So this is my latest story. It's AU, and it's just a trial, so I'd appreciate reviews.
Story: Long live the King
Author: LadyLissaLight
Summary: What if instead of having a Queen of Constance, there was a King? Chuck Bass is King of St Judes. Blair Waldorf is Queen of another UES School, and she transfers to Constance. Sparks fly as the two clash, but has Chuck Finally found his Queen?
Prologue – Last day of Junior year.
Blair rolled her eyes as a freshmen came to stand in front of her. The poor girl was wearing clothes half a size to small, last season Jimmy Choos, and hadn't even put on a headband. Blair's lip curled and the girl looked frightened.
"Tell me," she began in a slow voice, "what made you think you could POSSIBLEY show up here and even audition for position of new Queen? Your hair is a mess, your clothes are disgusting, and if I ever see those shoes again, I will personally see to it that you are ruined. Now get out of my sight."
Her voice rose to angry half yell at the end of the sentence, as if the girl had personally offended her, which of course, she had.
Blair Cornelia Waldorf was Queen of St Alexandra's school for girls. She liked headbands, gold collection chocolates and Audrey Hepburn. She had a traditionalist nature, and if anyone came to school wearing anything resembling pants, they would be taken down. Blair ruled her school with an iron fist. She was chair of a dozen boards, hosted many social events including the famous Waldorf sleepover, and was cunning, witty, and f course, beautiful.
Unfortunately, her mother had been Queen of St Alexandra's when she was Blair's age, and her arch rival was Hetty Johnson. Eleanor had taken the crown for herself and Hetty had fallen out of favour with society, becoming a nobody. Now, she was 'Headmistress Johnson', and she had made it perfectly clear to Blair at the beginning of that semester, that she detested the girl.
So at the end of Junior year, Blair had made the decision to transfer to Constance Billard, the most prestigious school in Manhattan.
Unfortunately, it meant she had to relinquish her duties as Queen of Alexandra's. So she began the difficult task of choosing her successor.
She had been holding auditions since the beginning of the week, and so far all years had shown up, though Blair didn't know why freshmen bothered, the hopeless things.
After the girl with the disastrous everything, she turned to her group of six minions, Casey, Veronica, Madeline, Sophia, Evelyn, and Mimi.
They had all been chosen for their ability to follow, and to obey orders as well as to think of their feet. However, Blair had groomed none of them to be her successor, as she had not expected to step down as Queen.
It was nearing the end f lunch time when she spotted a tall girl with black hair speaking to a freshmen.
"Look, I don't care if the shoes were a present from your mummy. They're the same shoes as I have, and no one matches my outfit. Now take them off!"
The little girl looked like she was about to cry, but she removed her shoes and stumbled off in her stockings. Blair looked at the girl with black hair appraisingly.
She had milky skin and large green eyes, and an almost haughty way of looking at people.
The girl turned and her eyes met Blair's. The brunette's lips turned up in a smile, and she beckoned the other girl, who marched over to her, looking supremely unconcerned.
"And you are?" she raised her eyebrows at Blair insolently.
"Your Queen, Blair Waldorf. As if you didn't know that. And watch how you speak to me or I'll reconsider. Now, who are you?"
The girls name was Jemma Thornton; her father was David Thornton, Politician. She was a Junior next year, and she wasn't a very nice girl.
After school, she gave her diamond studded headband to the younger girl, ending her reign as Queen.
Bu after the summer, she would go to Constance, and rule there. She had spent hours on Gossip Girl reading up on all the girls that attended, trying to figure out who their Queen was.
Easily the most talked about girl was Serena Van Der Woodsen, who she had already known was popular from the number of blasts about her (they rivalled Blair's own). Serena was closely followed by her friends Penelope, Kati, Iz and Hazel. But there was no Queen. Odd.
As the most prestigious and acclaimed school in New York, there would have been a Queen that Blair would have to take down. But there wasn't one.
It made her job easier, she would only have to earn her classmates respect, admiration and fear, and she would be Queen in no time.
Chuck shot a smirk at Donna Mendolin. She was the daughter of one of his father's business partners who had just moved there from LA. She was blonde and tan, with long legs and blue eyes. He was planning on having lots of fun with her hat summer, but he turned away from her as he heard his father's voice, "Charles! Why aren't you at school yet? It's the last day, and I have better things to do than babysit you."
"Yes father," he drawled before turning back to Donna and smirking at her. She smiled coyly at him and he strolled towards the door.
His limousine was waiting for him, with the driver he'd known since he was a small child. The limousine had been a gift from his father for his 16th birthday, and now he never went anywhere without it.
He arrived at school, and the crowds parted respectfully before him with the exception of one blonde in a very short skirt. The one girl Chuck hadn't slept with in his year. Serena Van De Woodsen.
"Chuck." She greeted coldly.
"Sis," he returned in the same tone.
"I told you not to call me that. Even when Mom and Bart do marry, you're no relation of mine."
"Thank god for that, for it would prohibit the activities I have planned for us this summer." He smirked at her and she shuddered, turning away from him with a scowl.
He walked towards his normal seat, and then spotted a boy wearing a bright pink bowtie with a white blazer and nav y pants.
Chuck liked bowties, he wore one every day, and since he had become king the rest of the male population of their school emulated him. But pink did not go with Navy. He made his way towards the boy and cough lazily to get his attention.
The boy, presumably a freshman, judging by his height, glanced up and his face went bright red.
Chuck drawled, "Pink doesn't go with navy. It looks like you've made the uniform have sex with Barbie's wardrobe. Tomorrow, wear that tie, and you'll find yourself wishing you hadn't even seen a bowtie."
He left the boy staring after him, and went towards his favourite girl of the moment. He smirked at her, and she smirked back. She was wearing a particularly nice skirt today, he noted, one that showed off her legs.
He made his way to the hallway and she followed, then took his hand and led him towards the girl's bathroom. He wondered what she would be like.
Some of them liked to be fast, so they wouldn't get caught. Other liked to take it slower, savouring their one and only time with the King. Other still, liked to play a game, or strip for him. These were his favourites.
An hour and a half later he emerged from the bathroom, leaving her behind to clean up her hair and makeup. His appetite was somewhat satisfied; she had been one of the last sort. E could go another few rounds with another few girls.
His only rule when it came to sex was that he never did it with the same girl twice. It wasn't done. If he did, then they might form some sort of attachment, or think they actually meant something to him. And No one meant anything to Chuck Bass.
He straightened his jacket, and made his way to his second hour English class, which he was half an hour late for. He entered the room and made his way to the back of the class, ignoring the teachers pointed look, and slipped into his seat next his friend Nate. Promptly closing his eyes, Chuck slept through the teachers lecture on Shakespeare.
He couldn't wait for the summer.
A different girl every day.
No schoolwork.
Parties every night.
All the alcohol and drugs he wanted.
So this is just the prologue, setting the general scene, and therefore, wasn't very interesting.
But still, let me know if you think the idea is any good.
XOXO Lissa