Author has written 14 stories for Prince of Tennis, Samurai 7, Final Fantasy VII, and Team Fortress 2. Lo and behold, I am called NarcissisticRiceBall... Fortunately, unfortunately (?), I'm actually not that narcissistic...I just like the word. Naricissism is fun to say, so I say it. I also joke around with it a lot since naricssistic people say some of the weirdest and funniest things. I am obsessive compulsive and somehwhat neurotic so, according to my friends, I'm a spectacle of entertainment. I think too hard on just about everything, particularly when writing and trying to make sense out of many things that are not made to make sense...obviously, that presents problems in such things as video games, anime, movies, calculus, and organic chemistry. I enjoy to write as a past time. It is a good way for me to get ideas out of my head so that I can actually sleep at night. I realize I'm not all that skilled at creative writing. I'm afraid that my writing makes that obvious. I really do want to write good fiction that is both coherent and enjoyable. However, I am bad at grammar. When I say I am bad at grammar, I mean that no teacher has actually taken time to teach me at any point in my life. I know the basics, but everything else, I've gathered from all the books I've read. That said, my apologies for such mistakes in my stories. I have had people offer to beta read, but I did that once and because of that, I don't really want to do it again. As for pairings, I'm all for canon pairs and het. I don't mind shounen ai if it is tastefully and well written, and I don't read yaoi all that much because, well, it defies my brain power. Again, it just more or less depends on how it is presented. I have read some that were extremely well done and enjoyable. That said, I personally don't write shounen ai or yaoi. Then again, I suppose that many of my Prince of Tennis fics can be construed as shounen ai. I actually intend them more as friendship, but being all guys, it sometimes is a little...not manly, to put it simply. So that is my stance on all of that. I babble too much so I'll stop here and just ask that you enjoy yourself as much as possible! Happy writing and reading!! |