Author has written 13 stories for Gundam Seed, Bleach, and Samurai Warriors. Hello! I know I don't keep much of a profile, but after reading so many beautifully-made ones by other writers I decided I should at least make an effort. I'm a man in his mid twenties, and into stories involving action, humor and romance; yaoi included (and yes that means the obvious when it comes to my orientation; and no I am not single.). I'm into Gundam, Bleach, Metal Gear, Battletech, Suzumiya Haruhi and National Geographic :). Aside from when I am writing, I spend my leisure time swordfighting and painting mecha models. Oh, one more important thing...I'm a caveman who doesn't keep a blog, so if you do and there is some fanfiction challenge or whatever that you would like me to know about on LJ, don't hesitate to let me know. It's not that I'm unfriendly or even shy...I just don't have the technical skills to maintain a journal. My favorite characters in Gundam would be Domon, Quatre, Sven, Cagalli and Gai. Unfortunately I find most of the characters too young to tastefully pair with one another...but to each his own ; I'm just too old myself. I do however like watching the fight scenes and would love to pilot a monoeye design such Zaku, Guntank or a Bucue, hence my username. My favorite characters in Bleach would be Hanatarou, Kira, Kenpachi, Ishida, Renji and Yumichika. I'm happily nuts over Bleach yaoi, but also love fighting and brawling as much as the 11th Division and practice longsword combat for several hours each week. Some day, I might try Bleach cosplay too. I can't say I have any particular favorite characters in Metal Gear, but I must stress that I don't hate Raiden. Just like with Gundam though, I love the mecha, the fights and the technology; and will support any realistic-looking gay or straight pairings people may care to write about. Battletech will always remain my first love. I heart Kai Allard-Liao and Phelan Kell, and wonder if anyone would ever attempt to write Battletech slash, but somehow I doubt it as well as my own ability to do so. My favorite mechs are the Blackhawk Prime and the Locust 1E; with the Barghest as a close runner-up, and my favorite faction is Clan Nova Cat. Suzumiya Haruhi is a guilty pleasure of mine. Again, no pairings, and I like it for the philosophical and existential questions it raises. I want to learn the Haruhi dance someday too. That's right, I follow Haruhi for the metaphysics and choreography. Don't I sound just like a nutcase now? Latest news: OMG...Margania has actually drawn a fanart for one of my fics! I am such a lucky guy! Both the fic and the art feature Sajin Komamura and are entitled 'Puppies'. You can check it out at http:///art/Puppies-66691072 Ain't it cute..? Margania is writer on this site too, and is another fan of Sajin Komamura from Bleach. The big guy doesn't have enough fans. She has also written a fanfic starring him entitled 'It's A Dog's Life'. Bleach is not limited to Ichigo/Rukia romances and Hitsugaya angstfics. Have a look at it, and spread the furry, fluffy, fuzzy love. Bleach may be a shonen manga, but its also a literal meat market for yaoi fangirls. I'm just the friendly neighbourhood butcher. :P |
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