Poll: In the Sacred Mark of the Rising Kekkei Genkai, do you think that I should keep Naruto's spitfire gauntlets or get him a different weapon. Vote Now!
Author has written 3 stories for Naruto. What up! how ya'll doin? I'm goin to let you guys know a little bit about me, I can't tell exactly everything, then I'd have to ...uh dispose of you.I'm 19 years old. Race: You know that i'm black, and when i say black i mean BLACK, I'm mean Dave Chappelle "Darkness" black! Name: something cool. Its scottish... Elemental affinity: Water (I checked) Zodiac sign: Pisces (The sign of the fish) Spirit animal: The otter Favorite object: The moon Favorite form of bending: If I was a bender I would be a Waterbender. Birthstone: Aquamarine Favorite color combination: Blue and Gray If you have not guessed by now, I really like water. Anything that has to do with water, the moon,anything. Fuck I'm even on my school's VARSITY swim team. Current Location: Baltimore, Maryland I am a SEA DRAGON: I took the http:// online inner dragon quiz and found out that my inner dragon is a SEA DRAGON! In the war between good and evil, types take the side of the noble and good. Sea dragons are not known to have breath weapons, but are powerful fighters in close combat. Many sailors and sea captains have mentioned their glistening teeth. They are thought to use sonar, like the dolphin does, and to be able to swim at extremely high speeds and depths. Sea Dragons are shy creatures. Sea Dragons have been known to have the power to control the tides, create great storms, and whip the sea into a frenzy. FAVORITE PHRASES: My fav things to say are: Douche Bag Douchebag(o_o) Euphoric Badass No uhh yea that's it. FAVORITE SHOWS: My favorite shows are:( well it's actually sort of a list all the shows that are animated that I watch). Bleach(Ulquiorra is such a badass!) Naruto(Naruto sucks and yet he is the main character of my fanfIC. i MAY NOT LIKE HIM BUT HE'S GOIN TO BE THE SHIT AFTER I'M DONE WITH HIM) One piece(luffy:a super strong dumbass) Inuyasha(Half demon...hah..heh...half demon...pathetic) Air Gear (I don't care what anybody says about this show, if you thinks it suck... well you can choke on the beef if you're smart enough to figure out what that means.) Full Metal Alchemist( how did I spell alchemist?...!.. whoa i did it again) D-Gray Man( i love it) Clannad (fuck, this show is deep) Clannad after story (even deeper) To aru majutsu no index (genius) Rosariovampire( it's freakin funny) Shakugan no shana(flame hazes kickass) Zero no Tsukaima( from the makers of the Shakugan no shana, but is like a japanese harry potter) Family guy(hehehehehehehheh) American Dad(gosh!) A.T.O.M(I don't fucking know!) The Boondocks(riley is a fuckin G) FAVORITE CHARACTERS: In Bleach my favorite characters are Grimmjow Jacques, Ulquiorra Shciffer, Byakuya Kuchiki, Kenpachi Zaraki, and Sousuke Aizen. In Naruto my favorite characters are Neji hyuuga, Hinata hyuuga, Garra of the dessert, Itachi Uchiha, and for some reason KABUTO. (i hate when people say that their favorite is naruto, i mean that's so dumb. wow my favorite is the main character of the show, who the show just so happens to be named after!!)gives a big napoleon dynamite style "GOSH!!." In one piece my favorite characters are Tray, Sanji, and Roranora Zolo. In Inuyasha my favs are Sesshomaru, Naraku, and Kikyo(only because she plays the crap out of inuyasha every time they meet) In FMA I like Edward and ONLY Edward. (the only reason i picked one of the main characters is because i think everyone else sucks.) In D-gray man my favorite's are Allen and Road. In Clannad my favs are tomoya, tomoyo, nagisa...fuck I love everyone in that show, it's just too good to choose between any of the characters! In to aru majutsu no index my favorite would have to be...uh let me see, accelerator...definetely. His powers are so freakin awesome. In RV my favorites are Miroze, kurumu and Moka In Shakugan no shana my favs are Carmel and Hecate. In Zero no Tsukaima my favs are Tiffania, Henrrieta and Siesta My favorites in Fg are Stewie and Quagmire. ther'ye so freakin' funny. I really don't have any favorites in American Dad, BUT I kinda like the German fish. ( at least i think he's German...screw Germans... just kidding...or am I?) In A.T.O.M my favorite charater is Axel hands down. (once again because every other character sucks...well except for king and lioness) FAV COUPLES: I love the the Naru/hina couple.They seem to go with each other. I may not like Naruto, but I like him when he is with Hinata. The way someone so loud and rash could go so well with someone so quiet and timid is crazy. And Just like a person named awesmoisoawesome whose stories I have come to enjoy, I freakin' hate the Naru/saku pair. I seriously don't like sakura she doesn't even deserve for me to capitalize the first letter of her name, see sakura not Sakura. Anyway in Bleach there is really only one pair which is Ichigo and Orihime, which I think is perfect. I guess rukia could be counted but she's to small to even be counted as human or shinigami or ... whaever. In one piece Nami and Sanji. Sango and and Miroku are my Inuyasha couple. it would have been Inuyasha and Kagome, but their thing is way to whack. I like Sango Miroku thing because there is a lot of butt grabin' in that relationship. In air gear my fav couple is either Ikki and Simca or Ikki and Ringo. The Ikki/Ringo thing Is sort of like the Naruto/ hinata so I really like that, while on the other hand the Ikki/Simca thing is freakin' funny and plus, Simca's hot. In D-gray man the only couple I can think of is Allen and Lenalee. In RV my favorite couple is Either Miroke and Tsukune or Moka and Tsukune, both those pairing remind me of the Naru/hina pairing. In shangaku no shana, the yuji/yoshida pair is best for me, exact duplicate of Naru hina, except for the fact that the main character actually knows that the shy girl loves him. In Zero no Tsukaima my fav couple is Saito and siesta, again, Naru Hina. For my other shows I have no other couples. FAV GAMES: ANY naruto or bleach game, NBA live franchise, Madden NFL franchise, the Kingdom hearts franchise Soul calibur franchise, Gears of war, Bioshock, God of war( both of 'em), Shadow of the colossus, The Legend of Zelda and the Twilight Princess, call of duty 4: modern warfare, all ratchet and clank games, Jak III, HALO 3 and every Mario game, EVERY ONE OF 'EM. My writing: Sacred Mark of The Rising Kekke Genkai: Crimson Dawn: Uzumaki Naruto : MindPlay: New updates! ( you know you want to know about it). :Nothing Check this out: cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile Fun Fact: Did you know that approximately 99.9 of all homsexuals and lesbians use their right hand to move the mouse on a computer. It's too late Queer don't try to switch hands now, accept it...you play for the other team. HAH! if you are reading this message that means that you actually have a sense of humor and have not yet clicked off my profile. You gotta admit I got you and rightAnow if you aren't admitting to defeat let me tell you that you're STUPID Reasons why you STUPID: didn't admit defeat. 2. You still think that you're not gay or a lesbian. 3. You're still holding the mouse in your right hand. 4. You just tried to switch hands. failed to notice that picture of the male genitalia right next to number one. 7. You are actually dumb enough to search for the picture even though you claim not to be gay. didn't realize that number six is missing. 9. You just realized it and feel like a dumbass for not realizing it sooner. 10.Your probably still holding the mouse with your right hand...and I thought you weren't a Queer. 11. If you just realized that you laughed at some person calling you Queer. 12. If you just stopped laughing because of that last comment...laugh fool! 13. If you didn't realize that when you saw the words fun fact I started insulting you and you just sat there and took it. 14. If you didn't figure out that this was the reason why I didn't tell you my name and that you can go back up and continue reading. 15.If you don't feel like a total dumbass for reading this list and actually understand why YOU FEEL STUPID. Hah now I know I got you. you have no choice but to admit defeat. Put that on your profile if you're feeling pretty dumb right now. This was made by grimstep five...if you post on your profile please note this. Post this up and help GRIM in my quest to overtake the net. So that's all ya'll need to know about me, anything else is either something not pertaining to this website and besides if I told you guys anything else about me I would have to... dispose of you. |
Awesomoisawesome (5) Desaix (20) Dez Guardius (4) EroSlackerMicha (32) | Gadalla Rune (3) L-ement legend (1) Paladeus (15) Rebel Jackson (12) | Reign A.G.E (7) S'TarKan (8) Thundereaper (3) |
Community: | THE Grim konoha of Karakura town |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Naruto |