Title: [undefined]
Series: Pacific Rim
Character/Pairing: Mako Mori & Raleigh Beckett
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Theme/Prompt: 4. i don't know what the fuck true love even is but i do want to hang out with you for basically the rest of my life. (let's hang out - TO THE DEATH)
Wordcount: 105
Dedication: For mimins
Raleigh doesn't think he's got the right word, in any language, for this thing between them, the desire he has to hold Mako in his arms or to have his head in her lap, just to simply be in the same space as her. He thinks Mako feels the same way.
If she had a word for it, Mako would be terrified of what she feels when she's with Raleigh. But she doesn't, so instead she wishes it could last forever.
After they drift there's still a lacuna between them, a feeling that neither of them can name, but know they will both always share.