Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Hello all! This is Dark with a bit of an update... (05-18-2016) I now have account on AO3 under Nephila. Only a couple of my older fics are posted there at this time, but if anyone wants to get in contact with me you can find me there. Ta all!!! *love and cuddles* Fics I'm working on: It's Just the Beginning - The Labyrinth (Jareth/Sara) Multi chapter -- working on multiple chapters of this fic. Most of chapter 1 is done, same with chapter 2. Chapter 3 is done... I think, and chapter 4 is only a few thousand words in. This is the largest fic I have ever worked on though I'm not sure where I'm going with it. I never really planned that far, but I've decided that I really should round out my plot and figure out how I want it to end. I'm putting a lot into it. I own multiple Brian Froud book's so faeries, goblins, fae, and any number of other creatures referenced by Froud in his works could be mentioned in this fic. I might give specific creatures names, but everything in this fic will have been dreamed up in the amazing mind of Brian Froud. Not Named - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Wonka/Charlie) Multi Chapter -- chapter 1 is done, chapter 2 is being bulked up, and chapter 3 is in the works. Fierce - Harry Potter (Salazar/Harry) Multi Chapter, Multi fic -- chapter 1 is done, but I haven't gone back through and done any editing I decide needs to be done, working on chapter 2 Wife Swap - Harry Potter (Voldemort/Harry) Multi chapter -- I really want to like this fic, but chapters are really short and I'm not sure how to make them any longer. We'll see if it works itself out. Chapter 1 and 2 are done. Working on chapter 3 Not Named - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Kili) Multi chapter -- working on chapter 1... it's not going well Family Planning - Twilight/Harry Potter (Jasper/Harry) One Shot technically but there are more chapters I plan to write for this -- Chapter 1 had been posted and removed. It's still complete but I've written another chapter to go with it and am slowly working on a third chapter. Never To Love Again - Twilight/Dracula Untold (Jasper/Vlad) Multi chapter -- Working on chapter 2. About half way through it and I'm stuck. This fic will have quite a bit about landmarks and history in the next couple of chapters, so research needs to be done... I hate research. It's like the bane of my existence. So this is kind of at a stand still until I get my ass in gear. Ugh! I have decided to remove this fic from ffn until I start working on it again. I don't like that there is just this really sad, really short chapter just sitting there and I have no plans at this time to work on it. Eventually it will be back up, but I don't know when exactly, I'm sorry. Not Named - Harry Potter/Pokemon (Harry/N) Multi Chapter -- Chapter 1 and 2 are done but I need to go through them again. Working on chapter 3... sorta... Not Named - K-pop VIXX (N/Leo) One Shot coffee shop AU -- not quite sure what I'm doing with this yet... but I have a vague idea of what I want to happen... ish... Your Words Leave Me Scarred - K-pop VIXX (no pair) I have this fic mostly planned out. I know there will be three chapters. Chapter 1 is done and posted on AO3, and I'm working on chapter 2 (and crying while typing it up). Seriously... this fic is so angsty I can't handle it! |
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