Something that randomly popped into my head after reading a couple of Marluxia and Vexen Yaois. Probably is only going to be like four chapters but still you never know. I don't own Kingdom Hearts and if I did none of you lovely reader would have heard of it. It would only be allowed in Japan in the very back room where only 18 year old and up could get at it. *Snickers*
Rating: M for sexual content, Yaoi, a lot of violence, a somewhat touchy topic, and Spehy has a really bad potty mouth.
Sephiroth: Don't call me Spehy!
KRKCxForever: Shut it!
Summary: Vexen normally tries to keep his nose out of other people's lives. But when he finds a pink haired male unconscious on the streets he gets himself dragged into a huge mess.
Mar x Vex
Xem x Sai
Xal x Lux
-Chapter 1: Stubbornness-
Date: January 31st
Vexen had to turn his wipers up a notch, it was pouring rain outside. Slightly irritated by the weather Vexen sighed. He just wanted to get home, take a shower, make dinner and read until he went to bed. Annoyed again he got cut off by some idiot causing him to slam on his breaks "Fucking bastard." Vexen grumbled. Growling he glanced at the area around him. He was close to an old laundry mat, he was taking a back road through time, it saved him twenty minutes of driving. Just as he was going to continue his drive home he spotted something. At first he thought it was a trick of the dim lighting in the alleyway that was near by. But no there was something definitely there in the alleyway. Vexen pulled his car to the side parking it near the curb. Picking his umbrella out of the backseat he opened his car door then step out instantly opening the umbrella. Normally Vexen would have ignored the object but it looked…human.
He walked a few steps towards where he thought he saw the object. Sure enough there was someone lying against the wall of the alley. The figure was tall with a slim body; he had a tore up white button up blouse on(odd considering the weather, through Vexen originally thought it was a girl. The man had quite the feminine body.), his shaggy brown pants obviously had seen better days, he wore black shoes. He noted some kind of anklet around his ankle, it was cutting into the skin. Some of the man's pink hair fell over his eyes, which were closed. Vexen sighed and began to leave; he always told himself to leave things alone. That he wouldn't get dragged into anyone else problems. As Vexen started to leave he stopped glancing back at the man, he really shouldn't be in the rain. Come to think of it why was he sleeping in an alleyway?
Vexen looked at him for a while longer before walking over to the sleeping man and kneeling in front of him. Vexen glanced at him before pressing his hand to the man's forehead. It was warm compare to the rest of the man's sleeping body. Vexen looked at him then suddenly noticed some blood on his forehead; lifting the bangs away Vexen nodded Ah. That makes sense. He thought to himself. There was a pretty deep cut on his forehead, the man must have gotten hurt then passed out in an alleyway. Vexen glanced around then slowly picked up the man. Normally he wouldn't be doing this but he felt drawn to help him, he carried him to his car and placed him in the backseat. Making sure he was buckled and looked comfortable Vexen got in the driver's seat and drove off headed towards his home.
The moment he got home he unlocked his door and carried the man inside (who was still out). He walked to his guestroom and placed the man in the bed; Vexen walked into his office and grabbed an IV fluid bag along with the needed tubes. Vexen worked as a doctor, so he had bought a lot of medical equipment and kept it at home in case of emergencies. He filled the bag with a drug that would lower the fever, a different one he filled with some liquid nutrients. Something told Vexen this man wasn't in very good condition. Walking back to the room he strapped a piece of rubber around the man's wrist. He flicked his hand a few times until he found a vein, poking the needles in very lightly he set the tubes up and hung the bags up. The man's body flinched at the feeling of something poking into him, good he was responsive.
After cleaning and putting a bandage on the man's forehead, removing the anklet (he was right, it had formed a deep gasp in his ankle), cleaning and bandaging the ankle, Vexen covered the man with a couple of blankets then left the room; he didn't think that the man would wake up anytime soon. Vexen started his nightly routine: check the phone for messages, check his email, take a shower, and then ponder what to make for dinner. Just as he was going to take his shower he walked by the guestroom and heard a moan. Glancing inside the man slowly sat up holding his head "Ow…my head." He moaned. Vexen watched the man hold his head for a while longer until the man glanced around and looked terrified. Vexen stepped into the room, the man continued to look around like a frighten child. Vexen cleared his throat in an attempt to get the man's attention. It work the man turned towards the sound. He sort of blinked "Uh…" he started, Vexen cross the room and pulled a little flashlight out of his pocket. He waved it in front of his eyes; the man's pupils reacted normally, the man shielded his eyes "Ah!" he wined.
Vexen turned the light off and stuck it back in his pocket, the man looked around again "Where am I?" he asked. Vexen got up and checked the bags
"You're in the guestroom of my house." Vexen explained. The man looked at Vexen
"Oh, um…" he seemed really confused; Vexen sighed as he took down the bag that had nutrients in it and took out the needle in the man's arm
"You were passed out in an alleyway so I brought you here." He told the pink haired man. The man just sort of nodded at this, he reached for the blankets and threw them off. Has he started to stand Vexen shot him a glance "And where do you think your going?" he demanded. The man looked at him
"Work. I do have to make a living you know." He told the man matter-o-factly. Vexen stood up and pushed the man back into the bed
"And you seriously think that you should be working in your condition?" he asked. The man made an annoyed face at him
"What condition? I'm perfectly fine." He told him trying to stand again. Vexen pushed him back into the bed "Will you cut that out? Look, thanks for helping me. If you want money I'll send you a check in the mail when I get my next paycheck. But I got to go." He tried to stand up a third time only to be pushed back down. The man sneered at him
"You're not going anywhere. With that cut you should be resting." Vexen told him. The man's sneer vanish replaced by a look of confusion
"What cut?" he asked, Vexen held out a small mirror
"It's on your forehead. There's also a bad one on your ankle." He stated. The man held the mirror up and looked, he ran a couple of fingers over the bandage on his forehead
"When did I get that?" he asked. Vexen shrugged
"It was still bleeding a little when I found you so sometime earlier today." He told him. Marluxia touched it lightly and flinched a little "I wouldn't touch it. It's kind of sensitive." He told him. Marluxia made a face
"I noticed." He grumbled. He looked at Vexen again "It seems fine. I'm leaving." He attempted to stand up again. Vexen pushed him back onto the bed with a little more force than last time; he glared at the pink haired man who glared back at him. The two glared at each other for a while, they were driving each other insane and they hadn't talked for more than ten minutes.
The pink haired man crossed his arms, Vexen did the same. The two glared for a while longer when the pink haired man's stomach interrupted the moment with a loud low grumble. Vexen looked at the man's stomach; he had a couple of ribs beginning to show through the skin. "Stay here, I'll go make dinner." Vexen told him heading for the door
"I…" the pink haired man started
"Look, I don't care if you say your fine. You are staying here for at least dinner. I will then decided if it's a good idea for you to leave." He told him. His voice practically said 'Move and you will die.' The pink haired man made a face but stay put. A while later Vexen returned with a tray of food, he set it on the bed. It had clam chowder and crackers on it along with what the man was pretty sure was apple juice. The man picked a cracker off the plate and stuck it in his mouth, chewed, and swallowed it. He pushed the rest of the food away
"There ate dinner. I'm leaving." He stated and started to get off the bed. Vexen gave an annoyed growl
"You did not! Now either you eat this willingly or I'll shove it down it your throat." Vexen hissed God this man is as stubborn as an mule! He thought. The man's annoyed face looked different very abruptly; Vexen couldn't put his finger on it until he noticed the man's eyes. His face was annoyed but for a moment his eyes looked…afraid.
The man sighed annoyed but turned so he could eat the food. For someone who apparently was fine he sure did eat like he hadn't eaten anything for a while. He finished rather quickly, he tried to get up again. Vexen sighed and handed him some clothes, it was just a white turtle neck with some grey sweat pants. The man looked at him funny "I'm fairly sure your boss won't want you to be cold. You need a shower. Go take one." He ordered. The man made a face but got up slowly and allowed himself to be led into the bathroom. Vexen left the room, once he heard the shower running he walked off. Something bugged him about the man; it was like he had to order him around for him to do anything. It was almost…slave like. Vexen wanted until he heard the water stop and the man returned wearing the clothes Vexen had provided him. He snatched the wet clothes that the man held in his arms away from him and went to throw them in the washing machine.
When he returned the man was sitting on the edge of the bed, Vexen smirked to himself but then let the smirk vanish "Finally give up?" he asked walking over. The man shook his head but looked directly into Vexen's eyes
"Why you being so nice?" he asked. Vexen was slightly taken back by the question
"Why do you ask?" he retorted. The man looked at the ground and didn't answer. Vexen let out a small sigh, either this man was pulling his leg or he had bi-polar. One minute he's being a stubborn ass and now he's the shyest man on the planet. For a while the two were quiet, it was a while before Vexen's question in the back of his mind finally drove him to be the one to break the silence "So you got a name?" he asked.
The man smiled weakly "Marluxia." He barely whispered, Vexen nodded
"So Marluxia what…" there was a happy ringing sounded coming from where Vexen had tossed Marluxia's phone before he threw his clothes into the wash. Marluxia got up to answer but Vexen was closer and got the phone handing it to him. Marluxia glanced at the screen then pick it up
"Hello?...Yes sir…no sir…I understand sir…" then hung up. He looked at Vexen then slowly stood up "Um thanks for everything but I need to go to work." He told me. He limped towards the door, Vexen grabbed his shoulders
"You should probably call him back and ask for time off. Your ankle needs a break." He told him. Marluxia shook his head
"Can't…it's going to be a busy night tonight. And my ankle is fine." He stated
"Then why are you limping?" Marluxia glanced at the floor
"It…it's fine honestly." He insisted. Vexen turned him towards him to maybe order him to take time off but what he saw in his eyes frightened him. Marluxia was terrified.
Twenty minutes later Vexen was driving by the same road he had traveled not five hours earlier. Marluxia was sitting in the passenger seat, neither one had really said anything at all. "Here's fine." He muttered when Vexen got close to the old laundry mat, Vexen blinked
"I didn't know this place was still running."
"You be surprised." Marluxia whispered. Vexen pulled to the curb, he spotted a man with long dreadlocks. Marluxia noticed Vexen's gaze "My boss." He explained with a slight smile. Vexen nodded, once Marluxia was out he looked at Vexen "Thanks again. Goodbye." He whispered. As Vexen pulled away from the curb a pit formed in his stomach, it was like someone was telling with what he just did was a bad idea. Has Vexen turned around and glanced at the man again he saw that Marluxia seemed fine. He headed home despite the fact that his stomach was in knots.
Marluxia watched as the kind gentleman drove off, he felt a few tears tug at his eyes but he blinked them away. The man with dreadlocks sighed "Come on. I don't want to do this as much as you." He muttered putting an arm around Marluxia's shoulders. Marluxia sighed, slowly trudging off to be sure what was to be his demise.
A/N: Hm that's odd, why is Marluxia sure he's going to die? Just going to have to wait for the next chapter!