Reviews for Project Wanderer
Guest chapter 23 . 4/24/2019
Good good
Pint-sized She-Bear chapter 37 . 4/17/2019
best deacon/nora fic I've run across and I'm so glad it isn't over yet
nafara chapter 37 . 8/13/2018
Dude I just found this, this is so f-ing awesome! Unfortunately it seems It's been discontinued...
Well if you ever want to update I'll read it!
Signal-K chapter 37 . 7/15/2018
This story has been my favourite source of entertainment lately. It has been so long since I've read a story that has been on my mind throughout the day. I just could never wait to have WiFi again to finish it. I do hope you one day return to this. It's beautifully written and I love the flashbacks, they add a lot to the story. Also Deacon and Nora's partnership is just so cute, I cannot deal
PUFFA chapter 37 . 6/20/2018
very well-written and engaging, and i eagerly anticipate when you will hopefully return to this story
Guest chapter 37 . 6/13/2018
Awesome story. Wish you'd update it.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/13/2018
"He's going after some deflected scientist." (deflected should be defected)
DarkSilverShadow chapter 37 . 3/24/2018
This is a DELICIOUSLY slow burn, and I absolutely LOVE it. Every time they get close, like in the library when the super mutants were attacking, and “her breath tickles his neck”, I can’t help but squeal. Eagerly awaiting the continuation of this story and the continued blossoming of their relationship and discovery of their true feelings for each other.
Byroad3 chapter 37 . 12/7/2017
I found this story 24 hours ago and haven't stopped binge reading it! I hope you're still writing it, I'm dying to read more.
scarletXshad0w chapter 37 . 8/30/2017
Uh oh this is gonna be rough. Shaun seems to know a lot more and have a good deal of development past what was shown in the game in this fic, it'd make sense for him to keep an eye on her I just wasn't expecting a bug or listening device on her person, he's pretty crafty. I wonder how Deacons gonna react 0-0'
Fairyhaven13 chapter 37 . 8/29/2017
What. What. No. Noooooooooo Shaun will be all "you betrayed me" and Nora will be too conflicted like she's been this whole story to lay down the law on her son, I hope she can work it out but I don't know if she will, this suuuuucks, either they're going to all work it out like a happy family next chapter or Deacon and Nora will part ways in a heartbreaking trustbreaking moment and I really hope that doesn't happen because there's been too much of that, they're each other's rocks, especially with Dez's dumb "you are the Institute" crap!" Please please please let this work out, I want them all to be okay and we're already almost at 40 chapters, can't something go right for once...
Mandor chapter 37 . 8/26/2017
dun Dun DUN!

Well, yeah probably had to happen sooner or later. Shaun is no fool. He can be a crotchety curmudgeon in the game but he is also a scientist used to looking for patterns of data abd anomolies, and he's recently been coached in keeping an open mind.

He's probably not going to be happy with Nora, especially if he does the math on Ayo, but hopefully he understands. He certaintly didn't seem to like Ayo one bit either, and he can be pragmatic.

Just holding my breath for next update because this is the kind of conversation that COULD end with Banished From The Institute. I dont think it will... i hope not... but feels like there's a nonzero chance.
Detective Sora Skye chapter 36 . 8/22/2017
I have to say you are doing an amazing job, and I just realized that I haven't left a review for a while. Thats my fault, I have been keeping up with the story but I usually read it on my Ipod and I only feel comfortable leaving reviews when using my laptop. This story has me at the edge of my seat all of the time.

I also wanted to point something out, I loved that interaction between Deacon and Nora, its those moments that I enjoy. Having Nora slowly but surely take down the walls around Deacon and show him something that is nonexistant in the wasteland, trusting in others. And as she does that Deacon is falling even more in love with the Pre-War Lawyer/Attorney.

Fantastic work as always, Pinoko. :)
Fairyhaven13 chapter 36 . 8/10/2017
This story is really cute and sweet and I can't wait to see how it ends. It breaks my heart how sad Deacon is over the "loss" of his partner and I really really hope that Dez will learn to trust Nora so that they can be happy again-then she'll just have to deal with the relationship with Shaun, but I've seen how that goes worst-case in game, so surely I'll be more prepared for that... I'm far more attached to Deacon anyway, so mostly I just want the sweet sad liar to be happy. I'm more of a fan of the Everyone-Lives-But-the-Institute ending myself, but you've done well so far, I'll probably like how you end this anyway. Great job so far!
Mandor chapter 36 . 8/5/2017
Updates, Yay! The feels for Deacon and Nora. :)

It should be an interesting meeting with Dez. I'm also curious where exactly they choose to meet. The Church is the most secure place they've got, BUT, it would be MADNESS to bring (from Dez Carrington's view) a possible institute plant straight to HQ. But they will need someplace they think is safe from the Watchers, and also not full of raiders or muties, or just over-curious passers-by. I guess we'll find out.

The Brotherhood ... is just a damn shame. I really wonder what they could have been if Sarah Lyons hadn't been removed from the equation, but that is Bethesda for you. Everything must be morally gray. Hopefully a few of their nicer folks survive, but ... as they say, in war people die. Good, Bad, Neutral, war plays no favorites.
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