![]() Author has written 5 stories for Bleach. Hello everybody! Thank you for visiting my profile. Quite a few years ago, I started to write fan fiction. I thought it was an easy way to get writing practice, and an easy way to get feedback, since the material I was writing already had a built in audience, and on top of all that, it was free for others to access through this site. However, I think the wheels have really started to come off for me as far as the fan fiction goes. At first, I found I wasn't updating stories because I'd lost interest in the fandoms. Then, I allowed my self to get distracted with other things, like elections and bad economies and my own illnesses and discomforts. Every time I made a concerted effort to resume writing with some of the existing stories I'd already posted because readers were eager for new chapters, it became more and more of a Herculean task to accomplish. All summer, I've been working furiously on original work, work that I hope to have published, and I have found that the fan fiction writing hasn't done for me what writing original fiction has. I'm so much more excited about writing, but the fan fiction has had to take a serious back seat to the original fiction. Therefore, I hesitate to use the word "retire," because it's uncommon for anyone to ever resume working on something after retiring, but I am being honest in saying that nothing of my fan fiction is getting worked on at the moment. I cannot express how grateful I am for all the support and encouragement I've had from readers over the years I've been writing fan fiction. Some of your feedback and reviews and even artwork inspired by my work have really inspired me. I really hope, once my original novels make it to the reading public, that the feedback will be even close to as positive as what I've experienced here. Thank you very much for understanding, Bleachigo/PC Andrews |