a/n Well it's been almost a year since I hit the complete button on this fic, so I thought this would make an apt future-take for these boys.
Midnight Snack
"Yes, Alice, I'm doing it now." I balanced the phone between my ear and shoulder, and glanced at the clock. As usual Alice didn't trust me to get anything right. "And yes, before you ask, I'm wearing the tight blue jumper with the V-neck."
"Good, Edward won't be able to resist you in that."
"I'm taking him food, not trying to seduce him at work." I added the finishing touches to Edward's lunch. Technically speaking it was more of a midnight snack, since he was doing the night shift in the ER tonight, and in approximately thirty-five minutes it would be our one year anniversary.
"Yeah, right." She laughed down the phone. "Whatever. You need to hurry if you want to make it there for midnight."
"I know." I rolled my eyes, safe in the knowledge that she couldn't see me. "I had plenty of time before you called, so if I'm late then I'm blaming you, Alice." I wrapped everything up in foil, and threw in a couple of cokes, putting everything in a bag and setting it on the side. "Okay, I'm gonna head out now, so I'll talk to you in the morning."
"Make sure you do, I want to hear all the details, Jasper."
"Again, I'm just taking him food." She was still laughing as I ended the call.
The parking lot was full when I got there, typical for a Friday night, and by the time I found a space there was less than five minutes to go until midnight. "Shit." I grabbed the food from the passenger seat, hurriedly locked the car, and headed for the entrance to the ER. Not that it really mattered if I made it there by twelve o'clock, because we'd made plans to celebrate our anniversary later with a nice meal and champagne. But ever since Edward found out he'd have to work tonight in order to get the Saturday and Sunday off, I'd had this idea in my head that I wanted to surprise him at work.
I'd barely stepped foot through the door before Cassie, one of the ER nurses, grabbed my arm and pulled me through the next set of double doors and over to the nurses' station. "Jasper, honey, what're you doing here at this time of night?" She grinned as she eyed me from head to toe. "On second thoughts, I think I might have a good idea."
There were two other nurses behind the desk and they both had the exact same look on their faces. Honestly, they were as bad as Alice.
"I'm just bringing him something to eat."
Cassie reached out and flicked my chest where my jumper pulled tight. "Dressed like this? Please, that's a booty call if ever I saw one." I felt my face flush, and she laughed, ruffling my hair. "Besides, a little bird told me that it's your anniversary soon."
There was a clock up on the wall behind her, and I couldn't help but smile when I saw it was exactly midnight. "It's today actually. Can you put out a call for him?"
"No need." Cassie pointed behind me, and when I turned around, Edward was walking towards us. He was in his scrubs of course, which I'd seen hundreds of times, but there was just something really hot about seeing him wearing them at work. His hair was a mess, as though he'd already had his hands in it, and it reminded me of how he looked after sex. The thought sent a chill down my spine, and I shifted in place, hoping no-one noticed the way my pants had suddenly got a little tighter.
Edward hadn't seen me yet, his gaze intent on the notes in his hand, and a weary expression marred his handsome features. He'd almost reached us when Cassie cleared her throat loudly, making Edward's head snap up.
"Hey." A huge smile lit up his face when he saw me, and I grinned back, a familiar warmth filling my chest. "What are you doing here, at"—he glanced at the clock on the wall, and recognition sparked in his eyes—"ahh…." He winked at the nurses and placed his notes on the desk. "If you ladies will excuse us for a moment, I think I'll take my break now. I'll be in the on-call room if anyone should desperately need me."
He reached out to grab my hand, but paused, raising an eyebrow as he noticed the large brown bag I was holding. "You brought me food too, Jasper?" The nurses didn't bother to contain their laughter, or knowing looks.
I shot them a glare before turning back to Edward, trying not to react when his gaze swept over me and lingered on the slight bulge in my trousers. "Yeah, thought you might be hungry."
He smirked at me, raising his arms above his head in a show of stretching out his aching muscles. The hem of his scrub top lifted up just enough to show off a thin strip of skin—the dark hair on his belly made my mouth water. My fist clenched tight around the bag, the paper crinkling loudly in the sudden silence of the corridor. Edward laughed softly, knowing exactly what he'd done, and not caring in the slightest. Cassie was right; this was so going to end up as a booty call.
I raised the bag slightly and gave it a small shake. "Can I tempt you with something to eat, Dr Cullen?" His eyes darkened immediately—like they always did when I called him that. Yeah, two could play at that game. It also had the same effect on me, and I subtly lowered the bag down in front of me. Or maybe not so subtly, judging by the soft sniggers from the nurses.
"Oh for God's sake," Cassie said, fanning her hand in front of her face. "Go take your break; I can't handle the sexual tension any longer." She made shooing motions with her fingers, and Edward took the hint, grabbing my hand and laughing as he dragged me away.
My cheeks felt warm from where I was obviously blushing, but thankfully we didn't pass anyone else on the way to the on-call room. Edward pulled me inside and flicked on the small table lamp. It provided just enough muted light to see by, and I quickly placed the bag of food on the narrow bed by the wall. As soon as he closed the door behind us, I had him backed up against it.
"Happy Anniversary," I whispered against his lips, kissing him softly before he had a chance to reply. He tasted of coffee and mint. I chased the flavor with my tongue, moaning into his mouth as his hands slid over my hips and pulled me close. I'd been half-hard before we'd even got in there, and with Edward's firm body pressed against me, it didn't take long until I was straining against my jeans.
There was a hint of stubble along Edwards jaw. It felt rough under my hands as I cupped his face, and my lips tingled where it rubbed as he deepened the kiss. It was quiet in the room, each moan and whimper sounding loud and harsh in the silence. I pulled back, a little breathless, and grinned when Edward rolled his hips and I felt his cock hard against my stomach.
"I wasn't expecting to see you tonight." He leaned forward, kissing the side of my neck. I felt the sharp sting of teeth as he nipped at the skin there, followed by the soothing lap of his tongue.
"Disappointed?" I asked, tilting my head to the side, and closing my eyes.
He laughed, and his warm breath ghosted over the damp spots he'd created. "Fuck, no." He nudged his hips forward again, as if to prove his point. "Do I feel disappointed to you?"
"No." I slid a hand down in between us, and palmed him through his scrubs. "You seem very pleased to see me." Edward barked out a laugh, resting his head in the crook of my neck, as his shoulders shook. "Fuck, sorry, that was so cheesy," I mumbled, shaking my head and laughing with him. I pinched the inside of his thigh making him yelp. "But come on, it's past midnight, I'm not at my best."
I still had my hand on his cock. I squeezed gently, and his laughter quickly turned into a strangled moan when I traced my thumb over the head. I glanced down, shifting my fingers out of the way to get a good look at him. There was already a wet patch forming on the pale blue of his scrubs, and I pressed against the material, watching as it darkened further.
"Jasper…" Edward pushed into my hand. He lifted his head just enough to look down as he flexed his hips again. "We don't have long."
"Yeah, okay." In the heat of the moment I'd forgotten where we were, and that we didn't really have the luxury of taking our time. I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of his scrubs, tugging them and his underwear down to his thighs. "Better make this quick then." I dropped to my knees, grinning at the soft thump of Edward's head against the door.
I usually liked to take my time sucking his cock; licking along the head and teasing him with my tongue until he begged for more. But there was no time for that now—it needed to be quick and dirty. With that in mind, I wrapped my hand around the base and drew him into my mouth.
"Fuck…" Edward hissed. His hips jerked forward, pushing his cock into my throat. "Sorry, sorry…" He went to pull back, but I grabbed his hips and stopped him. I loved the weight of him on my tongue, filling my mouth, and the last thing I wanted was for him to pull out. He was staring down at me when I Iooked up, his lips parted and an awed expression on his face. I moaned around him, never breaking eye contact, and he bit his lip. "Jesus, Jasper." His hips stuttered, little abortive movements as he tried to stop himself from fucking into my mouth.
But fuck, that was exactly what I wanted. I reached for one of his hands, guiding his fingers until they were buried in my hair, and moaned again as he quickly got the idea. With both hands now fisted in my hair, he slowly rocked his hips, sliding his cock in and out of my mouth. He was leaking precome, the salty, musky taste of it was thick on my tongue and in the back of my throat, and I felt an answering wetness in my boxer briefs.
"Close." Edward breathed, his grip on my hair almost painful now.
I hollowed out my cheeks, using my tongue to pull him over the edge, and he came with a hissed curse as I swallowed it down.
I let him slip from my mouth and rested my head against his thigh. My throat was a little raw, but I was so desperate to come, that I barely noticed. I shifted slightly, trying to ease the ache, and then Edwards's hands were hooking under my arms and pulling my upright.
"Come here." He pulled me close, tugged his scrubs up a little, and quickly undid the button on my jeans.
"Not gonna take long," I said, laughing softly as he slid the zipper down and slipped his hand inside.
"So I see." I felt his smile against the side of my neck as he watched his hand wrap around me. His skin was warm and surprisingly soft—doctor's hands needed to be soft, he always insisted—and it felt so fucking good. He stroked up and down, collecting the slick wetness at the head and using it to ease the slide of his hand.
I could already feel my balls tightening, the hot curl of pleasure licking up my spine, and I thrust into his fist, again and again.
"Come on, Jasper," he urged, twisting his wrist with every pull.
"Fuck." I muttered, biting back a moan as I spilled messily all over the front of his scrubs. "Shit, shit." I stepped back, trying not to laugh as I looked at the wet stain now covering a good portion of them. "Um… sorry?"
"Yeah, you look it." Edward raised his eyebrows and plucked the material away from his skin with a grimace. "Fortunately I know there's a spare pair in here."
"Well, in that case, I'm so not sorry." I grinned against his lips as I kissed him. "I love you."
"I love you, too. Happy Anniversary, Jasper." He carefully tucked me back inside my underwear and fastened my jeans. "And I know we're celebrating later, but this was perfect. Thank you."
"You're welcome." I kissed him again, before sitting down on the bed and watching while he swapped his dirty scrubs for a clean pair.
"Now," he said, eyeing the food I'd brought and licking his lips. "Show me what's in the bag, I'm starving."
A/N If you enjoy my stories, you might be interested to know I have an m/m shifter story, The Choosing, due to be released through Dreamspinner Press on Oct 18th under the penname Annabelle Jacobs. This is the pre-order link, if you want to take a look at the blurb. www dot dreamspinnerpress dot com and search for Annabelle Jacobs (remove spaces and replace with actual dots, obv, lol)
If you feel so inclined you can also follow me on FB – Annabelle Jacobs Fiction, and Twitter - AJacobs_fiction
Thank you for reading, and as ever, I would love to know your thoughts