Title: A promise made on pearls
Style: Drabble
Genre: General, pre-fluff
Rating: So G it'll make your teeth hurt
Theme: November 9 2006, scattered pearls
"It's pretty isn't it?"
An eight year old Sakura rocked back and forth on her heels as her best friend looked at the thing in front of him.
He hummed and shrugged non-committedly.
"I was my father's gift to my mother. He gathered up all the pearls in the kingdom and made them into this. Mother then gave it to me."
She smiled. "When I'm to get married, my husband is to do the same. Brother will break the necklace into pieces and scatter the pearls throughout the kingdom."
"Sound like a lot of trouble." Syaoran redirected his look towards the princess.
"Brother says it's to make sure I don't get married to a good for nothing, but I want to get married to whoever I love. I still think the pearls are pretty though."
She picked up the necklace and held it over her collarbone as if she really were wearing it. She twirled around, giggling.
"Doesn't it look so pretty?"
She twirled to a stop in front of him.
"I guess... I don't see what's so special about them though. I've been to places where every lady's got one of those."
"Syaoran! You don't get it! My father specially looked throughout the kingdom for these pearls. It meant he truly loved her and would do anything for her! And besides," she smiled again, "you'd do the same for me wouldn't you?" She looked at him, the pearls glowing and her green eyes sparkling.
"Yes," he said after a moment's hesitation, "I would gladly retrieve anything you had lost, Princess."
"I thought I told you to call me Sakura!" The princess of the land of Clow tried to convince her playmate yet again to be more familiar, setting the necklace down in order to chase him down.
The pink pearls glowed in ambient light, a promise made.