Harketh! 'Tis A Fine Day For Writing Fanfics, Aai? Thanks To Everyone Who Reviewed! Very Much Appreciated! HAIL THE NEW LORD BABY JESUS!
It was what Roy dubbed "One of those nights"; A cold, calm evening in mid December. A moonless sky stretched stoically above, far as the eye could see. Swirls of soft snowflakes had proceeded to fall all throughout the afternoon, and late into the eve. Even though the grey moon was not to be seen, the snow-covered ground glowed magnificently in colors of silver and pastel.
The flame in the fireplace flickered endlessly, and hungrily licked at the coal-colored log. The bright golden light illuminating from the flame danced in the amber eyes of a 3-year-old child as he sat silently on a wooden chair nearby the hearth. In his left hand he clutched tightly to the smooth paper encircling a red crayon. In his lap, he held a crisp sheet of paper, which was entirely blank save for the very center, where he'd carefully outlined the face of a young man with raven hair and dark obsidian eyes.
Eyebrows knitted together in frustration, the child's mouth curved into a scowl as he overlooked the sheet of paper. His cherry lips parted, and he noisily hollered into the next room,
"Woy! I need help!"
A sigh escaped from the mouth of a tall man. Raven locks of hair brushed against pale cheeks as he swiftly jerked his head around. Cold, onyx eyes clashed against warm amber ones as he replied impassively, "What do you want, Edward?"
The child, Edward, was quick to respond. "How d' you spell to?" there was an innocent air to his voice, one which was disregarded by the elder man.
"T-w-o," was Roy's reply, assuming Edward had inquired how to spell the number. There was a moment of silence, before the same innocent voice piped up,
"How d' you spell Merry Cwis'mas?"
Roy contemplated how to answer this, and finally decided upon, "M-e-r-r-y X-m-a-s." Albeit he knew it was inappropriate and considered a taboo way to spell Christmas.
Another bout of silence occurred, and then, "How d' you spell Woy?"
As in my name? Why would he want to know that? Roy thought to himself, but he proceeded to reply, "R-o-y."
More silence. The sound of crayon roughly running across paper sounded. Followed by, "What's th' symbol for lobe?"
Once again, the ebony-haired man blinked in utter confusion. "A heart, I believe,"
There was another moment of silence, though this one lasted much longer than the others. In a tentatively hesitant voice, Edward asked, "How d' you spell Edward?"
"E-d-w-a-r-d," Roy answered without skipping a beat. Now this question was asked frequently, as the children were eager to learn how to correctly spell their names.
A pause ensued, the sound of crayon scratching paper continued. Roy tried to pretend that he didn't care, but deep down he was becoming very curious about what the youngster was up to. He thought it best to keep the question to himself. When Edward felt the need to explain what he was doing, he would tell him. Until then, Roy would be patient.
It took naught but a minute for Edward to finish. The sound of bare feet padding against tiled floors echoed softly off the walls as the child ran quickly –yet cautiously- into the room Roy was occupying.
Without a word, Edward trotted over to Roy and shoved his sheet of paper into the older mans' hands. He gave his surrogate Father an angelic smile, before silently leaving the room to retire to his bedroom.
Roy watched him go, feeling very perplexed. His eyes trailed down to the paper Edward had given him, and he slowly began to decipher the messy child's scrawl written upon it.
His lips curved into a large grin, obsidian eyes shining with endearment and delight.
Carefully written on the crisp paper was the words;
Two Roy
Merry X-mas!
A small doodle of a black-haired man took up most of the space in the center.
And, at the bottom left corner, a large red heart had been lovingly drawn.
Bless! Dear Little Edward Has Made His First Christmas Card For Roy! HOW TOUCHING! Go Ahead, Mock It, Burn It, Call It Sap…I Like It, And That's All That Matters. Because My Happiness Comes Before Yours. Remember That! XD
(This Is Based On A True Story, Though It Took Place On Valentines Day Instead Of Christmas. My Toddler-Aged Cousin Ethan Gave Me An Adorable Little Valentines Card, And Had Lovingly Written "To –My Name-, Love Ethan" In It, Accompanied By Several Pink And Red Hearts. I Still Have It In My Room Somewhere.)