Ch.11: Sonic's Sucessor
" I can't believe it" thought Knuckles, standing still while everyone else crowded around Sonic " I got rid of Nazo, he should have never exsisted! So why is Sonic still injured? Why?"
A strange glowing light turned everyone's attention to the sky. Out the light formed three floating tiki masks. Knuckles knew instinctively who they were. These were the Ancient Walkers Locke had told him about before he dissappeared.
" Do not fear Chaos Child" said the Ancient Walkers to Knuckles as the echidna approached " you have not failed. Nazo's tale has not been told, but a new tale has yet to unfold,"
"But if I didn't fail to get rid of Nazo" said Knuckles " then why is Sonic still hurt?"
" Pararell realities do not favor time" said the Ancient Walkers " what happens happens, simple and sublime. We know that you all wish this pain will not last, but Sonic was injured in the present, not the past. Be patient and do not cry, it is not the hedgehog's time to die,"
So Sonic would eventually heal and to that everyone gave a big sigh of relief. As the Ancient Walkers dissappeared after relaying their message everyone left the ancient city and returned to the open air of Angel Island.
" Man" said Vector, stretching his arms " breathe that fresh air,"
" I'll take Sonic to see Doctor Quack" said Tails " it's good to know that he will recover. It's to bad we don't know when,"
"The Ancient Walkers are never specific on time," said Knuckles.
" So you know those floating tiki masks?" asked Rouge.
" Every Guardian knows," said Knuckles.
About five minutes later the Chaotix were on their way back to the cabin, and everyone else was loading the injured Sonic into the X Tornado for the trip home. Knuckles however walked up the steps to the Master Emerald's alter and put the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds back in their proper places.
"Why are you sulking?" came the unexpected voice of Shadow from behind him.
" I'm worried about Sonic that's all," said Knuckles, turning to face the black hedgehog.
" No, that's not all" said Shadow " there's something else, now spill it,"
"Heh" sighed Knuckles " they should have returned. If Nazo was the one who had killed my kind they all should be here, but they're not,"
" You changed history Knuckles" said Shadow " which is something I didn't even think you could do, but if you fixed one problem then likely another one came to replace it,"
" I guess I haven't fufilled the prophecy yet" said Knuckles sighing " but what in the world could be worse than Nazo?"
A few weeks later Doctor Quack was happy to report that Sonic had fully recovered from his wound and was free to leave the hospital. Tails and the others were imediately excited and decided to have a party to celebrate Sonic's recovery.
Decorations were hung up fast at the local park, with plenty of food and drinks on the table to feed an army. Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge, and the Chaotix came in and enjoyed the fun just minutes after the party started.
And the guest of honor, Sonic the Hedgehog himself, was having a blast of his own hanging out with every known friend he ever made. But even with all the celebration something serious was also implanted in Sonic's mind.
When Sonic first woke up he imediately demanded to know what happened to Nazo, having being knocked out for the rest of the battle. When he heard of his near death experince and Knuckles victory a strange new thought entered the hedgehog's mind.
For many years Sonic had never once feared death. It was one thing he never thought off when facing someone as pathetic as Eggman or someone more powerful like Nazo. Yet the possiblity was still there, what would happen if he ever really did die? Who would take his place when he was gone?
Of course Tails would probably try his best to take over, but he was just a kid, he still had a lot to learn whenever a situation produced to much danger.
These thoughts have plagued Sonic for the past few weeks of his recovery, and now was the perfect time he thought to this plague to a stop. while everyone set down at the table for lunch Sonic raised his glass and said...
" I have an announcement to make,"
Everyone imediatelly quieted down and waited axniously to hear what Sonic had to say.
"First" said Sonic " I want to thank ya'll for standing by me while I recovered from Nazo's attack, but the real hero to be celebrated here today is Knuckles for putting an end to Nazo's riegn of terror once and for all,"
" No Sonic" said Knuckles denyingly " it was my wish that caused this whole mess in the first place. I don't deserve the praise,"
" Yes you do" said Sonic " people need a hero to rely on. And if anything ever happens to me I want you to stand up and be that hero,"
Everyone was stunned still when Sonic made his announcement, especailly Knuckles. Sonic had basically just announced that if he ever dies Knuckles would be their new leader.
Even after the party Knuckles was still stunned to be given such an honor. As he stood be before the Master Emerald's alter he vowed.
" I won't let you down Sonic" said Knuckles "I won't let you down,"
Meanwhile, floating in the limbo of time and space, the Ancient Walkers had just witnessed Sonic's surprise announcement as well, although they weren't to surprised. On that night a new prophecy was born.
" The wounded is healed, the battle is done, but the war has just begun.
A wish has yet to be fufilled, it will not stop, it will not yeild.
Darkness approaches the evening dawn, fate will not be prolonged.
Be prepared Chaos Child of Light, and brace yourself for the coming fight,"
The End ... For Now