Author has written 81 stories for Inuyasha, Gundam Seed, Fullmetal Alchemist, Yu-Gi-Oh, Bleach, Discworld, Tsubasa Chronicle, Doctor Who, Twilight, xxxHOLiC, Card Captor Sakura, Air Gear, Sandman, Torchwood, Portal, Supernatural, Thor, Elementary, Avengers, Good Omens, Pacific Rim, Sherlock Holmes, Hansel & Gretel, Sherlock, Inception, and Modern Faerie Tales. Greetings! I'm White Butterfly, member of this site. However, I usually sign myself as Grassangel, as that is my usual username. I am in my twenties, female, a New Zealander, and a fangirl.
Favourite Book (currently): The Missy Chronicles Disclaimer: Blanket permission You may read my blanket permission statement in full at AO3, however the short version is that I do give permission for podfic and translations of my fanfiction to be made as long as I am informed as to where they are located and that appropriate links back are made. A note on my rating system I use the New Zealand Censorship rating system which (in order of lowest to highest) goes: |
Aishuu (41) Almaron (13) Cella N (74) debbiechan (100) Elizabeth Culmer (108) | incandescens (301) nebroadwe (89) NessieGG (104) ObscureAnimeWriter (12) ooo-000-c (0) | Sexysaxist (17) Sophia Prester (34) Tsubame Ongaku (22) Zooie (27) |