![]() Author has written 5 stories for Naruto, Left 4 Dead, Assassin's Creed, Prototype, House Of The Dead/Zombie Revenge, and Dante's Inferno. AGAIN after a long time I have decided to update my profile after nearly a year. Name: Plague and Roamer (if you really think these are our real names, go to hell you idiot) Age: a number between 1 and 100 Favourite things in general: Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War and expansions (YAY FOR DOW 2) StarCraft (MUST...RESIST...URGE...) Halo Gears of War Megaman (especially the new recent Star Force series) Pokemon Warcraft (not WoW though) Prototype (CONSUME ALL) Demigod Bleach Naruto Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Harry Potter Kingdom Hearts (what? I was a sucker for those Disney shows/movies, and I love crossovers) League of Legends Crossovers with good plot, lots of shooting, fight scenes, crossovers, overpoweredness in fics(is that even a word?), crossovers, and...did i mention crossovers? Favorite characters: Master Chief, Halo Sergeant Avery Johnson (I mean come on! He's a normal marine and he lasts throughout the series! What's NOT to like about that), Halo Marcus Fenix, GoW Warboss Gorgutz 'Ead'unter, DoW (what's not to like about a mean green angry hummie-stomping machine that 'happens' to survive a lot of close calls) Mega Man, Star Force series Naruto Uzumaki, if you don't know which anime, go drown yourself (he seriously needs to drop the orange jumpsuit, it just screams target practice) Ichigo Kurosaki, Bleach (who doesn't like a guy that's power overwhelming, but got no control over it. That, and his name I like STRAWBERRY!) Alex Mercer, Prototype ('I hunt, I kill, I consume, I become' is the BEST possible motto for murderers/avengers I have ever heard!!) HEAVILY disliked characters: Sasuke Uchiha (emo + avenger + duck-butt hairstyle + BLATANT FREAKING FAVORITISM BY KISHIMOTO) Sakura Haruno (do NOT get me started on this friggin' banshee...) Kuchiki Byakuya (actually an ok guy, but i dislike people with sticks up their asses...) Neji Hyuuga (same as above person) Favourite quotes: "Shoot to kill, Shinso." Gin Ichimaru, Bleach (I know his smile is a teensy weensy creepy, but I like the guy in general, and his Zanpaktou is awesome) "Blood...Guts...All part of the job." Marcus Fenix, GoW "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Naruto Uzumaki, if you dont know which anime, go impale yourself on a rusted steel pike "And that's game!" Jaden Yuki, GX "Now I hunt, I kill, I consume, I become." Alex Mercer, Prototype Prototype Shinobi Power Explanation Blood Scent: Alex's sense of smell is able to pick up the smell of blood within a 5 mile radius. Good for chasing fleeing enemies or finding injured people. Dual-wield Offensive Power: This is kinda self-explanatory. Basically Alex can use two offensive powers at the same time. For example, a Blade right arm with a Whipfist left arm. Can allow for great combos in battle. Chameleon Skin: Adapting the biomass in his skin, he can blend into his surroundings like a chameleon. Cannot be used in Disguise or Armored Form. Can shift offensive powers, but will be temporarily revealed as biomass tendrils shift to change his body. Any attacks will cause Chameleon Skin to temporarily deactivate. Chakra System: Self-explanatory, Alex can now actively use Chakra for jutsu or bloodlines he gains through consumption. Tendril Shift: Focusing on a spot within Alex's line of sight, he can dissolve his body into multiple biomass tendrils, which then quickly fly through the air towards the designated spot before reforming into Alex. When reforming, Alex can form an Offensive Power at the same time, making him a deadly opponent. Depending on how far the targeted location is, the travel time can take up to three seconds. Can only target areas within his line of sight, and about fifteen meters radius range. Sonic Screech: Alex is able to emit high pitched sounds from his mouth that have a severe disorienting effect on people, and can cause temporary deafness. Does not distinguish friend from foe, so must be aimed carefully. He can use a variant that can be used for echolocation, but does not have any effect on others. Multiple Disguises: Again kinda self-explanatory. Alex can imprint the biomass of any specific person he has consumed into his memory, allowing him to use that disguise again even after consuming others. There will be a limit as to how many he can commit to memory but I will decide. DNA Absorption: Basically, Alex doesn't need to consume others to gain their memory/disguise. Alex will be able to absorb any body part, including blood or hair, to imprint the DNA memory on himself. He will only gain few and fragmented memories and little biomass, but will be able to copy their form as a disguise. Poisonous Secretions: Alex's blood, if it enters any open wounds, can cause severe pain to opponents. His skin, if direct touch by hostiles is maintained, can cause the muscles close to the point of contact to lock up, making a fight more difficult. Claw and Blade powers can secrete lethal poisons that causes the cells near point of contact to be filled with poison before dying, spreading the poison further into the body. A different version of lethal poison would have no direct effect until it reaches the bloodstream, which it will hitch a ride on until reaching the heart, which will cause the condition of it to deteriorate until it collapses on itself, seeming like a normal heart attack. This type of poison can be secreted at will and kept by Alex for future missions, lacing the target's food with it when the need arises. Acid Cannon: Alex modifies his arm so as to be able to deliver a lethal acid either as a burst or a single ball that explodes on contact. The acid is able to melt flesh and may incapicitate foes. He can also launch larger bursts of acid, launch more acid balls in a single salvo before having to wait for replenishment, or being able to melt other harder materials. This, however, requires more chakra and biomass to put in effect, which results in both chakra drain and lowered regeneration capabilities. Wings: When I FINALLY get around to putting up another Power poll with this included, I will put two options for this. Bat Wings or Avian Wings. Bat Wings extend flaps below his arms while Avian Wings just sprout a pair of wings from his shoulders, like how the wings look like on a stereotypical angel. It's one or the other. Shard Volley: I kinda based it off shuriken rifles from Eldar, WH40k. Basically Alex's right arm shifts into a sort of hand cannon with three hollow chambers, fires bone shards, its pretty much the same as the shuriken rifles, just biological warfare form. Scythe Arms: Think WH40k Scything Talons, or Starcraft Hydralisk arms. The one in my mind looks more similar to Hydralisk arms actually.. Anyway its basically Alex's Blade splitting in half and one side shifting to his left and stuff. Increases the kickass-ness and speed, but not as strong as the Blade due to reduced biomass (and thus more force) in a single arm. Biomass Mist Shield: Think Gaara's sand shield. The 'mist' is a more transparent version of Alex's tendrils that swirls in the air (Tendril Shift biomass form), the tendrils are a bit similar in design but solidifies when hostile attacks are about 10-15 meters around Alex. However, it takes a conscious effort to maintain, so Alex can't parkour, sprint or charge jump with it on. Slightly increases biomass shift speed for offensive/defensive powers too. Link to the League of Legends website: https://?ref=4ad1b1e68d3c7 |