![]() Author has written 25 stories for Super Smash Brothers, Pokémon, Legend of Zelda, Earthbound, Yu-Gi-Oh, South Park, Kid Icarus, and Fire Emblem. Heyo. This is TheMysticalQ. I've lived in Texas since I moved from California at age 1. Currently, I really want to become an editor. Maybe someday a writer. This site is my first step. My favorite colors: Red, blue, purple, black and gold. (Alright, I like pink, too, but only in light shades. It pairs well with mint green, in my opinion.) My birth date: 10/14/1997. I'm a 90s baby, yeah. My interests: Reading, writing, drawing, painting, video games and singing. My blog: https:///blog/crazyweirdandrandom The Wall of Shame -I once flamed a fanfiction because it genderbent a character I wasn't alright with having genderbent. I didn't think it'd be taken seriously, but not long after the fanfic was taken down by the author, and they changed their pen name. It's something that to this day, I regret. I will write about humor. An Update on A Demon's Curse: I've graduated! June 2nd was my last day of high school, and now that it's over, I'm looking to moving out. I'm also getting a new job as well, but until then, I'm going to have much more time to myself to write. The first chapter of ADC is coming along nicely, and as of right now, half of it is done. I'm gonna keep working on it until it's done. God it's been so long since I've looked at this account for anything other than PMs. Life has been pretty stressful. My old job sapped so much energy that I never felt the ability to write in me. When I moved out, it only added more stress to my life. Having to get two jobs just to get by has made things both easier and harder for me. I've not been writing a lot of fanfiction since I moved last year. Mainly, I've been focusing on on personal poetry, songs, and book ideas that I want to make happen. But there's also a South Park AU I have in the works that's going to be big. I've got a few personal projects going on right now, but once I finish them, I'd really like to get back into reading and writing fanfiction again. |