![]() Author has written 10 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Harry Potter, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. THE KH SURVEY (Please copy and paste this onto your profile and answer the questions! Spread the KH fever!) SECTION ONE: The "Favorite" Questions 1. Your favorite KH guy? Hmm…tough choice; well it’s gotta be Sora, but Riku & Roxas are right there on the top of the list too. 2. Your favorite KH girl? Hmm...definitely Kairi or Namine 3. Your least favorite KH guy? Why? Xemnas or Saix. They’re just creepy. I have no idea why. 4. Your least favorite KH girl? Why? Larxene 5. Favorite World? (Includes both KH1 and KH2) THERE’S SO MANY, COME ON!! Okay, there’s Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden, Pride Lands, Disney Castle, Halloween Town, Agrabah, Destiny Islands, Twilight Town, Olympus Colliseum, Port Royal, Atlantica and the list goes on... 6. Least Favorite World? I don’t know why but I never really liked Beast’s Castle so much 7. Favorite Weapon? (Includes both KH1 and KH2) Kingdom Key, Way To Dawn, Oathkeeper, Oblivion, Dark Realm’s Keyblade (Mickey's Keyblade), Circle of Life, Guardian Soul, Bond of Flame and many many more! 8. Least Favorite Weapon? That stupid Struggle Sword thing in Twilight Town and the wooden sword from KH1 9. Fav. Summon? (includes both KH1 and KH2) Simba, Genie & Stitch, man! They rock! 10. Fav. Form? (aka. Sora's Forms) Valor, Final, Lion, Merman, Vampire & Data 11. Favorite Pairing? (includes yaoi coupling) Why? SoKai. It's canon and every KH fan KNOWS they're meant to be. If you say otherwise, then I'm gonna send a giant horde of Heartless on you. Even you fan-girls love Sora or you fan-girls love Kairi... 12. Least Fav. Pairing? (includes yaoi couples) Why? Xemnas & Saix, again, it’s just plain creepy... 13. Any cool crack pairings you've heard of? List 'em. Maleficent & Pete (shudder) Demyx & Donald (LOL and a even bigger shudder) 14. Weirdest Pairing(s) You've Ever Heard Of? Donald & Selphie (have they met by any chance?) 15. Any "Kh-pet-peeves" you have? I don’t know... 16. Fav. Partner in KH? (includes both KH1 and KH2) Ooh tough choice. Okay: Aladdin/Beast/Jack Sparrow/Jack Skellington/Tarzan/Riku SECTION TWO: Do you believe it, or not believe it? 17. Do you believe in the Xemnas/Saix theory! Yes…and no 18. Do you believe that Zexion is emo? Nope. Never did, never will 19. Do you believe that Marluxia is gay? Almost, but no. I mean COME ON!! With the flower petal thing and the pink hair and his element!! He looks like he's gay okay? Just like Chandler (lol). But stil... 20. Do you believe that Kairi is the most annoying character in KH? People say that only because she's pretty (YES, there I said she was pretty. And no I'm not a lesbian) and the fact that she gets saved by two really cute anime guys (who may have the hugest fan-clubs in the world. Sorry Axel/Roxas fan-girls). She is not the most annoying character okay? She's one of the most important characters in the whole series. I can't be bothered to list all the reasons though; you should be able to figure them out and if you can't (shocker), then let me know and I'll be more than glad to tell you... SECTION THREE: Answer Yourself! 21. If Roxas had to choose either Namine or Olette, who would you root for? Why? NAMINE, MAN! I mean she’s helped him through a lot, and they’re perfect for each other. IT'S DESTINY!! (no pun or joke intended) 22. What's your theory on KH: Birth by Sleep? Well I think that maybe, just maybe, Terra may be the Xehanort we all know and hate. Ven died, BUT, his soul transferred to Sora and became a part of him and that partly is the reason why Sora can wield the Keyblade in the first place (and also why Roxas and Ven look so freakin similar!) Aqua is dead...'Nuff said Here this was the rise and fall of the Unversed (yes, this is the actual name. I checked, and you can ask Tetsuya Nomura personally if you like). This is why we never saw them in the first or second games... 23. Was Chain of Memories a waste of time? Can’t say until I’ve played it, but from what I’ve heard, no it wasn't. 24. If you had the choice of meeting ONE (and ONLY ONE!) KH character, who would it be? WHY MUST YOU GIVE SUCH DIFFICULT QUESTIONS?! Okay, either Sora, Roxas, Riku Kairi or Namine. Even the Chasers (Terra, Ven & Aqua) wouldn't be so bad. I can ask them EVERYTHING I want to know about Birth By Sleep... 25. Which KH character do you relate to the most? Why? Hmm, maybe Sora or Roxas. Like Roxas, I’m a bit of a loner and I doubt myself A LOT, and like Sora, I’m a bit carefree and gullible and my friends are very important to me. But I'm also kinda distant from others at times. So that also makes me like Riku...God why am I so much like guys? 26. What's the most embarrassing moment that ever happened to you that had something to do with KH? Hmm…don’t remember. 27. Have you ever cosplayed as a KH character? If so, who? If not, who would you like to cosplay as? Nope and don’t plan to. 28. The Funniest Moment in all of KH would be...? Too…many…can’t make decision… 29. The Hardest Enemy/Boss was...? Well, since I haven’t played KH2 Final Mix, it’s gotta be either Xemnas or Sephiroth (damn I can't beat you! WHY?!) 30. What was a good edition in KH2 that made it oh-so-addictive? Organization XIII, better graphics, new plot, new worlds, new weapons and so on and so forth SECTION FOUR: Decisions, Decisions... Note: You MUST only choose one! "Both" or "Neither" in unacceptable!! 31. Hayner or Pence? Pence (don’t know why) 32. Zexion or Marluxia? Zexion (again, don't know why) 33. Riku or Roxas? Roxas, he’s so damn sweet! But that doesn't mean I don't like Riku. They both rock! 34. Roxas or Sora? WHY?! Okay, I’m gonna say Sora here but I like Roxas too. 35. Axel or Demyx? Hmm, Axel this time, but Demyx is not that bad either 36. Kairi or Larxene? Kairi. Nuff said... 37. AkuRoku or SoRiku? AUGH! It has come to this! Okay…SoRi…gotcha there! Seriously, sigh AkuRoku 38. Namixas or Namiku? NAMIXAS ALL THE WAY!! 39. Zemyx or AkuRoku? Again? Come on! Alright AkuRoku (again...alright who wrote this survey?) 40. SoKai or SoRiku? SoKai (not a big fan of yaio but for some reason I enjoy it. I guess that does make me a yaoi fan then. Huh. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!) 41. SeaSalt Ice Cream or Paopu Fruit? Sea Salt Ice-Cream I guess 42. Cloud or Leon? Leon I guess 43. CloTi of Clerith? CloTi for some reason...Can I say Clerith too? 44. Simple and Clean or Passion? Passion, but I like Simple and Clean too SECTION FIVE: The Last Section!! 45. List all the KH character you've fallen for. (This includes Final Fantasy charcter as well) Sora, Roxas, Riku, Axel & Demyx (in no order what so ever) 46. What crossovers would you like to see with KH? None, it’s fine the way it is! 47. Does anyone in KH look like another character? List 'em all! Ven/Roxas/Sora Sora/Leon (sort of) Roxas/Cloud (come on! You have to admit that they could be brothers or something) Axel/Reno (I found out a while back...weird) Olette/Aerith (I didn’t notice until I read this really good story in Quizilla. It’s called ‘Heart of Halloween’; you should check it out and see for yourself, I totally recommend it. And while you're at it, check out the author's other stories too!) I've been thinking, you think Tetsuya Nomura makes these KH characters look similar to FF characters on purpose? 48. Which new KH game can you abosolutely NOT wait for? 358/2 Days, Birth By Sleep and (hopefully) Kingdom Hearts 3 49. Do you like KH1 or KH2 better? Why? KH2 DUH! What’s not to like? The graphics, new clothes, new characters, new worlds, new plot-line…and well…yeah. 50. LAST QUESTION! What makes Kingdom Hearts one of the best games in the world!? I'll be honest, I thought that Kingdom Hearts wouldn't be great. My dad bought it for me when I got my PS2. I thought I'll give it a shot since Disney characters were there (would you believe I bought the French version? Hey I was living in Switzerland that time). I was SO wrong about it. The story is great and so are the characters, the Keyblade, the Summons and Limits and best of all, the Disney characters in the game (in some sense)!! Well basically, it’s just about everything about Kingdom Hearts that makes it one of THE best games ever! Dance... As though no one can see you Love... As though you've never been hurt before Sing... As though no one can hear you Live... As though heaven is on Earth -Souza Number your 12 favourite Kingdom Hearts character (in no order) and answer the questions! 1. Namine 2. Riku 3. Sora 4. Kairi 5. Demyx 6. Axel 7. Roxas 8. Terra 9. Ventus 10. Xion 11. Aqua 12. Luxord QUESTIONS: 1) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic before? Axel/Aqua? Nope. 2) Do you think Four is hot? I think Kairi's pretty, but I don't know if she's hot or not. 3) What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? If Luxord got Terra pregnant...well then I'd tell Darwin to eat his theory of natural selection. 4) Do you recall any fics about Nine? Plenty. There was one where Terra teaches Ventus these obscence jokes and Ven tells them to Aqua and disaster ensues...then there was another one (hundred) where he and Roxas were twins. 5) Would Two and Six make a good couple? Axel and Riku? Sure why not...if they're gay! 6) Make up a summary of a Three/Ten fic Sora and Xion...hmm...okay! Sora's little sister Xion teaches him what it means to be a girl. I will call it 'What's it like for a Girl in this World', or something like that. 7) Is there such thing as a One/Eight fluff? Namine and Terra...I dunno, is there? 8) Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five? Umm, Riku/Kairi/Demyx? I don't think so... 9) If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be? Namine/Axel/Luxord: maybe K+ for fluff or T for alcoholic references and lots of swearing and people taking advantage of each other. You're smart enough to know what I mean. 10) What might be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two? Xion: You know, that blindfold makes you look sexy! ;) Riku:... I don't know! Just go with it! 11) Cuter couple: Five/Nine or Ten/Twelve? five/nine- Demyx/Ventus ten/twelve: Xion/Luxord Uh...Demyx and Ven? 12) What would Six say if they saw Eight and Three kissing? If Axel saw Sora and Terra kissing- Axel: Okay... 13) How would you feel if Eleven died? Quite sad. Even though I haven't played as Aqua in Birth By Sleep, she seems like a good character and I would be upset if she died. 14) Which is a more disturbing pairing, One/Four or One/Seven? Namine/Kairi or Namine/Roxas? Well of course Namine/Kairi! They're practically twins! Namixas all the way! 15) Would Eight ever want to kill Five? I dunno. Would a stapler want to kill a globe? There's no reason why it has to... 16) Would four or nine be sad if twelve got run over by a car? Why should they be? Neither of them knew Luxord. 17) If Three and Seven got together, who would top? Sora and Roxas O.O...I don't even want to know...too horrible of an image *shudder* 18) "(1) and (7) are in a happy relationship until (7) runs off with (4). Heartbroken, (1) has a hot one-night stand with (11) and a brief unhappy affair with (12), then follows the wise advice of (5) and finds true love with (3) Namine and Roxas are in a happy relationship until Roxas runs off with Kairi. Heartbroken, Namine has a hot one-night stand with Aqua and a brief unhappy affair with Luxord, then follows the wise advice of Demyx and finds true love with Sora. Okay...why does it seem like A Midsummer's Night Dream to me? You know, it feels like everyone's falling in love with the wrong person or you know... 19) What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex? If Roxas walked in on Riku and Luxord...then he'd probably be scarred for life. Another KH Survey: Fill Out #'s 1-13with Organization XIII Member's Names In A Random Order 1. Marluxia 2. Xion 3. Axel 4. Demyx 5. Vexen 6.Roxas 7. Xemnas 8. Xigbar 9. Luxord 10. Larxene 11. Saix 12.Lexaeus 13. Zexion 1) Is a Seven/Three Pairing more on the humorous side or the angsty side? Xemnas/Axel? Well frankly neither. Angsty would be taken to a whole new level with these two and I can't imagine there being a humourous fic between them; as a pairing anyway 2) Would and Four/Ten be a smutty fic or a fluffy fic? Demyx/Larxene? It could go both ways really. 3) Do you reckon its possible for Two and Nine to get together? Xion/Luxord? Ooh, I just shuddered *shudders* See I shuddered again. Therefore my answer is no. 4) One and Eleven are going out...what's the Organization's reaction? If Saix and Marluxia were going out...I suppose most of the Organization wouldn't give a damn; Axel might take a few cracks at them, especially Saix, Xemnas may fume over how his second-in-command's undivided attemtion to him will now be divided, and Larxene and Vexen may plot ways on how to break up the couple and destroy Saix. Unlikely dou, deadly combination attacks. Hmm... 5) Which couple suits better? Eight/ Thirteen or Six/ Five? Xigbar/Zexion or Vexen/Roxas? *sigh* Is this a rhetorical question? 6) Is Twelve the most attractive member? No. For me, Roxy, Pyro and Dem-Dem Pie got it goin' on ;) 7) Do you think Three would be happy if Eleven and Eight got together? Pyro be cool with Puppy-Dog Man and Long John Shooter? Don't think he'd really care, it may be another opportunity for him to tease Saix, and now Xigbar 8) Write a title for a Four/ Two story. Demyx and Xion? 'Moves Me' 9) Have you ever read a Ten/ One Pairing? Marluxia and Larxene? No I have not. 10) Do you think its possible to make a Five/ Thirteen canon? Vexen and Zexion? Okay, let me ask another question: Will the populations of all third-world countries stop growing? That is my answer. 11) In a Six/ Nine pairing who would be top and who would be bottom? Roxas and Luxord huh? I'm not sure why, but even though Luxord would top often, he'd be a gentleman and let Roxas top. Occasionally. 12) Do you believe a One/ Thirteen could happen? Marluxia and Zexion COULD NEVER HAPPEN! 13) What would be a summary for and Eleven/ Three story? Axel and Saix...(hoo boy)...After an 'innocent' prank on Axel by Saix, Axel wages the ultimate prank war between himself and Saix. But what happens when the two 'warlords' begin to 'fratenize with the enemy'? (dear God, what the hell have I written? WHY IS THIS SO SUGGESTIVE?) 14) What would happen if Twelve/ Seven had a baby? Biologically, male pregnancy is impossible, but this is the fandom world, so ANYTHING (and I do mean ANYTHING) is possible. So, if Lexaeus and Xemnas had a baby...well I think the Organization would be in shock, and Saix would probably mope in some corner, wishing it was HIS and Xemnas's baby. And maybe Lexy and Xemmy would leave the baby at some orphanage since they have nothing better to do with it. 15) Write a warning for a Two/ One/ Eight story? Xion/Marluxia/Xigbar? Warning: Explicit violence, use of alcohol and threesomes due to drunkeness that would leave you with a hangover so bad you would feel like shooting yourself just to get rid of the pain. 16) Four and Twelve are getting married...what would five say as a speech? If Lexaeus and Demyx were getting married, and Vexen had to give a speech; well he'd give a speech about how it's impossible for Nobodies to feel anything and therefore it's impossible that they can understand or enjoy their wedding; a speech SO BORING that I will spare myself, and everyone else, the sheer boredom of it all. Favourite Characters in order of Preference: 1. Miles Edgeworth 1 and 2 started dating! What does 7 think? 3 and 8 are hopelessly in love! How did they meet? Oh dear. 4 and 6 are arguing again! What about this time? 9 and 5 are great friends. Why? 7 and 8? Kissing? What are the circumstances around the event? Both 4 and 5 love 10. Who will 10 choose? 3 and 2 are planning their dream party. What'll it include? 1 and 6. A match made in heaven? Pick 10 random characters. 1. Shi-Long Lang What would you do if: Number 1 woke you up in the middle of the night? Number 3 walked into the bathroom while you're showering? Number 4 announced he/she's going to marry 9 tomorrow? Number 5 cooked you dinner? Number 6 was lying next to you on the beach, sleeping? Number 7 suddenly confessed to be part of your family? Number 8 got into the hospital somehow? Number 9 made fun of your friends? Number 10 ignored you all the time? Two serial killers are hunting you down. What will 1 do? You're on a vacation with 2 and manage to break your leg. What does 2 do? It's your birthday. What does 3 get you? You're stuck in a house that's on fire. What does 4 do? You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will 5 do? You're about to marry number 10. What's 1's reaction: You got dumped by someone. How will 7 cheer you up? You compete in a tournament. How does 8 support you? You can't stop laughing. What will 10 do? Number 1 is all you've ever dreamed of. Why? Number 2 tells you about his/her deeply hidden love for number 9. You're dating 3 and he/she introduces you to her parents. Would you get along? Will number 5 and 6 ever kiss? Number 6 appears to be a player, breaking many hearts. What do you do? You had a haircut and 7 can't stop looking at you. What goes on in your mind? Number 8 thinks he/she’ll never get a girl/boyfriend. What will you tell him/her? Number 9 is too shy to face you and confesses their love by sending an email. Now what? You spot 10 kissing 1. How do you react? You notice that 3 and 4 have been inside that hotel room for MORE than a few hours. What are you thinking? Could 1 and 6 be soul mates? Would 2 trust 5? Number 4 is bored and pokes 10. What happens after that? 5 and 1 are forced to go back to school together. What study will they pick? If 6 and 3 cooked dinner what would they make? 7 and 9 apply for a job. What job? 8 gives 5 a haircut. Is that okay? 9 sketches what 6's perfect girl/boyfriend should look like; will 6 be happy? 10 and 9 are blushing while they talk. What is their conversation about? 1 accidentally kicked 10? 2 sent a message to his/her Bf/Gf but 9 got it. What would happen? 5 and 6 did a workout together? 6 noticed he/she wasn't invited to your birthday? 7 won the lottery? 8 had quite a big secret? 9 became a singer? 10 got a daughter? What would 1 think of 2? How would 3 greet 4? What would 4 envy about 5? What dream would 5 have about 6? What do 6 and 7 have in common? What would make 7 angry at 8? Where would 8 meet 9? What would 9 never dare to tell 10? What would make 10 scared of 1? Is 3 Gay? How do you feel right now? If you think that Jack Sparrow and Arabella Smith-Disney's Pirates Of The Caribbean: Jack Sparrow-are made for each other, and that Arabella should NEVER, under any circumstances, be with Bill Turner, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you support Sparrabella and Willabeth, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you think that Disney films ROCK and can be watched by all ages, copy and paste this onto your profile. This is a true story. A girl died in 1933. A man buried her when she was still alive. The murderer chanted," Toma Sota balcu," as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiilling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this on your profile, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded. If you think that Jack Sparrow is the BEST pirate out there, copy this. If you think that the Kingdom Hearts games is a series for the ages and no other game series will replace it in terms of awesomeness, then copy this and paste this on your profile Stories: Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts/Disney Talk/Dare Show: The title says it all! If you like seeing your favourite KH and Disney being humiliated unlike any kind before, or you just enjoy Kingdom Hearts/Disney or plain stupidity, then this fanfic is for you! (On hiatus) Questions, Questions...: Here KH characters ask other KH characters some stupid, awkward, personal, and other types of questions (Please request characters (pairs please) for upcoming chapters) (Discontinued) What it Takes to Be Gay: Axel and Demy, who have just met, decide to get an apartment together. They find the perfect place, but there's one small problem: the landlady won't let them have it. So they resort to Plan G-act gay so they can rent the apartment. They did NOT count on a few things however. 1) They didn't count on having to share the apartment with the landlady's TOTALLY hot niece. 2) They didn't count on telling her they were gay. And 3) They didn't count on the craziness, the drama, the fun, the romance and the homosexuality that would follow. (Currently on progress-next chapter coming soon! Rated T for Yaio and all sorts of craziness yet to come!) Those Special Little Words: SoraxKairi oneshot where Sora is planning to say those three little words that everyone loves to hear to Kairi, in his Sora-istic way, of course. Pure and utter fluff. What else would you expect? (complete) Harry Potter: The Sweetest Thing: A story about how the Marauders (sans Peter) (in an era where Voldemort was killed instead of James & Lily), throw a surprise party for Lily Evans-Potter, Iris Hewson-Black and Alex Stark to show them how much they love the girls, with lots of surprises including clothes, sleepovers, cooking disasters, and lots and lots of love! I've written a oneshot dedicated to XSiriusIsTheBestX because she's amazing and her stories are amazing. I only hope I've done her justice. I recommend you read her stories if you are a BIG Marauders & Lily time-period fan! (Complete) Like Your Namesakes: Harry and James have a heart-to-heart after James bullies Albus in a way reminiscent to what their grandfather did on that fateful day in 5th year OWLs. We take a trip down to memory lane and Harry sees a side to James that he never thought exist. (Complete) Ace Attorney Series: Glimmerous Klavier and Scietific Ema: Ten short musical drabbles about Klavier Gavin and Ema Skye. Just because they're them. Rated K+ for slightly suggestive themes. (Complete) Confessions of the Drunken Kind: After a drinking contest, Ema Skye is SMASHED and has no control over her mind or her mouth; from calling Apollo Justice 'Herr Fop's Bitch' to admitting to Klavier that she wants them to 'fuck each other senseless'. And Klavier has to take her home! Oh my... Rated K+ for drunkeness and some swearing and some somewhat sexy activity. KLEMA TO THE INFINITE! (Complete) Getting On Her Good Side: We all know that Ema doesn't like her job as a detective, or her boss Klavier Gavin for that matter. So after a rough day, she calls in sick and decides to get the rest and relaxation she 'deserves'. What she doesn't anticipate is a phone conversation with her older sister changing the dynamic of her relationship with the glimmerous fop. Rated for swearing. Slight Klema, but mostly a friendship fic. (Complete) |