Reviews for The Best Deceptions
ChuckBlair8 chapter 24 . 2/6/2018
This story hasn’t been updated since 2011. Please come back and finish this awesome “Chair “ story! Please don’t leave all of your fans hanging like that! Chuck and Blair deserve an ending to their love story! There’s still a huge following for Chuck & Blair especially with Netflix carrying it now and so many people are watching it for the first time now! Their huge presence is still there. There’s just no way not to become addicted to Chuck and Blair ... they are epic! Please for the love of your fans, and the Love of Chuck and Blair , do the morally right thing and finish this! Don’t let it become just another statistic in the unfinished world of Fanfiction! How awful it would be, to be that pathetic... amongst the quitters who left their phenomenal stories by the wayside, no matter the fans who invested their time into reading it, and allowed their hearts to become addicted to the story! It’s not too late to do the right thing and finish this story. Gonna choose to have faith that you’re not a quitter, and will soon be back posting an update! Thank you!
ChuckBlair8 chapter 11 . 2/5/2018
I’m 10 chapters in, and I’m totally hooked! You had me from the first chapter! I only stopped so that I can beg you to finish this story! Please! I am absolutely blown away by it! I had read some of the reviews before I started reading the story, so I know that you haven’t finished it. Please, please, please? I beg of you for mercy! Please finish it! Chuck & Blair are still a huge phenomenon, they keep gaining followers and fans with each passing year, especially since so many have just found them and Gossip Girl on Netflix! You have got to finish this story! Your talent speaks of a higher caliber of a writer, one that doesn’t leave great, epic stories unfinished. I’m a fan for life. Please put me out of my misery and do the morally right thing by updating with a new chapter and continuing until it’s finished.
rawsunshine chapter 24 . 6/29/2014
Oh my god, so this story is so sweet. unbelievably sweet. The children have such adorable personalities and yet its so normal how you portray life of a family. Realistic. I just love this story even if it is full of so much pain and feeeeeeelings. Keep it up hun! Thank you for sharing!
Moonflower26 chapter 24 . 9/22/2013
I think I get why you can imagine Dair in theory, Blair's relationship with Mark resemble the one she had with Dan: stable trustworthy safe guy from Brooklyn, who likes to fight for good courses and sees only light side of Blair in her. But it was not enough on the show and it wasn't enough here.
I undrstood from your AN that on July 31 2011 you had another chapter ready to be posted but it never came to be? You should take pity on your readers and dig it in the archives. things only started to look up, it is unjust that we got to read all about Chair trials but were cheated of happy ending.
I don't know whether or not you have seen the finale, but I believe that visuals of Henry Charles Bass with his famoly could help you to find inspiration to finish this story.
With that hope in mind I add your story to alerts.
Moonflower26 chapter 10 . 9/22/2013
I loved this chapter! It was a relief to know that Chuck had been slipping birth control pills to his wife. On the other hand why did he marry a woman who he considered less than beautiful and with poor taste in clothes in addition?
Thank you for letting Chuck figure out the truth by himself with his intuition as his only guide. It is very much like our Chuck to be observant and curious. Also I like how he held himself with Blair: no-nonsense and straight forward approach with possibility of setling the matter in court is what she deserves at this point for concealing children from their father.
Moonflower26 chapter 1 . 9/22/2013
OMG, you've started the story in 2009 and still you managed to come up with the same name for Cguck and Blair's son as in canon Henry Charles
eckomoon chapter 24 . 10/28/2012
I read this from start to finish today and I just love it. It gripped me from the start. Very emotional story. I feel bad for all the characters. I like Mark even though I am glad they are divorced. I love how overwhelmed Chuck and Blair still are around each other and even if Chuck thinks he can't forgive Blair... I think he will eventually. I even feel sorry for Blair. Do the kids know he's their biological father yet? I was confused if they were aware now that he's picking them up 3 days a week and spending 2 full days with him. I know it's been over a year since you've updated but will you please finish this story? I'll send you a large supply of Nutella lol :) I really want to know what happens and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it. You're a great writer.
Guest chapter 24 . 6/30/2012
i love this. please update soon!
Dr.B chapter 24 . 3/18/2012
This story is absolutely amazing and I really hope you will update it. Thank you for sharing your work with us!
BellaB2010 chapter 24 . 11/20/2011
Wow it is of great surprise that I can still find a new story of our favourite couple that I haven't read that is as amazing as the best deceptions. I started your story yesterday and was determined to finish as it gripped me from the start, It is a different storyline to what i have read so far about true love and the complications of feeling things that can't be helped with children involved. It has many intense moments and I think realistic actions, I hope you can update soon. Your a great writer.
p chapter 2 . 8/30/2011
technically the lyrics are by the kaiser cheifs cause paramore just covered their song. but i like paramore better so..whatever, i love the story so far.
annablake chapter 24 . 8/4/2011
Hey, really liked your blog. Followed you. :)

Aaw, I adore the little snippets we get from Chuck interacting with Henry & Tula. Love them doing stuff together like going to the zoo and just hanging out together. After all those years he finally gets to experience what it feels like being a father. It must be huge. The eternal loner finally starting to feel important to two people in this world. It melts my heart... *gets a bit teary-eyed*

Love they way he hints at always having “known” about their existence. Subconsciously he felt them out there somewhere... So beautiful.

I actually don’t think what Blair’s done is totally unforgivable (but very, very close to), I just wish she would at least show some genuine regret. I mean, she even wished for Henry & Tula to be someone else’s at one point.

“He had become something untouchable, a father to his children and they would always be connected, the tiny strings thick like gold.” Loved this.

Beautiful chapter. Really liked it. :)
Dr.GG chapter 24 . 8/2/2011
So pleased to see another update! What a lovely chapter. I am really happy that Chuck is spending time with the twins. Its nice to see how quickly they've taken to each other. I also love that Chuck and Blair seem to be making steps in right direction. In your story, I've always believed the love is still there, its just an issue of getting over the past and beginning to trust again. I can't wait for more. Oh, and I just love Nutella too!
ggoddess chapter 24 . 8/1/2011
Absolutely beautiful but not enough. I understand your intention to pace the ending so slow, so focused on the road ahead which has taken sooo long to arrive to. This story is precious. Just like that chocolate you're devouring. Savour the taste and don't let it finish...
Temp02 chapter 24 . 8/1/2011
How heartwarming that Chuck has connected so easily with Tula and Henry, the lovely innocence of children. You captured their awkwardness nicely and the hand holding was very touching. I am hopeful knowing they both feel it, something will develop soon. I always love seeing an update from you and you can never have enough chocolate :)
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