Reviews for Complete Beings
L13R18N32 chapter 86 . 4/17/2013
Wow...five points to Xemnas for being a colossal dick.
Ugh I just understand Axel's frustration so well...just this afteroon my mom and I got into an argument about my outfit. My pants are fine, but the top is a no-go...she actually said that cliche line, "You are not leaving this house wearing that." I couldn't believe it! I'm 19 dammit, I should be able to wear whatever I want...
I just get tired of being told what to do...just like Axel.
Gurgicalcipher chapter 86 . 4/17/2013
-squeals- I love this story so much! You bring your stories to life and my emotions run high. I always enjoy every single sentence. And can't help but want more and more. So excited for the next chapter! Until next time -waves- bye bye

Jackie :D
ElleGal chapter 86 . 4/15/2013
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo! My heart is breaking lol. :(
kindofabadger chapter 86 . 4/14/2013
Wonderful update! my favorite story.

It's so freaking adorable how Roxas calls it 'feeling funny'. He's so...innocent, fresh, pliable. Oh Axel, such self control you have!

I love how you write Axel always speaking before he thinks, like when he asks Xemnas, "But I thought that you had met him in Twilight Town." Such an honest response, but his honest responses so often have bad results. Axel needs a better brain to mouth filter when it comes to Xemnas.

And I must say you had me a bit conflicted in the dark realm. I mean, I hate Xemnas. You know this. Bile rose in my throat when I read that it was Xemnas and Saix going with them. And Axel was trying to ignore their presence and work with Roxas, but then you'd hear Xemnas' voice breaking their concentration and I thought, 'gah! Shut up! I wish it was just Axel and Roxas. Roxas could really progress.' Then when we find out Saix is to spar with Roxas?! Oh wow! I totally understood Axel's response. But then a part of me finds what Xemnas said to make sense. Axel does seem to be kind of babying Roxas. Maybe he should allow him to do this alone and see what happens, allow him to rise to the challenge. Give him a chance to prove himself. And then, Roxas does it, but collapses right after his release, and Axel is there to catch him. So, yeah, so conflicted. I don't like to think that Xemnas knew what he was doing and wasn't just being a dick but..maybe?

I can't imagine what hell Axel is gonna pay for that blatant defiance in the dark realm.

I loved the little side bit of Larxene, the "psychotic bitch" XD

Oh, and the shower scene? Very nice! Sexy hair washing and more funny feelings :) :)

Thanks for this and I do hope the muses are good to you and we won't have to wait too long for an update. I'm VERY much looking forward to what comes next!
JoeiMarie chapter 86 . 4/12/2013
GAH XEMNAS YOU DICK! What a great chapter! Once you said that you were updating today, I knew it had to be this one! I was so excited! And it map so good! Little Roxas tehe... "You have a cute butt" then he just goes back to sleep! He's so adorable! And Xemnas is an ass... And POOR ISA! I say that every chapter, but its necessary... Again, wonderful chapter! Always looking forward for more!
ElleGal chapter 85 . 3/20/2013
OMG! Isa, go back to Lea before its too must break from this man's spell. T_T
L13R18N32 chapter 85 . 2/26/2013
So Saïx finally just gave in...I suppose that's the best for his safety.
And maybe for Axel's too.

Sorry it took so long to get around to reading this chapter, I plan to read Deviations as soon as I can.
Gurgicalcipher chapter 85 . 2/25/2013
Omg this chapter! I was in tears with how Sai was being treated, forced to watch those videos and then endure abuse afterwards. But the ending was nosebleed central! So great! Can't wait to see what happens next! Until next time -waves- bye bye

Jackie :D
kindofabadger chapter 85 . 2/23/2013
I usually reread a bit of the previous chapter to reorient myself, so I did. And I wound up reading the WHOLE Akuroku scene again. Beautiful!

Gah! Saix can't say anything right in his convo with Xemnas. That freak keeps twisting his words. I hate him, but I love how you wrote this. Psychological harassment? abuse? Yes. By the tons.

And in the lab, again, Isa just shut yo mouth! I'm so afraid he'll say something Axel told him but Xemnas didn't & cause himself more problems! But it seems Xemnas knows how to shut down the inquisitive bluenette, the bastard.

Friend. I've gotta tell you, that business with the video and the armor and the memories and the slip of Lea's name...that was intense. I nearly died. And poor Saix, by this time he didn't even realize what he did. But I did. Oh god and the extreme flip-out I feared happened. That was rough.

At the Dark Margin, was that Saix' first time reaching his full berserker state? I got the impression it was. I have to say, I hate all of this and love all of this. Their whole situation, (& if you could see me I'm drawing a big round circle in the air with both hands!) these two, are Messed. Up. But the way you write them is amazing. I see this whole battle scene as another piece of their foreplay.

Oh god I'm so conflicted! Back at CO, I just want Saix and Xemnas to get on with it. They're apparently past the abuse portion of foreplay and moving towards their 'normal', as fucked up as that is. And I'm relieved. My brain is thinking, ok. Let Saix have some peace now. I hate when he's so terrified of Xemnas and Xemnas gets so angry with him. But no. Phantom Axel is there. Argh!

'If it is manipulation, then I welcome it with sweet surrender.' That is exactly, sadly, how I feel. I think Saix has more sense than Phantom Axel here. I don't think it's possible for him to just tell Xemnas 'no more'. Oh but I do wonder what would actually happen. A tiny part of me has hope that, well, he's never actually said he wants out so maybe it would work? No, I really don't think so.

"Words, my dear protege..." The tanned man lifted his head. "Using your words would be most effective right now." SMUG BASTARD! You write that well, you know?

Their's And I hate that I think that. Because it's between an abuser and his victim. But...there it is. Theirs is such a fucked up relationship. I mean, the epitome of toxic relationships. But they are in the freaking World that Never Was, they're Nobodies. Saix has no safe house to go to, no family to move in with, no police to call. He is stuck.

"A-Always...always, Xemnas..." Saïx moaned, pushing against his hand as he bucked his hips backwards. "Master..."
"Perfect..." Xemnas whispered.

This exchange, it's so wrong, but when I read it I thought yes, he called him Master in the throes of passion, that's good, that'll help. My mind has been warped by Xemnas as well! You are so good to create such strong feelings from this story.

That was an amazing, intense chapter. I feel I need a bath now. Xemnas make me feel dirty. And this chapter was chock full of him! Well done, Kat, well done!
JoeiMarie chapter 85 . 2/22/2013
*SOB* GOSH DANGIT! Poor Saix... :'( That was another excellent chapter! Wonderfully written! Especially the past where he was watching the tapes... That was heart wretching! I'm so glad you updated this! It made my week so much better! Even he it was a wonderfully sad chapter! I'm so excited to see how this is going to play out... I eagerly await another update!
ElleGal chapter 84 . 2/7/2013
*sniff* *sniff* Lei and Isa please reunite soon. I miss your love! T_T
Gurgicalcipher chapter 84 . 2/5/2013
Loved the ending! Can't wait until the next chapter to see what Sai has gotten himself into. Until next time -waves- bye bye

Jackie :D
ZexyKiba chapter 84 . 2/5/2013
Roxas is just too cute in this story 8)
kindofabadger chapter 84 . 2/4/2013
Two months since an update on this story, wow! I didn't realize it had been so long. I missed it!

Aww a little innocent XigDem in the hallway, yay! That made me smile.

The bromance with Xigbar continues and seems to be good for Axel still, but it's clear that he's troubled by things he feels only Isa would understand. But Isa's damaged goods now, poor Axel!

I like how Axel called Saix on his jealousy of Roxas. But still he makes concessions for his old friend, "..If it will make you feel better, I'll just refer to him by number."

"I would prefer if you did that." Sheesh, Saix!

When I read 'the sound of footsteps reached his ears' when Axel & Saix were talking together, my stomach dropped, seriously. I thought it was Xemnas coming to bust them. So glad it wasn't! That man makes me so jumpy!

My heart breaks for Axel. He's strong enough to not give in to the desire to gain comfort from Saix physically, resisting that kiss the way he did. How hard that must be for him. Saix is the only one he can truly open up to but what a risk he takes in doing it. Honestly, I don't know if i wouldn't also have some anxiety at this point that Saix is so far gone under Xemnas' power he'd be a danger to tell Xemnas what they discussed. Obviously Saix is thinking self-preservation and keeping up the ruse of not remembering so he can't do that but still. And speaking of that, I wonder about Saix's continued claims to Xemnas that he can't remember. That man can get into his head, rape him in his dreams. How can he not see that Saix is lying to him? Or, oh god, does he know and is planning a horrible punishment as Saix keeps lying? Oh I hope not!

Then Roxas. Oh my! He's come to Axel. (And i just love the spontaneous hugging!) He's stuttering badly again (I like the use of 'violently' here). He's worried that he did something wrong and that Axel got into trouble. I'm thinking, innocent little conversation, sure...then, 'Axel pulled Roxas to sit on his lap, facing him' ooookkkaayyy that changes the tone of everything! Yay! Bring it!

"I don't want you to get into trouble because I'm broken..." This. The feels!

And this, "Axel...I need.." Omigod!

"Y-Yes..." Looking down, emerald eyes met cerulean. "H-Help me...?" Ah! So much to love about needy Roxas!

This scene was amazing. And the little Lea/Isa flashback was a bit jarring, I'm sure that's just how Axel felt suddenly experiencing it. Great stuff.

"Axel...what do I do?" Oh my gosh, so precious, I'm about to die! This whole scene keeps getting better & better!

The sex was lovely. Best hand jobs ever! And the mood you set was so gentle and peaceful but very sexy. And then that last paragraph. She has plans. Oh yes, she has plans and she must pluck us from our warm fuzzy feels and leave us with a wicked subtle cliffie. You!

Wow! Sorry for the word vomit of a review, but this was fabulous. I couldn't help it!
L13R18N32 chapter 84 . 2/1/2013
We finally reached the really good AkuRoku, one step closer to coitus!
And I can't wait for the chapter with XemSai, all the fluffy lovey dovey stuff is starting to get tiring. A little angst and angry sex would be a nice change of pace *devious look*
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