Author has written 7 stories for Gossip Girl.
Hey everyone, I'm Kate, some of you may know me as IcePrincess2129 on other forums. I am a long time reader of fanfictions and I started writing my own around 10 years ago. I know that everyone's not always going to like everything I write and that's okay, that's why I write several different fanfics that give me a chance to explore different angles with different stories. So if you don't like one, try out another.
Anyways, welcome to my profile, any questions, comments, concerns pm me or better yet read one of my stories and review :)
Contents of my profile include my favorite shows, a slightly longer summary of each of my fanfics, any links for my stories and a progress update that I try to update...
If you want to know more about what I think about pretty much everything, check out my tumblr here.
If you want sneak peaks of upcoming chapters, progress reports, and all kinds of fandom goodness check out my fanblog tumblr here.
Progress Update
4/4/2019: Okay unfortunate news...my Mac decided to forget how to turn on. Good news, everything important is backed up and its under warrenty so Apple is fixing my computer. Bad news...my computer had to be sent off to be fixed so it will be at least a week before i have it back and can update.
3/31/2019: NEW UPDATE! Finally, I know. As I hinted before, you probably know where this chapter's going. That said, as you all know my ability to guess how long something will be is non-existent. Something i thought would be 3 chapters is going to be like 6 or 7. Go figure. Anyway, the good news is most of those are readyyy.
9/27/2018: So I officially have the next chapter back from my beta and am making serious headway on the next section (some of you can probably guess what that section is based on where Dan/Chuck ended their last conversation). This part will probably end up being 3 chapters and I think I'm done with the first 1/3 of it.
9/25/2018: UPDATED L&L again today! I'm very much so on a roll. And as promised it was LONG 15K words.
9/13/2018: I wrote more on the next chapter of Life & Lies today. I'm also interviewing for jobs right now, if that tells you how my life's been lately ha. Also...I forgot I even had a Tumblr...
9/12/2018: You guys...I have the next chapter with my beta!!! And it's either going to be GIANT - like 35 pages long kind of giant - OR get broken up into two pieces. Also MAJOR shoutout to my beta for taking me back after literally a year of nothing on my end.
9/7/2018: Okay...so I do realize it's been forever. My life has just had so many changes lately. That said. I UPDATED TODAY!!!! It's still Life & Lies, one day I'll get back to Reality (when there's no one left to read C/B fan fiction). If I never do I swear I'll publish my outline on here so everyone could at least know how it was meant to end.
My favorite shows include:
Gossip Girl: I am a huge C/B fan but I also really like Nate's character. (I really like the N/J pairing too)
The 100: Clarke/Bellamy, Clarke/Lexa, Clarke/Roan, Octavia/Lincoln, Raven/Shaw
Greys Anatomy: Mere/Der, Mark/Lexi, Alex/Addison, Alex/Jo, Jackson/April, Christina/Burke
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy/Spike, Xander/Anya
Angel: Angel/Cordelia
Vampire Diaries: Elena/Damon, Caroline/Klaus, Rebekah/Matt
Legacies: Hope/Raf, MJ/Lizzie
Reign: Mary/Francis, Mary/Bash, Kenna/Bash
Riverdale: Betty/Jughead, Betty/Archie
Crazy Ex Girlfriend: Greg/Rebecca
Rosewell, New Mexico: Liz/Max
How To Get Away With Murder: Wes/Laurel
Quantico: Alex/Ryan, Shelby/Caleb, Alex/Liam
Unreal: Rachel/Adam
Younger: Liza/Josh, Liza/David
Dance Academy: Tara/Christian, Tara/Ben/Kat/Christian, Sammy/Abigail, Abigail/Ethan
How I Met Your Mother: Robyn/Barney, Lily/Marshall (the final episode did not happen...)
Manifest: Michaela/Jared, Michaela/Zeke, Ben/Grace
The Good Place: Eleanor/Chidi, Jason/Janet
For the People: Sandra/Leonard, Sandra/Ted, Kate/Seth
Scandal: Olivia/Jake, SOMETIMES Olivia/Fitz
Revenge: Emily/Daniel, Emily/Nolan, Emily/Aiden (okay so basically just not Emily/Jack except as of s4 I'm coming around on that pairing too)
Hart of Dixie: Zoe/Wade, Lemon/Lavon
Glee: Rachel/Finn, Kurt/Blaine, Ryder/Marley/Jake, Rachel/Sam
The Walking Dead: Rick/Tori, Glen/Maggie
Nashville: Rayna/Deacan, Scarlett/Gunner
Downton Abbey: Mary/Matthew, Sybil/Branson
Alias: Sydney/Vaughn
Dr. Who: Rose/The Doctor
Charmed: Phoebe/Cole, Piper/Leo, Prue/Andy
The Secret Circle: Cassie/Jake
The Originals: Elijah/Haley, Rebekah/Marcel, STILL Klaus/Caroline
Game of Thrones: Arya/Gendrey, Jon Snow/Egritte, Jon Snow/Dany (yes i know, no i don't care...), Dany/Drogo, Jamie/Breanne
The Newsroom: Will/Mac, Maggie/Jim, Sloane/Don
Friday Night Lights: Riggins/Lyla, Saracen/Julie
Arrow: Oliver/Felicity, Thea/Roy
Dawson's Creek: Pacey/Joey
Heroes: Claire/Peter if only they weren't related, Elle/Sylar if only he hadn't killed her. Intrigued by Claire/Sylar
Veronica Mars: Veronica/Logan
Gilmore Girls: Rory/Jess
One Tree Hill: Brooke/Lucas, Payton/Jake, and Haley/Nathan (now: Brooke/Julian and Quinn/Clay)
So far I have only written for Gossip Girl but you never know. :)
Current Stories:
Flickr Link: http:///photos/38536901@N03/
The Reality They Live With (34 Chapters)
Blair Waldorf died 2 years ago right? That's definitely what the world thinks. Then Chuck sees a mysterious look-a-like and can't stop thinking its her. On the other hand, Anna has exactly 2 years of memory and she's finally arrived at the place that's been calling to her, New York City. Will Chuck finally accept that Blair's gone and move on or upon seeing Anna, will he become too intrigued and obsessed to give up? I think we all know the answer to that question. :-)
Spotify Playlist: CLICK HERE
Here's a little of a so who's going where and when chart for you because I know with the time jump it can get confusing. This will all become more clear in time; I hope.
Columbia: Nate 2013; Dan, Michelle 2014; Anna, Cassie, Diego 2015
NYU: Scott 2012; Vanessa, Chuck 2013
Harvard: Eric 2015
Princeton: Serena 2013
Yale: Nelly Yuki 2013; Lina 2015
Dartmouth: Sam 2015
Parsons (3 year program): Jenny 2014
How I picture the OCs:
Fab Four: (Sam, Lina, Cassie, and Anna)
The Boys: Diego Jackson
Extras: Michelle Alex Riley
Secret Society: The Fellows
Constance: Girls of the Steps 2.0
Chapter 2:
The Girls' Going out Dresses
Blair's Locket From Chuck:
Chapter 8:
Anna's Date Dress
The photos Anna is looking (15):
Photo1 Photo2
Chapter 22:
Heartsong Necklace Map of Columbia Fellows Chapter Room
Chapter 23:
Double Date Dresses
Chapter 26:
Anna's Victrola/Masquerade Dress
Chapter 29:
Diego's St. Michael Pendant
Chapter 34:
AnnaBlair's Initiation Dresses: THE Dress Alternates
The Life and Lies of the Upper East Side (19 Chapters)
Sometimes loving someone new is all we need to remind us that the one we left behind is the one. Blair left Chuck and NYC 4 years ago, unable to come to terms with their past. During the planning of her own wedding she's realized she never really gave up on her one great love. Now she's back in NYC with one item on her agenda - get Chuck Bass (the love of her life) back. The only problem, he no longer wants her. C/B
Spotify Playlist: CLICK HERE
The Significant Others: Gwen Austin Steph So when I started this fanfic these were my Gwen and Austin. I won't lie. Now if I were picking I'd use, Lili Reinhart for Gwen, Bob Morley for Austin, and Alycia Debnam Carey for Steph.
Extras: The Thornes
Chapter 1:
Gwen's Gala Dress
The Games We Play - COMPLETED (67 Chapters)
Blair didn't know how to forgive Chuck for abandoning her to go to Tuscany alone, nor did she realize how much he regretted the decision until too late. Blair finds herself in an increasingly perilous situation that results from using Marcus to make Chuck jealous and even when the two lovers are thrust apart you have to believe that a love like that can conquer anything.
Spotify Playlist: CLICK HERE
Chapter 40:
Chuck's Christmas Gifts to Blair
Chapter 56 - Hospital Nurses:
Holly (actress Elisabeth Harnois) Emma (actress Selena Gomez)
Chapter 61:
Jocelyn Forbes (actress Marci Rylan)
Chapter 63:
Blair's Sundress
Chapter 65:
Graduation Party Dresses
Jocelyn's Wedding Serena's Wedding Jenny's Wedding Blair's Wedding
Chuck and Blair Genealogy:
Family Tree
What We Don't Remember - COMPLETED (41 Chapters)
C is back from Bangkok, but what exactly did he miss while he was gone. B barely seems to know herself but Uncle Jack sure does, and he knows exactly what he wants. Blair has no memory of New Years and only what Jack has told her to go on but in an effort to take care of and protect Chuck she agrees to play a very dangerous game with Jack. Throw in a few surprises from the late Bart Bass and who knows where everyone will end up.
Warning angst ahead!! and Jack/Blair interaction.
Spotify Playlist: CLICK HERE
Chapter 12:
Blair's Red Dress
Chapter 17-20:
Blair's Spring Gala Dress
Chapter 32:
Bass Family Cottage: Outside Inside
Blair's Party Dress
I Can't, You Can't, He Can't, She Won't - COMPLETED (22 Chapters)
My take on episode 1.10 Hi, Society. Questions abound on the UES: What if Blair just wanted to teach Chuck a lesson by going back to Nate? Maybe she just wanted him to know that he could play her like he did all those other girls. But of course she cares about Nate, she always has, and now could be the perfect time for her happily ever after. The only question there is, who with? Chuck being Chuck assumes the worst and with the curiously Chuck-like Madison Albright pinning for his affections who know's what will happen?
Spotify Playlist (includes this fic as well as Exposed and Earning Back What's Been Lost): CLICK HERE
Chapter 1:
Madison Sinclair Albright
Chapter 13:
Blair's Christmas Gala Dresses Dress Eleanor Made Blair Change Into Blair's New Year's Eve Gown
Earning Back What's Been Lost - COMPLETED (13 Chapters )
After the elevator scene Blair tells herself that she has to be done with Chuck; she can't continue to let him destroy her life. Chuck on the other hand is more determined to win her back than ever and the lengths he'll go to would awe any girl. This turned into a fairly fluffy CB fanfic.
Songs included on I Can't You Can't He Can't She Won't Spotify Playlist
Exposed (Oneshot )
After what Chuck Bass did to Blair Waldorf he doesn't deserve another chance, he knows it and so does she. The problem is that he thought he would get one. He thought their love could withstand ANYTHING. He never thought she would break. This is what happens when Chuck innermost thoughts are explored and exposed.
ETA: Somewhat funfact about Exposed. It wasn't actually intended as a one-shot. I'd plotted out a storyline for it (that I'm sure I still have somewhere) and the storyline included Dair (though I'm pretty sure Chair was still endgame). At the time I thought it was too radical and focused on other fanfics (I already had like 4 going at that point). When I circled back around to it, Dair had become semi-canon (then actual canon). Turns out I only liked the idea when CB was happy and something like Dair was subversive...which totally tracks if you know me. But anyway just thought it was a funny thing to note, that I of all people almost wrote a Dair Fanfic.
Songs included on I Can't You Can't He Can't She Won't Spotify Playlist