to the Pelican, each saying goodbye to the ship that had been their home for four years.
When they stepped out of the destroyed ship, Cortana looked back one last time. "Requiescat in pace," she whispered. Then, she walked aboard the Pelican.
Cortana sat in the pilot's seat as John stood behind her. She didn't say anything as she continued to navigate through Requiem's skies. They flew through the snow dusted hills, passing the now fully-functional Station they had first gone to when they had crashed on the planet.
Soon, the Infinity came into view. The repaired ship stood proudly at the base of the control center. He watched as the final cargo was being loaded into the ship. As the last of the Marines walked up the ramp, he glanced at Cortana.
"It's finished," John said, breaking the silence in the cabin.
The Pelican turned backwards as it finished its landing sequence and settled on the floor of the cargo bay. Cortana stood up, walking to the back of the transport. After picking up his helmet and putting it back on, John followed.
Her hand brushed against his as they started making their way down the ramp. "Actually, John, I think we're just getting started."
*The end is, of course, relative. I do intend on visiting this universe every now and again, dropping random one-shots to fill in the gaps between this fic and the tentatively planned sequel. (I already have a one-shot ready to post on Halloween which is appropriately titled, "Haunted".) However, the previously mentioned sequel is going to take time to write. I am intending to write another epically huge Halo fic for NaNo this year that is completely separate from this universe. Again, thanks for all of you who have taken the time to favorite, review and follow this labor of love. You are all awesome!