Author has written 2 stories for Sherlock.
Aged eighteen, based in Toronto. I used to write here years back, though under a different name and for very different fandoms, so I'm still attempting to get back into the swing of writing. :)
(former pen-names: tofushakes, starships, the reichenbach hero)
Current favourites:
Castle Caskett, of course! Rysposito makes for a great bromance too.
Sherlock Holmes Holmes/Watson, Moriarty/Moran
BBC Sherlock John/Sherlock, Mystrade
Star Trek Spock/Kirk, Spock/McCoy, Chekov/Sulu, Chekov/Anyone :9
Inheritance Cycle Murtagh/Nasuada
Persona 3 Minato/Yukari, FeMC/Shinjiro
Bones BB, Zack/Hodgins
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Non-shipping, but I do enjoy the occasional AppleDash, RariJack, and Pinkie Dash. That should tell you who my favourite ponies are. :J