Reviews for Win a Date with Bellamy Blake
Guest chapter 26 . 6/22
AHHHHHH omg first, congratulations on all of your achievements.

Second, thank you. I've been following this story for a long long time, and seeing it end is bittersweet but wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to complete it.
troppicarciofi chapter 26 . 6/19
Okay, so I wanna start saying that this book it’s absolutely amazing and fantastic I loved every chapter of it , it was one of my favorite books , and you are also a really good writer! I’m so deeply in love with this story !
Guest chapter 7 . 5/13
octavia is such a fucking mood i cannot
counter12 chapter 1 . 5/8
Also it's absolutely crazy that Eliza (Clarke) and Bob (Bellamy) got married in real life last year.
counter12 chapter 26 . 5/7
Wow I read this years ago and never thought I'll get to see this updated and finished. First and foremost, thank you for completing your story.

For those that don't know, the author detailed her original plot plan out here:

I thought the ending you have completed seemed more fitting than the one you had planned, although this one felt a bit rushed and condensed. Really wish you could have continued with the ending you created, but lengthen it as the story felt rushed and sudden the last 2 chapters.
bellarkeloves chapter 26 . 5/4
God I wish this story went on forever
bellarkeloves chapter 26 . 5/3
Oh my god, I read this story a few years ago and fell in love, when I seen that you finally updated I fell in love all over again. Truly one of the best stories I’ve ever read. You should be so proud, I cannot thank you enough for this amazing story!
kayytrray chapter 26 . 4/20
I’m so happy you finished this! It was such a treat, and I really hope things with your mental are getting better, truly. You have so much talent and I hope you know it
kayytrray chapter 13 . 4/19
It’s such a minute detail but Bellamy says he doesn’t have a watch in this chapter but in earlier chapters he was wearing his watch haha it really doesn’t matter but I thought I’d let u kno lol
Guest chapter 26 . 4/14
Thank you so much for that story and for bringing it to a wonderful end. I wish you all the best!
Guest chapter 26 . 3/27
Wow the final chapter. Thanks again for all these chapters, you wrote. I hope you write another one too! But good luck with your personal life. Thanks again.
Gbg3 chapter 26 . 3/27
Bummed we never got to see the rest of Clarke’s art exhibit idea. Wish you’d give us a more played out ending! Feels a little rushed.
Guest chapter 26 . 3/27
I’ve really liked this story overall. However I’m pretty disappointed in the ending. It seems super rushed and I feel like you just wanted to get it done. I’m not trying to be rude, I’m just telling you how I am taking this ending. The sex scene was super hot, kudos to you for that. It might have been nice to see them as a real couple instead of ending it here. Anyway, it was a fun read overall, I just wish the ending had been flushed out more fully (kinda getting season 8 GOT vibes from this last chapter)
Guest chapter 26 . 3/27
Haven’t started reading yet, but i was so excited to receive this email update. Congratulations on all you have accomplished. I am currently in my masters program so i can see the stress levels. Good luck with everything!
phoenixcloudburst chapter 26 . 3/29
The chapter is great. Finally, they came out with their feelings. I really like their mindset about healthy relationships. Hope you could write an extra epilogue pls.
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