It was a fine day for tennis. The sky was clear and the weather was mild. For Hyotei Academy, it marked the beginning of the tennis season. With tennis tournaments around the corner, each member was striving to gain a highly coveted seat as a regular.

The tennis courts were filled with first, second and third year students practicing their best moves for ranking matches. All together there were approximately 200 members; and with only eight seats comprising the regulars, the competition was fierce.

The ranking matches were usually won by a diverse range in school year, but this time around, the second years were dominating the courts. One second year especially stood out from the rest. Crowds were flocking to his court to catch a glimpse of the second year upstart. The first years and any other new members were awed by his skill while those who already knew him were just as excited as the next.

"Game and Match. Atobe, six games to zero!" The line judge called out, causing a general awe and loud cheer.

Keigo Atobe stood triumphantly as he looked around and soaked in the praise. He glanced sideways at his defeated opponent and smirked. The soundly defeated third year was less than pleased with the attention Keigo was getting. He was about to say something to diminish Keigo and his skill but was beat to the punch.

"Be awed by my prowess." He smiled and raised his arm, pointing upward which made the crowd cheer even more. The third year was left standing speechless at Keigo's bold statement.

Keigo Atobe finished his matches at a leisurely pace. For one of his matches he allowed his opponent to gain the multiple matches and the upper hand for the first part of the match. Keigo's opponent was clueless as to the real reason why he was winning and impudently made poked fun at the losing second year. The match was at five to zero and he was about to serve for the final point to finish off the game when all of a sudden, Keigo returned the serve before his opponent could react. From there on out, the match went at a feverish pace. Keigo changed his style completely and in record time, won seven consecutive games without even breaking a sweat. The crowd went wild at the sudden change in leader. Atobe made sure everybody was watching him and his skill in all his glory. He was extra showy to be truly distinguished from 200 other people.

Already planning for his third year, Atobe had the exact plan of becoming captain and leading the greatest team of players, and leaving behind a legacy and goal others could only dream of. He silently constructed his plans from the first year on the tennis team. This year however, he began watching the other first and second years deciding who would be privileged to be part of his extraordinary team.

Finished with his matches, Keigo gathered his belongings and headed towards the other courts. On the way, he was joined by another upstart second year, the tennis prodigy Yuushi Oshitari. Keigo found his impressive skills a worthy asset to his dream team. He had finished around the same time as Keigo.

"How has Gakuto been doing?" The other boy adjusted his glasses and smiled.

"Of course he's been winning." Keigo mentally noted the agility and athleticism of Mukahi Gakuto and how it would be beneficial for the team. Yuushi then began filling him in on some of the other players' statistics.

"Shishido is playing his final match right now. I suppose he's worth looking into to." Keigo glanced sideways and shrugged.

"Well, he needs to get a little better and more disciplined if he wants to survive." Keigo knew he could be fine as a regular only if he was more motivated. "What about that Choutarou Ootori? I heard he had a pretty fast serve." Yuushi smirked.

"Pretty fast is an understatement. It's somewhat erratic, but if it goes in, well, not too many people would ever be able to return it." Keigo nodded slowly in approval. He decided that once Choutarou gained more accuracy, that serve would be an invaluable asset. Yuushi concluded with the report regarding the ever sleeping member of the tennis team.

"Jiroh's been finished for a while. I'm not sure where he is now but you know he's sleeping somew.." Yuushi tripped over his words as he tripped over something sprawled out on the ground. Keigo looked down to see what the stumbling block was and then grinned.

"Speaking of which…Hey, Jiroh, wake up." He commanded. The sleeping boy slowly opened his eyes and noticed Keigo standing over him and Yuushi picking himself off the ground and dusting his clothes off. Jiroh yawned and ran his hand through his blondish brown hair.

"Wha?..Oh, hey, Keigo, Yuushi. Ya finished now?"

"Don't sleep in the middle of the walkway." Yuushi scolded. Jiroh smiled sleepily at him.

"Sorry. I just got tired and decided to take a nap." Keigo shook his head and then coaxed Jiroh to give up sleeping for a few minutes to watch the other players.

"C'mon, we're going to see who else will make the team."

"You mean your team, right, Keigo?" Jiroh stood up and stretched. "That's a pretty bold claim you know."

"What? You don't think I'll do it?" Keigo asked. The other boy just yawned some more and smiled.

"'Course not. I know you're the only one who could pull it off; it's just there are a lot of other people not exactly thrilled with your idea." Jiroh watched half interested as Keigo smirked confidently.

"Who cares what the 'others' think. The only reason they're upset is because they know it's true. It is only natural for the unskilled to fear Ore-sama's prowess."

Yuushi chuckled at his friend's confidence and the fact he had enough of it to refer to himself with such a proud name. All three leisurely made their way to some of the other courts as Keigo mentally checked off all the players that would make his dream team.

"I only need one more. I require another first year other than Ootori and Wakashi." He glanced over to Jiroh and Yuushi to see if they had any ideas. Jiroh yawned again then suddenly perked up.

"Oh wait! I know. I've heard there's this first year who's incredibly huge."

"Size isn't everything in tennis." Yuushi sagely pointed out.

"I know, I know, but you didn't let me finish. Not only is he huge, but his playing style really makes him stand out." Here, Jiroh interrupted himself with another yawn. Slightly annoyed, Keigo prodded Jiroh along.

"Well? What's this skill?" Jiroh snapped to attention and scratched his head.

"Umm…Oh right. He can mimic any skill an opponent uses, and he can do it perfectly." Once again he began to yawn and zone out signaling that he knew no more. Keigo slowed his pace and grew pensive.

"Interested?" Yuushi asked more as a rhetorical question. Keigo picked up his pace again and kept walking towards the courts the first years would be.

After a short walk to the other courts, the three tennis aces arrived at the court of this infamous first year. Yuushi stopped and readjusted his glasses.

"Jiroh, when you said 'huge'…" He trailed off towards the end uncertainly. Jiroh watched the courts half interested.

"Yup, that would be him."