AN: I enjoyed my new Office Word for quite a short time for it was a trial version...I cannot install anything permanently because of the virus I can't get rid of. Anyway, it's a long story. So don't mind me if you find some errors, as usual. ^^'

This is the last chapter. I hope you'll enjoy it, and, as always, please r&r!!!

Warnings: Perhaps a bit OOC


Chapter 16: Snow

Byakuya was sitting on the couch in Rukia's living room. It was warm and pleasant, and surprisingly quiet. His sister was stting on the cushion on the other side of the coffee table, with the faint smile on her lips.

She observed as her brother was playing with little Kurosaki Takara, a girl of three years. The time seemed to pass so quickly, she thought, as she remembered how Byakuya and Renji had gotten together again, stories of Byakuya's implicit exclamation of love, another scandal in their clan, this time with the elders, Kuchiki Ginrei...And, of course, her marriage with Ichigo shortly after.

But it wasn't what people may think. She got married because of Takara, their treasure, their beautiful and prosperous daughter. They lived in harmony, but she wasn't ready to forgive. Not yet, anyway. They did everything together except for sharing the bed. Still, it didn't bother Ichigo much, since he considered that even this was generous enough of her. He found it surprising that she even considered being on somewhat good terms with him again. If only she knew that deep down, Ichigo hoped that he would be her lover again, her husband in every aspect.

She observed as her daughter, placed in her uncle's lap, was asking him questions typical for her age, using that small vocabulary of hers. She hadn't learned to fear Byakuya, nor did Rukia want her to learn souch a thing. She hoped that Byakuya wouldn't make such an impression on Takara so that she would add -sama when talking to him.

She glanced at the clock, and then cleared her throat.

"Ni-sama...You didn't tell Renji that you would come to the real world, did you?" She knew that he hadn't, but she just wanted to be sure. "Are you in some kind of a fight?" She was a bit concerned. He looked at her, holding Takara's small hands in his, to prevent her from slapping him or waving before his eyes in a desperate attempts to draw his attention.

"No, we are not in any kind of fight." He simply replied. Rukia still seemed to be confused, but just nodded.

"Good, because he's just about to come for dinner."

Every several weeks, Renji would come to the real world and rent a house a few blocks away, to be close to Rukia and Takara, and startle Ichigo a bit. Ever since he had cheated on Rukia, Renji seemed to be colder to him. It hurt that they might not be best buds anymore. Renji wasn't as tolerant as his female best friend, and had taken all of it way too personal. He couldn't help it, though, for Rukia was his childhood friend, one of the rare people whose company he treasured so dearly.

"I see." Byakuya replied, endeavoring to suppress a smile. Takara reached for his dark, long hair, pulling one strand, holding it in a strong grip.

"Uncle Byakuya..." she snuggled up against his chest, making a mess of his abused strand of hair. The Kuchiki heir had to admit that it hurt a little, but he took the pain easily, for it was a sign of his niece's innocent affection.

He reached for her hand, untangling its fingers from his hair ever so gently. "Takara." he said in a serious, flat tone. Yet it seemed so gentle. "Let go." The little girl obeyed, sliding from his lap.

"Where are you going, uncle?" she asked, still not able to comprehend some facts about life and world in general, taking every Byakuya's departure as his permanent one. He herd a light sob escape her lungs, and looked at her disappointed eyes. But he didn't answer her question, just smiled a bit.

"Nii-sama?" Rukia asked, as she followed him to the hall. Gracefully, he took his long, white scarf, covering his chest, fringes hanging in the level of his knees. It was of a refined quality, an expensive piece of clothing made in Karakura. Then he put his black coat on, buttoning it up. The edges of the scarf and its fringes reaching a bit below the edge of the coat. The last item was his white winter cap, which fit him so perfectly, making him look so romantic, that Rukia's eyes shone in awe. Such a white color, a total contrast to his black hair.

"I will be back shortly." was all Byakuya said before he opened the door and stepped into the cold winter evening. Rukia was watching him disappear around the corner, smiling gently. 'He's gonna meet him halfway and surprise him' she thought. 'Now I get it.'




The redhead was walking down the street, shivering. He had been working the entire day at one small shop nearby, a small habit of his when he was in the real world. Just to help Rukia with her funds. Today had been so crowded with customers, that he didn't even have time to eat. He was trudging down the street while amusing himself with observing his breath in the cold evening.

His muscles were sore, his mood apathetic, his stomach growling. He was looking forward to seeing Takara and eating whatever Rukia had for dinner. The very thought of a warm home with people he loved was making him warmer. Something gripped his heart tightly, reminding him that he belonged somewhere, to some people who were nice and caring.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts, that at first he didn't notice a silhouette standing a few meters before him. The silhouette exhaled a small puff of air, waiting for the redhead man with earmuffs to recognize him at last.

Renji blinked a few times, seeing that the man didn't have intention to move. But when he looked better, he knew why. The yellow light from the row of the houses in the street was casting a golden shine at the sickly white snow, and at Kuchiki Byakuya, who was waiting patiently. The golden light was mingling with the faint, white street lights, making the town a sad place, awakening the great longng for a small room, a fireplace, a big mug of hot chocolate in hands, or, simply, a company of the beloved one, to walk home together.

Renji winced at the sight, recognizing his lover. He found himself short of breath, looking at Byakuya in astonishment, for neither he expected him, nor thought that he would look so beautiful. The very thought of them walking side by side, the very thought of Byakuya's presence, made the evening more pleasant than it originally was. He inclined his head in acknowledgment, approaching his lover.

"Would you like to take a short walk?" Byakuya offered, not leaving space for Renji to ask why hadn't he been told about Byakuya's arrival. Nor did Renji think about it, frankly. The fact itself, that Byakuya was before him was enough. He nodded, and they turned and walked off in another direction, to the park.


They walked side by side, admiring the quiet winter atmosphere, not exchanging a word. Byakuya was thinking about what Renji would say about Hisana. The noble knew thet his lover would never dare to say anything bad about her, for he would hurt Rukia and would enrage him. Nor did the redhead dare to think anything bad about her. But Byakuya knew anyway what Renji would say. He would say that Hisana was a whore who had abandoned her baby sister, who had married him because of his wealth, and never rreciprocated his feelings. He would say something that would go into his disadvantage, something like: It would be better if you never adopted Rukia, even though they wouldn't be together now.

When he thought better, perhaps Renji would be right about Hisana, but the noble himself would never acknowledge his late wife's true intentions. However, it was time to move on, and knowing that Renji was bothered by her altar, and that it was another thing he never dared to say, with one last bow to her, Byakuya had ordered the altar to be permanently removed. It was time to move on. It was time to do something nice for Renji, something that would strengthen their bonds.

He looked at his lover, suppressing the urge to smile, to cry out of happiness. He had never thought that the outcome would be like this; when they first met, nothing indicated that this all would take place. And despite himself, he was glad. Oh, how Renji would be surprised!

The Kuchiki heir stopped, interrupting Renji's harmonious thoughts. The redhead stopped and retreated to where Byakuya stood.

"Byakuya?" he asked in confused, gentle tone. The dark haired shinigami was looking somewhere in the distance, among the elegant, white trees. Nobody was around.

"Quite a pleasant evening" he said, still looking at something in the distance. "We should take Takara out for a bit after dinner."

"Maybe tomorrow, it's too cold tonight. She's still fragile." Renji retorted with a faint smile, scratching the back of his head. "Byakuya...are you alright? Why didn't you tell me you were here?"

Byakuya looked at him. "I am alright." he approached him and cupped his cheeks with hands, which had the woven fingerless gloves on. "I wanted to surprise you." he barely muttered, capturing Renji's lips in a short, loving kiss. Then he let go of him. Renji just stood there, bewildered. Ok. He knew Byakuya could make jokes. But to go that far and admit that he was preparing a surprise for him? 'I guess all of us have changed in a way, during these years...' he thought, smiling. He was so happy he thought he was going to explode, the sensation of Byakuya's kiss making his face go red and warm. Under the earmuffs, his ears felt hot.

"Shall we go home? Rukia must be waiting for us." Renji asked.

"Yes." Byakuya replied, and they headed back. Perhaps Ichigo had gotten home by then, and thus they would all be gathered around the table, their awkward, happy family, who was endeavoring to forgive Ichigo and accept him as its own.


