Poll: Whom shall I pair Reno with in Love Next door? Vote Now!
Author has written 6 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Kingdom Hearts, and D.Gray-Man. Age: 26 Birthday: 1 February (Aquarius) Location: You don't want to know. ;3 My websites: Favourite anime: Final Fantasy VII AC, Last Order, Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, Star Ocean EX, Trinity Blood, Descendants of Darkness (Yami no Matsuei), Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Weiss Kreuz, Wolf's Rain, Inuyasha, Full Metal Panic, Fushigi Yuugi, D Gray-man, Rozen Maiden. Favourite characters: Gaara (Naruto), Aya (Weiss Kreuz), Tasuki (Fushigi Yuugi), Reno (FF VII), Axel, Roxas, Demyx, Saix, Zexion, Larxene (KH), Claude (SO EX), Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha), Hisoka (YnM), Edward Elric, Maes Hughes (FMA), Shikamaru (Naruto), Temari, Kankurou, Kiba (both - WR Kiba and Naruto Kiba, too), Tsume, Kakashi, Tsunade, Hinata, Tres, Hugue, Cain (Trinity Blood), Kanda, Allen, Lavi, Miranda, Krory, Tyki Mikk (D Gray-man), Suigintou, Barasuishou, Suiseiseki (rozen Maiden). Favourite games: Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XII, Tales of Phantasia, Lunar Silver Star Story, Kingdom Hearts games. Favourite authors: Anne Rice, Laurell K. Hamilton, Takami Koushun, Murakami Haruki. Favourite books: Anita Blake-series, Vampire Chronicles, Battle Royale. Hobbies: drawing, reading manga, novels and fanfictions, writing fanfictions, RPGs. What I love: redheads, yaoi, shounen-ai, Asian food, Greek food, well-drawn manga and fanarts, doujinshi, games (especially Tales of series, Final Fantasy-series, Kingdom Hearts), pets (especially cats and guinea-pigs), animals ("big cats", pandas, koalas, wolves, bats, etc). What I hate: homophobes, sharp noises, flamers, animal- and pet-torture, bees, and every bugs with sting O.O Personality: workaholic, crazy, quick-tempered, daring, playful and somewhat cocky. And I show a new prototype of a closet pervert. XD Favourite pairings: NarutoxHinata, TemarixShikamaru, NejixTenten, ClaudexRena, AshtonxPrecise, AbelxEsther, SangoxMiroku, ChesterxArche, KroryxMiranda, IrvinexSelphie, LuluWakka. Favourite yaoi pairings: AxelxReno, SaixxAxel, XemnasxSaix, XemnasxAxel, DemyxxZexion, TsuzukixHisoka, TatsumixTsuzuki, TsumexToboe, ClessxChester, Jean-ClaudexAsher, KandaxLavi, TykixKanda, TykixLavi, CyrilxLavi and many more. Favourite quotes: "Guess there's no overtime today, yo" - Reno "Dogs are dogs, birds are birds, cats are gods." - Ancient truth about cats "30 per cent of grace, 29 per cent of pranks, 28 per cent of purring, 10 per cent of soft fur, 3 per cent of innocence" - what's a cat made out of. |
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