Author has written 3 stories for World Ends With You, and Mario. Hello there, I'm the very same person from DeviantART, Hanakurai-San. All and any characters in the stories are property of their respectful owners. Right now, I am co-writing with a friend to create the story 'Logical Requiem', when 300 years after the game itself (The World Ends With You), many years have come and gone, friends risen and moved on, life lingers on as normal. Another story I have with me is 'The Chestnut Tree', where an autistic boy named Makoto whom originated from Japan, but currently living in Australia, finds a warp hole and ends up in the anime 'Saru Getchu' as a monkey. He becomes friends with Pink and Yellow Monkey, and is soon to realize that in order to prevent the distortion from spreading, he must confront his older brother, Sadao. Sadao has, as of late, became a much more dangerous advisory than Specter the moment he gives chase to his younger brother. I rather not give copyright notice on the story, so read here for evidence. I would like to get to know you all out there, so don't hesitate to send a message~ Until then, I'll see you in the later days. |
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