Author has written 8 stories for Samurai Champloo, and Naruto. Formerly "Inner Poise is Great." After much deliberation, I've left behind my old pen name! I hope this doesn't confuse too many people. Thanks for visiting my profile! I'm really sorry updates are so slow. Life is demanding! But I love writing, and fanfiction is my creative outlet. I used to draw (http:///contributors/spitfire/fanart.html). There are more places that I used to post, under several different user names, so I can't remember where and what I posted! heehee. I'm also slowly getting back into drawing. Please visit my blog if you have time! I'm on tumblr now, as well as LJ--the LJ is more a place to back up my stories, whereas tumblr is just for fun, and another place for me to slowly add new and old artwork. Livejournal: http:/// Tumblr: http:/// Brief About Me: I really, really, REALLY wish I could freestyle rap. I love my reviewers :) and my lovely beta Celia! UPDATE 8 DEC 2015: I am still alive!!!!! I don't know if I'll ever realistically finish AMftS or Homecoming, but I'd like to try and at least finish the drabble set. Major apologies to anyone out there who might be waiting for is beautiful but complicated! |
Angrybee (35) Blue Jeans (91) firefly (68) Goku's Daughter (47) | Hiasobi (67) Like A Dove (81) Linay (15) Niham (29) | Rashaka (167) Sintari (33) starrylaa (19) |