![]() Author has written 12 stories for Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Final Fantasy VII, Harry Potter, Ninja Turtles, Cloverfield, Chronicles of Narnia, and Host. "Life's tough. Get a helmet." Well, hello everyone. My alias is Fin of Land and my real name is Fin (. . . do you believe that?). I am a girl but I'm not a prep . . . I've been writing for a while (I'm just going to say now that my early works kind of make you want to puke) and I've known about fanfiction.net for awhile, too. Soo . . . I absolutely hate anime girls (usually) 'cuz most of the time they're petty little wimps with one talent: screaming for help . . . then the main character has to rescue them etc etc. I also hate the color pink, rap, yaoi, annnd . . . many other things I don't feel like mentioning. Let's see . . . things I do like . . . : elipses (. . . - those), writing, reading, drawing, techno, instrumental music with electric guitars, and SARCASM. Bands like Modest Mouse and Coldplay. Anime like Fullmetal Alchemist, Black Cat, Naruto, Orphen, Death Note, and Last Order (Final Fantasy VII). Characters like Zack Fair, Cloud Strife, Roy, Ed, Boromir, Peter, Edmund, and Auron. Movies like Night at the Museum, War of the Worlds, Day After Tommorow, Cloverfield, and DareDevil. Books like Chronicles of Narnia, The Bartimaeus Trilogy and Twilight. Oh, and I don't care about your fucking OCs. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up . . . adios. -Fin of Land March 15, 2007 I made a trailer for The Black Wave of the Unforgiving. You can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlZ9oaDAloE. Enjoy. Feedback is appreciated. - Fin of Land (sigh) Fine. I admit it. Reviews are worshiped. I check my e-mail not because I want to see if my friends e-mailed me or if Borders Rewards sent me anything (ahh . . . Borders), but because I want to see 'bot' in the subject of one of my e-mails . . . I know, I'm pathetic; but I'm proud of being pathetic. June 15, 2007 Recent Revelations: 1. Cloud has arm hair. 2. CDs are transparent. July 3, 2008 Wow, that's a stretch. Well here's the link to the first episode that the villain in Stalking Shadows appears in just so you can get a taste. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDMY_F7donA And hey! Don't cheat! If you just randomly wandered onto here then read the story first! Thanks! - Fin of Land |