![]() Author has written 85 stories for 4400, Lost, Star Wars, Star Trek: 2009, 24, Stargate: Universe, Castle, Supernatural, Inception, V, 2009, NCIS: Los Angeles, Doctor Who, Avengers, Person of Interest, Stranger Things, 2016, Ant-Man, Rocky, and Wonder Woman. Hello All, My profile has been under construction for a while, because I never know what to include, and or care enough to fill this space with stuff about me. However, I wanted to share something important. When I first started writing fan fiction(at a Star Wars site which will remain nameless) back in 2005, I was immediately taken under the wing of a writer who had been there for some time. Her name was Zonoma and she taught most everything I know about fan fiction etiquette. Not only did she teach me about the importance of leaving reviews, however short or long, but she also made me realize how important it is to respond to my readers. Admittedly, I have not done as well with that here, but back then, and over at that site, I still try to do it. Reviews: From the beginning, I've always taken pride in my reviews. I wanted to leave something for the author that is at once encouraging and informative. Will usually note something concrete about the style of the fic, characterizations, story line, or dialogue. Not so much anymore, but I used to pull quotes from the fic and post them in my reviews; something I really liked or affected me in a specific way. I still do it now and again. These things let an author know, first of all, that you read it, and secondly, that it had and impact on you. I know there are lurkers out there; plenty of them. I encourage you to come out of the shadows and make your presence known. You don't have to write a book of a review, but let the author know you were there. I certainly understand that if you didn't like it, or that it was bad enough not to finish, that keeping silent is a good idea. Concrit, or specific negative or mentoring criticism should only be given at the author's request. Replies: Zonoma also helped me realize that replying to reviewers is also important as an author. It can only help to say 'thank you' and respond specifically to reader questions and comments, when cultivating your readership. The reviewer is reaching out to you as an author when they leave a comment. If they have left a lengthy or even a short comment, letting them know you value their time and effort is essential. *Update - It is my humble opinion that if you follow and/or favorite a story, you should take a moment to leave a comment. Just my two cents. It could inspire the author to check out your stories, if you happen to be a writer yourself. Some Favorite quotes: "Friends don't lie." Stranger Things 'Oh god, we're not going to have to hug or anything, are we?' -Dean Winchester (Supernatural) 'You were right about one thing, master. The negotiations were short.' -Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars: TPM) 'I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no one to stand around looking impressed. What's the point in having you all?' (11th Doctor Who) 'You know what it's dangerous about you? It's not that you make people take risks, it's that you make them want to impress you. You make it so they don't want to let you down. You have no idea how dangerous you make people to themselves when you're around.' (Rory Williams, Doctor Who) Since you asked so nicely(and it seems to be the thing to do in a profile), here are the pairings I support or have written about: Mike/Eleven Stranger Things Doctor/Rose Doctor Who James(Sawyer)/Juliet LOST Castle/Beckett Castle Arthur/Ariadne Inception Tony/Michelle 24 Luke/Mara Star Wars Kirk/Chapel Star Trek 2009 Spock/Uhura Star Trek 2009 |