Reviews for Patchwork
Guest chapter 1 . 9/13
It hits you more when you know Neji actually dies in canon.
freakin'love-sesshourin chapter 1 . 3/18/2019
Nooo! You made me cry! At first it was really sweet and mysteriously romantic and then you kill Neji! And the ending sentences killed me as well. How could you?! I'm still going to add to my faves because it was so well written but it does break my heart.
wondertwinkies chapter 1 . 8/9/2016
You had me crying like a baby, dammit. I swear I even wailed. I'm such a baby. This is beautiful.
Ravengal101 chapter 1 . 7/5/2016
This is such a cute concept. Beautiful story too. I would honestly do this in real life.
Ijustloveanimex chapter 1 . 7/2/2016
And I'm crying. This is beautiful
purpleprincess1147 chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
The feeeeeeeeeels T~T
Guest chapter 1 . 6/5/2015
*hiccup* *blinkblink*

*BAWLS* So sweet! And sad... Wish it was longer, especially the part about the fireflies. So much sentimental and beautiful imagery in such a short piece though. Lovely job!
Dancing Peony chapter 1 . 8/29/2014
As soon as I read the summary, I had a gist that it had something to do with a quilt. It was confirmed once I started reading. And my god, this story was beautiful. I cried a little when Guy died, and did so when others passed along the way.

Though the ending was circling around death, it was so... I don't have the word for it, but it definitely wasn't a depressing-sad. I felt the ending was perfect, in a ninja way.

Thank you for writing!
PotatoLizard chapter 1 . 8/28/2014
I thought this was going to be a HAPPY or at least not a goddamn sad fic but NOOOO YOU HAD TO HAVE MY TEARS, DIDN'T YOU!
Godammit, man. It was a good fic, but goddamn.
My Yellow Dragon chapter 1 . 6/16/2014
You want to make me cry I was looking for something cute not a reason for me to go to therapy.
But it was really great!
sasuke140 chapter 1 . 3/3/2014
I cried so hard, loved it.
Team Gai chapter 1 . 7/12/2013
I read this story almost all the time. It's so heartwarming and sad. You are truly gifted Nessie-Dono. :)
neji tenten chapter 1 . 5/17/2013
Ohhh... This was so sweet! :)
floating on clouds above chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
Amazing. :)
emachookie chapter 1 . 2/3/2013
I knew it was a quilt. I've never seen one but it has some great feeling about it. When you add together memories and different backgrounds, forming a warm blanket of love. The emotions in this piece is so strong. The feelings of life and all the threads and the knots that make it up. I just can't express it. This probably is one of the best nejiten fics I have ever read.
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