Author has written 2 stories for Naruto. Name: -- Age:13 Ethnicity:Say loud, I'm Black and I'm proud! Date of birth: 21/01/1995 Likes:anime, drawing, music, winding up people, trustful and loyal people,and other things you don't need to know. CoughPornCough Dislikes: Cocky, Snobby people Bull-Shit Black people who blame white people for all their problems People who blame others for their problems Pricks Serial Killers Pedophiles People that have no pride in themselves Emos People who write good stories, but don't update forever, and have no reason for the delays People who will talk to you for hours and interrupt you when you try and talk, then get mad at you when you don't say anything People who tell the same unfunny joke multiple the same hour People who talk a lot of shit, but can't back it up People that don't realise that you don't like them Badly written stories that the authors keep going Yaoi The person who invented Yaoi( I have a rusty scalpel waiting for Him) People who write truly weird and disturbing Yaoi(EX: NarutoxSasuke, they damn near hate each other) Everything about Yaoi(I have nothing against gay people, but keep that shit away from me) People who hate Rock/Metal, and all it's variations, except Emo Rock, people can hate that all they want People with extremely bad grammer/spelling People who can't spell the names of anime/manga characters...even when they are ten chapters into the story Spandex freaks And many, many, MANY more things that I don't feel like typing down. Hobbies: watching anime , cloud busting, drawing, reading, comics, Fave anime: Naruto, Bleach, Shaman king, Yugi oh, hellsing, full metal alchamist Fave tv shows/cartoons: Family guy, American Dad,Ben 10,Drake & Josh Fave pairings:Naru/Ino, Naru/Kure, Naru/Anko, Naru/tenten ok pairings:Naru/Hin, Naru/tsunade(unless there good), Yuri( Same as tsunade paring reason) I am currently an amateur writer who is trying his luck at writing. I guess the type of music i'm into would be R'n'B, Metal, Rock,Pop, and other's that i do not remember the names of. My fave bands are Tenacious D, Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park,Plain White T's. This should give you a good hint of how naruto's sword in Naruto's resolve: HAO: looks like. NARUTO'S RESOLVE. SILVERBLOOD. Gotta say thanks to my Beta-reader, KatanaUser for making sure my stories are posted good and edited . He himself is finally beginning to write and has 2 stories called With You and The Name Namimikaze. They're both really good stories and a review would be appriciated by th author. (id: 1313107) If anyone wants to PM me, her are my various email addresses: Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929,SweetNCrazieSugarmuffin,The Komodo Dragon Phoenix, Bust_A_Groover, Tecna, Novemberscorpion110388, Pinksakurablossom, Angelgirl18647, Winter Gallowsraven, Echizen Ryoma-san, Zaara the black,Chapsticks. 98 of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2 who hasn't, copy & paste this in your profile. If you fall for this please put it in your profile, I fell for it too: You know you live in 2007 when... 1.) You accidentaly enter your password on a microwave. 2.) You haven't played solitare with real cards for years 3.) The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is they dont have a screenname or my space 4.) You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the buttons on the TV 6.) Your boss doesn't even have the ability to do your job. 7.) As you read this list you keep nodding and smiling. 8.) As you read this list you think about sending it to all your friends. 9.) and you were too busy to notice number 5. 10.) You scrolled back up to see if there was a number 5. 11.) Now you are laughing at yourself stupidly. 12.) Put this in your profile if you fell for that, and you know you did. |
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