![]() Author has written 38 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Harry Potter, Gravitation, Ai no Kusabi, Kingdom Hearts, Death Note, Bleach, High School Debut, Junjō Romantica, Vampire Knight, Final Fantasy VII, Devil May Cry, Durarara!!/デュラララ!!, Samurai Champloo, Hobbit, Silmarillion, Legend of Galactic Heroes, and Baten Kaitos. ANNOUNCEMENT: My two ongoing stories are on a longer hiatus, new chapters would be uploaded soonish due my schedule being hectic. What really grinds my gears is that, if you intend to flame, then please DO provide me with the arguments for your flaming. And make sure to log in, so that I can actually say something on the subject. I quote the review from this morning: " From: Guest NEGATIVE criticism, as much as POSITIVE criticism IS welcome, but don't write it so as to insult the author, but to help them make something better in the future. Info on the author: You can post me requests for pairings below (I write only oneshots). At the moment, I don't write those pairings that are underlined, or ones that I'm currently working on (Reno/Yazoo at the moment). However, this situation can change in the future, so keep the track of my profile updates. Most of my stories are yaoi. Favorite rating: NC-17, but I like PG-13 and all the lower ratings if the plot is interesting. But mostly NC-17. For this site, I prefer ratings M and T. I mostly rate my stories M for adult situations and really hard angst. However, I DO NOT write anything that is way too graphic, because of the site rules. They're all rated M for a reason, and never above said rating (well, lately, at least). Favorite genres: romance, angst, tragedy, drama, slice of life...humor sometimes And please review when you finish reading any of my stories! Oh, this is fanart by my friend and reader, Cheresy, on the FFVII:AC fic Hitori, Futari. If you want to check it out (and I recommend you do), follow this link: http:///art/The-rain-never-stops-268280878 Though I don't find Yazoo this effeminate... :)
Pairings: Yaoi: SetoxJoey (SetoxKatsuya)-YGO ShuichixEiri- Gravitation HisokaxTsuzuki-Yami no Matsuei IasonxRiki-Ai no Kusabi KatzexDaryl-Ai no Kusabi XemnasxSaix-Kingdom Hearts ZexionxDemyx-Kingdom Hearts LxRaito-Death Note MikamixGevanni-Death Note ByakuyaxRenji-Bleach HisagixYumichika-Bleach YoritomoxYoshitsune-Amasakaru manga BenkeixYoshitsune-Amasakaru manga HirokixNowaki-Junjou Romantica MisakixUsagi-Junjou Romantica FeilongxAsami-Viewfinder FeilongxYoh-Viewfinder AllenxKanda-D.Gray-man AllenxKandaxLavi-D.Gray-man KandaxLavi-D.Gray-man SebastianxCiel-Kuroshitsuji SebastianxPluto (as a naked man XD)-Kuroshitsuji AgnixSoma-Kuroshituji SebastianxVicount of Druitt-Kuroshitsuji KanamexZero-Vampire Knight RenoxYazoo-FFVII: Advent Children ThranduilxThorin: The Hobbit Het: SayuxMatsuda-Death Note IchigoxRukia-Bleach HarunaxYoh-Koukou(High School) Debut AllenxLenalee-D.Gray-man KandaxLenalee-D.Gray-man Lavix??(it would be fine to see him with any girl)-D.Gray-man OtanixRisa-Lovely Complex Mugen x Fuu - Samurai Champloo I may find some other pairings I like... |