Author has written 20 stories for Discworld, Pokémon, Final Fantasy VII, Death Note, Glee, Sherlock, Good Omens, and Merlin. So guys, I'm not using this account any more, at least not to upload work. If I happen upon a great fic here and it's nowhere else on the Internet, I'll review and fave, and any stories I'm following on here that are still being updated I'll keep up with them. But if you want to read any new work, please visit my archiveofourown page at http:///users/meggie272/pseuds/meggie272 Thanks guys! Keep being creative and awesome :) I'm Meg and I like to be cynical and crazy at the same time, it's great. I like reading, punctuation, apples and tea. I'm an appreciator of life. I think we should all write as much as possible, and take as many photos, and laugh a lot, and kiss people, and whatnot. I get really obsessed and fangirly over stuff, and then I write fanfiction. Unfortunately I am very very bad at updating multi-chapter stories which is why most of my stuff is short and fairly simple. I hope you like what I have to offer anyway. If I comment on your story I most likely loved it and added it to my giant list of good fanfiction. I'm on tumblr and deviantart. |