More LavixKanda smut written for the -Man kink meme. Enjoy.
Disclaimer: I don't own -Man.
Loud pants fill the air from Kanda's open mouth and he's looking anywhere, anywhere but at the redhead sitting next to him, or the hand in his lap that is slowly, methodically jerking him. He doesn't understand quite how he got there, but there he is.
Kanda clamps his mouth shut when he realises that he's the one making strange, needy, noises. He sees out of the corner of his eye that Lavi's smirk has widened and grits his teeth. His chest begins to heave with the effort of pumping air around his body, but his lips remain stubbornly sealed.
Now that he's being quiet, he can hear the slick slide of skin against skin – a sound that he's never wanted to hear less. This whole situation is wrong; he shouldn't be here, doing this. Not with Lavi.
Pleasure fills him.
He opens his mouth to tell Lavi to stop, that he's not enjoying it, to leave him alone, but the only noise that leaves him is a long, drawn-out moan. The panting resumes and this time he can't bring himself to seal his lips.
Lavi moves his hand faster and Kanda begins to moan in earnest, his hips rocking towards Lavi despite himself. It feels too good.
He realises he's falling and finally finds the will to speak.
Lavi nuzzles his neck, doesn't miss the shudder, then bites at the cartilage of Kanda's ear.
Kanda doesn't understand how Lavi can make his name sound sexy, so he blames it on the hand still working on his erection.
That's it, he realises. It's not Lavi that's making him feel this way, just his hand. It could be anyone's hand.
That means it's okay to groan when Lavi's tongue finds a sensitive spot on his neck, to thrust into that tight, hot grip around him, to orgasm with his face buried in Lavi's shoulder.
Lavi withdraws his hand, fingers sticky with Kanda's come and leans in for a kiss. Kanda turns away. Standing quickly, he zips up his fly and brushes down his pants with his palms. As if it will make him feel cleaner.
Lavi watches him, still smiling patiently – knowingly – and it makes Kanda angry. What right does he have to look at him as though he knows some great secret?
"Get out of my room, Lavi. Now." His voice is still shaking and he's not sure if it's from anger, or as a result of his earlier exertions.
Lavi stands, moves past him, and Kanda swears he feels fingers brush over his ass. He lets it go because it means the redhead will leave.
A quick "bye, Yuu!" then finally, finally, he is alone. Kanda sighs.
He should feel more relieved.