Author has written 5 stories for Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Pitch Black / Riddick, Alice in Wonderland, 2010, Hellsing, and Alice in Wonderland. Well, I've been on a terribly long hiatus and would like to thank all you readers who have been patiently waiting for updates. I finally have opportunity to begin writing again and plan to do so. I will be re-reading through my published stories, and some of them may undergo some needed renovations. I find myself reading some of my earlier stories and finding myself dissatisfied with tone, direction, and the fundamental composition; as I have since grown in some measure in the quality of my writing when compared to the stories I first published upon joining this website. When any story is to be revamped I shall clearly indicate such, so that any who had previously read the story are aware and may choose to read the adjusted content. Thank you all once again for your support, and as always, I hope you enjoy the novice ramblings of my brain. |