Author has written 29 stories for Gravitation, Suikoden, X/1999, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Samurai Warriors, Dynasty Warriors, and Warriors Orochi. Nothing much to say, since my fics should make it obvious what my preferences are. It should also be noted that if I leave a review that is not filled with glowing praise of "update plz," I am not doing it to flame you, but because I honestly want to help. I try to be helpful when doling out what little concrit I do. I'm not perfect myself and do make errors, but I still believe that even an imperfect writer can help others. I do not tolerate flames from people, but if my concrit isn't well recieved, I will not try to push it any further on the reader. My livejournal. Links to stories not on Gravitation Fics Burden-NC-17 K/Shuichi story done for gravi_fuh_q on livejournal Clean-NC-17 Hiro/Taki story done for gravi_fuh_q on lj. To Break a Habit-NC-17 TakixYuji fic done for gravi_fuh_q. It's hard to dump someone when you just can't leave them alone. A Devil's Promise-NC17 series of Tohma/Taki fics done for the 30_lemons community on lj. Boldness-NC 17 A Shuichi/Taki AU fic done for gravi_fuh_q. Gravitation Marriage Prospects-An attempt at making a guess at what it would be like to be married to certain gravitation characters. Cute Little Uke-NC17, the full version. TatsuhaxTaki fic. Sweet Surrender-An AyakaxMaiko Songfic using lyrics from "Sweet Surrender" by Sarah McLahclan. Samurai Deeper Kyo Self-Control-Hard R. Samurai Deeper Kyo fic, KyoxKyoshiro. 1sentence fics 50lines-Ma-kunxTaki fics done for 1sentence on lj. 50sins-AionxChrono from Chrono Crusade done for 1sentence. 50moments-SnowexLazlo from Suikoden IV done for 1sentence. 50 more moments-Azusa Odagiri/Shinogu Narita from Hot Gimmick. |
Kaira themes (24) | Pocky King Windy (89) | Riyo-sama (4) |